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Anyone know a place it can be watched? Just checked all my subscriptions and came up dry :/

This looks really slick! Quick question for you: the site mentions that other engines are planned. I'm curious what those might be. I would guess something like directly interfacing with containerd or kata, but would love to know more. If I could request one, it would be to directly use systemd, since it now covers all the necessary features to run containers quite nicely.

You Germans really have it figured out. Social market economy is a great and well proven system. It's a pity that my fellow Americans conflate it with socialism, which is one of the few things that would be worse than what we have now.

Since when did Broadcom provide those?

Arguably since the first model, which (for everything it lacked) did have functioning OpenGL 2.0-compliant drivers.

My memory is fuzzy, but I recall that some models had very limited hardware acceleration support in the driver stack for things like video codecs, OpenCL, and Vulcan, unless you used the official kernel with the Broadcom blob. I never liked running that due to bloat and the age of the kernel/Debian they ship. All that combined with the performance of the SOC compared to its peers from Rockchip/Mediatek/Samsung and lack of eMMC support pretty much drove me away from Raspberry Pi devices in favor of Radxa and ODROID boards.

Not quite. It has some incompatible default settings, and is missing a small percentage of obscure bash features that I sometimes like to rely on. I'm sure I could do it all with zsh just fine, but it would be more work for me mentally.

Incompatible with what? Which obscure features? I can’t actually name them either

It's been several years since I've dug into it and implemented the features I cared about for my personal shell in bash, but I recall that implementing a function to determine if an item exists in an array is significantly shorter and easier in bash 5 due to a feature that is not present in zsh. Probably too obscure for most people to care about, but at the time I was maintaining some rather preposterous bash glue code that relied on that, and compensating for zsh on some people's machines was tedious.

> One can dream of a future where perhaps it will be possible to write a function, library, or program in any language one chooses and call it from any other shell or language without swig or ceremony.

That's a neat idea, and sounds like something that could be built on graalvm.

The quality of our education has fallen in addition to the rising costs.

>The quality of our education has fallen in addition to the rising costs.

Maybe as an average because more people are being educated, but I find it hard to believe that our top students now are any less educated than the top students in the past.

Our top students today may very well be less educated than their counterparts from the 1960s be because grade inflation has increased significantly and therefore our top students are not challenged as much.

Similarly, it’s possible that grade inflation increased competition and has forced top students to challenge themselves more.

Both perspectives reveal more about the speaker than the reality.

A giant sloth escaping would be roughly equivalent to a moose or elephant escaping. They are very large and could be quite destructive before capture or killing.

My mother was recently cataloging some very small pots from an archaeological dig. I sent her with my nice camera, a prime lens, some macro adapters, and an adapter that would let her mount the body to the eyepiece of a microscope. The detail she was able to capture with the prime and macro adapters so vastly exceeded the capabilities of the university microscope that she decided to just use the camera, which had the additional advantage of having focus stacking to compensate for the shallow depth of field.

I would expect that this setup would work pretty well for a bench microscope setup if the camera can output video and isn't too big to mount on a tabletop tripod. Rather a lot can be done with crop zoom if you can get the focal length and lighting right.

It was the first CGI music video done by the folks that would do the first CGI TV show. I still have a soft spot for Reboot from my childhood

Reboot has been posted to youtube[1] and twitch according to the notes on that YT page.

In a reddit post on the above[2], I came across information that there is an 8-part documentary[3] on Reboot coming out from September 24th, along with a remaster of the series soon.[4]

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyKRWU_Bdvk [country restricted]

2. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1fcew8l/reboot_the_...

3. https://www.youtube.com/@ReBootRewindDoc/videos

4. https://www.reddit.com/r/ReBoot/comments/1f2ltql/the_d1_deck...

That documentary sounds great, thanks! I hope they cover the remastering process, as I expect the challenges of using 90s 3D data formats on modern computers are nothing to sneeze at.

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