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As someone starting out, would it be beneficial to learn flutter or go the kotlin way?

What are you starting out on? Kotlin has more web presence, but is pretty much Android-only on the mobile app side. Flutter is theoretically crossplatform with relatively low serverside mindshare.

I think kotlin is mostly used for android development and is a programming language. Flutter is mostly with cross platform development. It uses dart as programing language which is very easy and fast to learn.

There was lot of memory leak when used as the storage for prometheus for our kubernetes cluster. we ditched it after trying various versions.

Is there any resources you could point to learn more about how to use this async programming with?

Thanks for the links. But they are not clickable :)


Any way to preserve this workaround's functionality beyond 24 hours?

Works like a charm!


Haha. Naa. Same here. No wonder colouring books sells like crazy.

Just curious, Is there any blog or article mentioning this tidbit about TJ Holowaychuk.I would love to read that.

Is the source code open source? It would be a great learning method for me. Thank you.

At the moment the source is not open for the public, I might release it in the future though

What are some best resource for learning node?


This is hands down the best book I read about node. As long as you're already comfortable with JS, this should be more than enough to have you write your own Node apps. Best thing about it: it doesn't limit your to writing node servers like most other intro books. You start seeing node as JS removed away from the browser to a standalone language and not just a way to write javascript web servers.

When I went through it, it was all in es5. So, like I said, if you're comfortable with JS - this shouldn't be a turn-off

$ nvm install 8

This was a great book with practical examples.You get to create hacker news clone.I highly recommend it.

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