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The UX is much snappier:

> We didn't do anything interesting with the AI here. What's interesting is the experience we built around it.

> I'm trying to take my expertise in building really good, really performant applications in a local-first way for the web and apply it to make other apps that deserve this type of treatment feel better.

> Chat is saying that this is pure UX. Absolutely! The goal here is to make make the user experience as good as possible not because those 5 seconds matter a whole lot but because the actual experience matters a lot. You should feel good when you're going around these apps navigating and doing things.

Much more detail in video announcement: https://youloop.leftium.com/?v=bIr7NtNRDmE&a=519&b=551

Some highlights from my post in a lengthy discussion about adding bookmarks to Kagi: https://kagifeedback.org/d/1560-bookmarks/39

bookmarks are notes that say "this URL is important or useful."

- often I want to add more notes

- adding text content of url to bookmark as note would help find bookmark later (and preserve content)

both bangs and bookmarks provide shortcuts for launching a particular URL

- bangs are just a special case of bookmarks that adds a trigger and/or query parameter(s).

I often want to attach notes/urls to tasks as I work on them.

- tasks will simply be notes with a due date and/or priority

- it will be simple to convert between bookmarks, notes, tasks, and bangs (they are almost identical)

bookmarks can be a todo-list of items...

- to read later

- to check when searching for something

- to do when following a (daily) routine


Also, I recently learned Google offers a bookmarking service: https://lifehacker.com/tech/google-has-a-secret-bookmarks-fe...

I have not tried Gmvault, but I have tried two other backup solutions.

I recommend [GYB]:

- I have successfully migrated a 10+ GB gmail account to another account.

- There were a few emails that could not be restored, but I think this is a limitation of the Gmail API: it does not allow an email to be restored if it thinks it contains malicious content.

- There was also a large swath of emails that were restored with the wrong date (date of restoration instead of actual email date.) This was a little annoying and hopefully can be fixed later.

- Downsides: complicated installation and no simple way to view/search through emails.

[MailStore] is good for archiving emails (but not restoring them):

- Lacks one crucial feature: resume restore. A 10GB+ restore never works to completion on the first try, and mailstore must start over every time. So I never got it to successfully restore.

- However, it has a simple UI that allows you to search/view your emails.

[GYB]: https://github.com/GAM-team/got-your-back/wiki

[MailStore]: https://www.mailstore.com/en/products/mailstore-home/

I tried signing up for the free trial subscription, and am starting to regret it.

I successfully entered my credit card details (4 times), yet it still says I don't have an active subscription. So besides not being able to try this app, there is also no way to cancel my automatic payments, which starts on Jan 18.

After fixing this onboarding problem, I suggest making it possible to try without giving any personal information. (I expected the video player on the landing page to be functional, but I guess just the note section is.)

Also there are many typos on the site. Like "loged in as"

Please write me an email to n0vella@outlook.com to see what happened. I'm going to check the logs, nothing must be charged to you.

Typos are also my fault as english isn't my mother language, Will check that also.

The OP sorted out the subscription/signup/billing issues.

The main reason I signed up was for a nice way to search through YouTube transcripts. YouTube requires many clicks, and the transcript is jammed into a small div.

Another reason I signed up was because I was curious how the YouTube videos were being embedded. It seems like just via the YouTube API?

You can pull YouTube transcripts directly with a tool like this: https://youtubetranscript.com/

This can be done programmatically with YouTube Transcript API [0]

But you may get IP blocked if you do it a lot so you can use a Tor proxy [1].

Afterwards, you can just cmd/ctrl+f through it or throw it at an LLM.

[0] https://github.com/jdepoix/youtube-transcript-api

[1] https://github.com/rinvii/yt-transcript

I forwarded the email I already sent to support@tubepen.com.

Another typo is "Acess to the entire platform"

Seems like outlook stop receiving emails from cloudflare redirection:

upstream (outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com.) temporary error: Unknown error: transient error (451): 4.7.650 The mail server [] has been temporarily rate limited due to IP reputation

I don't know how to deal with this so right now you can contact me on n0vella@outlook.com


Good luck and congrats on launch.

I'm going to finally build my beat-aware video player. (Along with a musical phrase-guessing game/training tool.)

I already built a quick POC (to see if the tech I want to use is viable): https://youloop.leftium.com/

Several years ago, I built another POC that does beat-tracking. (However it's slightly broken and I accidentally deleted the source code): https://phrasier.leftium.com/


Designing a programming language to speedrun Advent of Code: https://hw.leftium.com/#/item/38255808

> I did not design and implement a programming language for the sole or even primary purpose of leaderboarding on Advent of Code. It just turned out that the programming language I was working on fit the task remarkably well.

-- "betaveros, the guy who won 1st place in Advent of Code every single year since 2019"

Good post, just read it. Just curious, why did you link that site (presumably your own, based on your username?) instead of simply linking Hacker News?

- I find it easier to read (based on https://hackerweb.app/).

- Given hw.leftium.com URL, it simple to find original Hacker News URL.

- Given a Hacker News URL, very unlikely to discover my app.

Automatic Inbox Cleanup with Two Simple Filters/Rules


Actually, you can easily try it without an account: it stores everything locally with a nag/warning that your local browser data can be lost if you don't create an account.

- https://app.affine.pro

- OR click "Get Started" from https://affine.pro

I get a modal that requires me to sign in or make an account, can't seem to bypass that. But I just installed the self-hosted version, it seems to be very heavily notion inspired (as in it seems like the css is just a copy paste with the same icons and general look/feel)

I am genuinely impressed with what I see: Customisable tables, document editing as in notion combined with the drawing features (which I presume are inspired by Miro). The endless canvas / presentation feature reminds me of Prezi (but without transitions). All of this free and open source, really nice!

I did encounter plenty of glitches related to zoom and toolbars disappearing on firefox. As I didn't sign up all the AI integrations are not working; as someone else suggested it would be cool if I can just enter an API key somewhere. I recently tried out excalidraw. Really like the looks and how the arrow snapping works there. Excalidraw is MIT licensed so perhaps you can integrate it?

I think Notion made this "slash command" block editor popular, but the underlying editor most of these editors use is actually TipTap: https://tiptap.dev/docs/examples/experiments/slash-commands

Or perhaps Notion invented the slash commands? Not sure now...


Also: perhaps localstorage doesn't work for you (platform, permissions, browser, etc) so the account seems required.

(I work at Notion)

TipTap came out after Notion slash commands so I’m pretty sure they were inspired by Notion - there are a lot of open source packages implementing Notion UI patterns these days :)

Notion and Affine are actually both custom contenteditable codebases, neither use TipTap/Prosemirror or any other off the shelf framework for rich text editing. Affine implemented their editor using web components which I found interesting. However going your own way an be bumpy, last time I reviewed their code it didn’t work well on iOS; these days the website doesn’t let you view the editor unless you’re on desktop but maybe they fixed it.

My advice to anyone who wants to do rich text editors is: use ProseMirror (TipTap or anything on top seems fine too), DO NOT use Slate. Slate doesn’t work well on Android!!

To decide if it's worth investing in a lifetime deal for https://pockethost.io, I'm trying out PocketBase/PocketHost.

I just finished https://github.com/Leftium/spock-stack-spa-starter

Next, I'll take this new "Spock" stack and try rewriting my HN client https://hw.leftium.com/

I'm planning some new features like keeping track of unread posts, which are marked read as you scroll.

Perhaps submit it to the Svelte Hackathon: https://hack.sveltesociety.dev

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