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It took me ages to finally find an authoritative reference page for what Martian landscape actually looks like to the human eye.

Funny you should say that... as this all started when I was toying with remaking the game for a modern platform but with its original style.

I got as far as manually upscaling the house, and the LCPs:


heart emoji.

Unless of course, you are left handed, in which case it's mirrored, and hard to follow.

The MPS-801 was a uni-directional printer, with a coil spring to pull the head back to the left hand side. Other than making it slow, it also flew back via the spring and hit the left side with a loud thunk after ever line, which made printing stuff out late at night when everyone else was sleeping, very problematic.

In high school, if needed, I was always able to turn on the charm and talk my way into being able to turn papers in late without penalty, so I was never up late enough printing a paper to disturb anyone. I left my C64 behind when going to college so the MPS-801 never disturbed anyone there either.

Depending on your OS it should just be a matter of starting a webview with the code as the default page and running it full screen. Then a small loop looking for mouse/keyboard events so it knows when to quit.

Have you got a link to the 1000D Magic Lantern firmware? I can't seem to find it on their site. Thanks!

For Chrome:

  chrome.exe --app=https://teams.microsoft.com
you can also add these two for an isolated copy of each Teams instance:


Inline external teams (from other tenants) has been in beta for a while now - last time I heard, they kept having issues with the security model.

At the very least, MS should let us run multiple copies of Teams, one for each tenant. The only way around it right now, is to have the desktop client open and then the web client for a different tenant.

You can switch tenants on the fly without having to "log in" again but it essentially restarts most of the app from scratch every time you switch compared to Slack which essentially treats different workspaces like different tabs.

I think philosophically the cause is that MS 365 and Azure AD are very much built on the idea of having isolated tenants with cross-tenant guests being local copies (the documentation for implementing Azure auth for apps explicitly recommends against mixing tenants) and tenant switching was clearly an afterthought. But there's really no reason not to allow having entirely separate copies of Teams for the different tenants just like you can have multiple copies of Edge signed into different accounts.

On the other I would be wholly unsurprised to learn that there are some obscure data sharing violations happening in the Slack client when you are connected to multiple Slack workspaces and Teams avoids them through rigorous isolation.

Yup, MindAlign was born out of an internal product in UBS called 'Interchange'.

Interchange was a java client, that fundamentally spoke standard IRC to IRC servers, but also used extra external databases to auto-connect users to channels and secure sensitive channels. The client also forced real names (via Active Directory), and was hardcoded to only connect to the UBS IRC servers.

The IRC servers themselves were altered to only allow Interchange clients to connect[1] and to only allow approved bots in channels most of which did full chat logging for compliance purposes.

Interchange was so slow it was nicknamed 'Interchug'.

The IRC server network spanned the UBS WAN network globally, and all staff were encouraged to use it. For the era, no other large banking corporate had anything similar running (officially).

Source: I worked in UBS IT during this period.


[1] Although the more enterprising of us just HEX edited mIRC to report the Interchange client name.

I think Interchange was not originally Java but a NeXTStep application. I am also ex UBS. I don't remember it being slow though.= but then again I might not have used the Java version just NeXTStep and the mIRC hack.

Did you and I ever cross paths ? Wondering now if I know you ;)

Every "team" you make in Teams is a SharePoint site on the backend. Every "channel' under a "team" is a sub-folder on the SharePoint site. Each time you upload files to a "channel" via the "files" tab, it goes into the Documents area on that SharePoint site[1].

The exception for this, is private channels (the ones with little padlocks next to their names). These are created in their own isolated SharePoint site outside of the parent "teams" SharePoint site. It's done this way because the access security around teams/channels is the SharePoint security system. It's a totally nuts way to do it.

Teams is basically built using existing MS technologies in the same way that incorrect LEGO bricks can be forced together if you try hard enough.

I don't think MS have the ability to build an application from ground up anymore.


[1] The one upside of this, is that if you only care about the files held in Teams, you can "Sync" the site to your PC, and it appears as a virtual folder in File Explorer.

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