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I would like to study that code - wold you like to put that code on github or can you link to any similar example? Thank you very much!

Please explain how "the market" does set a price.

Please do not do that in a symbolic, abstract way, please describe based on facts who writes a number into a computer that will be the price.

How does this happen?

Do you believe that there is a mythical "market" entity that "creates prices"?

Then please explain how it works. Thanks!

> please describe based on facts who writes a number into a computer that will be the price.

The person selling the goods, with a limited but sole-focused understanding of the competitors, stock coming in, stock going out, and forecasting does the best job he can to set the price that maximizes his individual profits

Is your comment based on experience with Elixir? How long did you work with Elixir professionally?

I guess you have some fundamental experience with Elixir, as you would not post some comment here if not?

Yes, that's the point.

Seriously i will not choose JS today if i have.a very specific requirements for choosing Elixir or Python (or any other stacks here).

In reality, people choose the stack they're get used to. But it's their limited ability to see JS strength to solve their issue in first place. It's not informed choice.

At the very end of the day, I think some people just don't like JavaScript.

At the risk of speaking for people other than myself, a lot of people don't want to write code in JS and if they don't have to, they won't. Frameworks/tools like Phoenix and HTMX or the fact that many languages can compile to javascript/wasm mirrors this opinion

This information is wrong. Please give an URL to the service you are writing about to prove that it is right, thanks.

It is not wrong. I pay it every month.


The enterprise plan.

From what I read they have a limit of 5TB per user. What region are you in? Could you provide an archive link or something to prove it?

Will it show Ubuntu Pro advertisements in the display of my product in real-time?

You need to add some sources to your words so people can take you seriously.

If you just write something it does not qualify as "truth" just because it is written by you, you know?

They even invented a feature that can be used in every web browser today - it is called "URL" and is used to help you give users a quick method to read the "source of truth" that your words are based on.

Just use it and your words will have more power - it is like magic!


If you don't know the definition of a real time system, look it up. Asking for sources on this is just lazy.

Google could protect privacy very easy by letting me filter app in the app store by capabilities. I can not just see apps that do not X or Y. Whole app store is still a great malware distribution project - horrible. Managers responsible for that mess should go to jail for twenty years.

This is an industry standard brain wash technique that is used in many products.

Just yesterday I actually had time to read that new Apple "Privacy" Statement that pops up on a Mac for some reason since a few weeks and they put a blunt lie on top about how "private" their service is and just a few lines later they tell you that they grab actually all your private data.

Every EU website now pops up a "privacy statement" where they actually tell you that they DO NOT respect your privacy.

I am sure there is a technical term for that, I would simply describe it as "producing cognitive dissonance in the most obvious way and make it look fine".

It took already an enormous effort to get all these companies to actually have to report about their abuse of your private data, in EU even make users agree.

However, it did not change anything - most companies still break your privacy even with more fun doing it, as you agreed.

A terrible and wasteful development of modern primitive capitalism.

BTW George Orwell of course predicted it very well.

You forgot to mention a better source - please be constructive, thanks.

What are you using to do that? Thanks!

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