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Some of the engineers in my office developed http://elide.io/ which Is an actively developed Server side Java Json-api library.

Were you using console mode emacs? I use evil+emacs and I use it in its own window instead of on the console for that very reason.

Yes, I live in the console.

I've been using this engine, it's quite nice, and targets all the platforms one might be interested in. It only took a few hours to figure out how to translate some code from love2d.

I have become a huge MOAI fan. I've built a physics game, a generalized data/entry application, a board game, and a few other things (internal projects) and I can't say I ever want to look at Objective-C/Android SDK's again. After deploying my apps on all platforms, I see absolutely no point to fall into the developer-brainshare trap again.

I was working on a game in my spare time, with an eye to eventually release it on XBLIG if I ever finished. This and a number of other niggling things, such as this (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/shawnhar/archive/2010/10/12/xna-game...), have prompted me to basically drop the project and switch over to making a Mac/PC/Linux game instead, focusing on Mac first.

Olympos by Dan Simmons The Players of Null-A by A.E. van Vogt

Another Viper mode heretic here. 10 years of everyday vi (I started with elvis!) and then switching to emacs will do that. I use gtags and doxymacs pretty extensively too.

I just started using Google Reader about 3 weeks ago. I'm currently subscribed to approximately 30 feeds, and I tend to skim the headlines on the busier sites, and then read whatever might catch my eye. On the slower sites, or blogs from folks that I know, I tend to read the whole article, or give up after I decide that I'm just not interested. I have it configured to purge already read posts, so I just page down the busier blogs until I finish, or stumble upon something I like. I also tend to use the mark all read after the weekend or a day or two off, since I don't have the time to sift through too much detritus from not servicing my feeds. I think with news/social news sites like reddit & slashdot, which I had subscribed to, and subsequently unsubscribed to, have too much noise to lend themselves to reading in an RSS feed.

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