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We need to worry more about LEO. Orbits decay automatically, but less and less the higher you go while still within LEO. There are many polar launches which makes debris come potentially from any direction, while in GEO all satellites go in roughly the same direction.

Well, at least MoltenVK is completely open source now (Apache 2 license). https://github.com/KhronosGroup/MoltenVK

So yes, Vulkan is kind of the universal graphics API now.

This is the sole reason we're not using Matrix/Riot yet. https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/4488

It will eventually be very low, much lower than planes. The same technology that is being developed to make propellant on Mars can be used on Earth to extract CO2 from the air and/or sea water. A few squared km of solar panels on floating structures can produce enough propellant for one BFR trip a day.

The same propellant (methane) can also be used on planes, eventually, so BFR will bring many technologies advances independently of the outcome of the project.

Much lower than planes nowadays*

Obviously planes in the future can use cleaner propellants too.

That's true when you have more than the ratio between two things. But IMHO just a ratio or percentage is perfectly fine.

That situation will probably change as soon as most games ship with Vulkan: Even if devs devote zero effort to porting to Linux, Vulkan makes it easy to run them with Wine with pretty much the same performance. I can imagine Valve adding Wine automatically with Steam.

Graphics support is only a part of the puzzle. Many devs have never used Linux and know nothing about it. And they hate to learn a new operating system just to support 1% of the players. Building a game for Linux is easy if you already know your way around, but otherwise it can be quite complicated. Valve does offer the compatibility layer (set of system libs like SDL, C++ libraries, etc., that are deployed with the Steam client which your game can use) but this means having to build your game in a chroot environment. Once they see all that, many Windows-only devs just run away.

And then, there are runtime considerations like where you store the player data, cache files, and the case-sensitiveness of the filesystems which many Windows developers are completely unaware of.

So no, Vulcan doesn't give you "zero effort" Linux ports.

Let me put "ports" with quotes. I've played the Windows version of DOOM (2016) in Linux with same performance and didn't do anything special other than copying the configuration that had Vulkan enabled. I can imagine devs just enabling a checkbox in Steamworks to deploy to Linux automatically using Wine.

It's using setInterval on purpose, because with requestAnimationFrame the effect is a bit too fast.

> Doing optical imaging probably isn't feasible for a cubesat

Planet Labs' Dove satellites aren't much bigger than a typical cube sat (they're like 3 cube sats stacked together), have reaction wheels, and the "wings" have enough lift to be able to control altitude https://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.03270.pdf (page 9)

A long time ago I played http://www.sindome.org but my English was not very good back then. Out of character talking was allowed but with a particular marking (I think it was double parentheses). I guess you can filter OOC talk.

Wow, that's a blast from the past. Seriously, thanks so much for posting that link - I've been dying to get into some hardcore roleplaying and it's nice to know that Sindome is alive and well.

To avoid monsters, one torch covers a radius of about 7 or 8 blocks (in Manhattan distance). But judging by that bedroom screenshot, he's being really overboard.

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