Whilst this is a good idea, you can already upload images to Instagram without a dedicated Instagram based plugin. All you have to do is change your browser's user-agent to match that of a mobile device and you will be able to see the mobile version of the website.
your method is available as well .we are a startup company and now this is a MVP test that we can foresee what is need or not .thank you for your good reply and i will appreciate it if you have any recommend after use of our extension. could you have a try.
These are just notes coming from a person who's day job is to build websites. The website is clean and nice looking, below however are some points that you could consider to make it look and act a lot better.
1) The responsive aspect of the site seriously needs looking into.
2) Non of the images within the "category" section are centered perfectly within the container. They seem to be off to the bottom-right. Some of the spacing's seem to be off with these too between each category.
3) All websites these days should be using SSL. Might be worth investing in a certificate or using a service such as LetsEncrypt.
4) Update your social icons. A lot of them are using out-of-date icons for the networks. Using a service such as Fontawesome would help you out here.
5) I think the footer navigation menu's would look cleaner if they were left aligned. This is just a personal opinion though.
6) Add a search button. Whilst most have learned that pressing enter works just fine, it's still good practice to add a physical button too.
I'm sure changing some of these points would improve your website a lot!
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