I think lot of your comments relate to Bitcoin, and that's a Gen1 cryptocoin. If you have a look at where Cardano (Gen3) is going, you might have a more favorable opinion.
* "Proof of stake will save us." Proof of stake embeds the rich getting richer into the very fabric of a currency. It provides a guaranteed net positive return for transaction validation, in the same way that proof of work provides a guaranteed net positive return for electricity usage. In both cases, if the return were not net positive, then transaction validation would not occur, and the "currency" couldn't be spent.
* "Proof of stake is at least better." I'll agree with that one, since it has fewer externalities. But that's like saying that a dumpster fire is better than a car fire. Neither are good, but one of them is less bad. There's also nothing stopping the proof-of-work transaction validators from switching to the next proof-of-work coin, so I don't think the existence of a marginally better alternative will remove the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies.
You will enjoy this classic.
It's a lovely image showing the dialup handshake . My first modem was a Hayes 1200 baud. Every modem after seemed to double. The protocols got better too. Bidirectional transfers, wow.
My first modem was a Hayes-brand 300 baud modem. Atari 800 computer.
So I'll kindly ask you to get off my lawn, whipper-snapper.
(BTW I listen to a lot of ambient / noise / drone music, and a while ago, some artist took those modem sounds, slowed them down, put in some reverb, etc. and it was downright ghostly).
The fun things about 300 baud was I could pick up the phone and hear the individual keystrokes being sent. I couldn't distinguish what particular character was being sent, unless of course I was the one typing.