Not really what you want, but the Awair Quality sensors have a local API that you can use to fetch the data (not local-first, as you asked, but it works locally and you can disable internet connection)
I've recently found the work of Alfie Kohn and his books (Unconditional Parenting, Punished by Rewards - these I've read) it's heavily evidence-based (lot's of cited research).
It challenges the status-quo but I really enjoy his perspective.
The books aren't really about dealing with very small babies , but you might enjoy his teachings.
There's a DVD (about 2 hour long) "Unconditional Parenting" which is a great summary of the book with the same name.
I work mostly with EmberJS ( as my Single Page Application (SPA) framework and I really like my productivity.
Ember has 3 core projects (Ember, Ember-CLI, Ember-Data) that deal with Routing, Data Store, Build Tooling, Templates, everything you need to build a SPA application. Things are built to work together so most of the times, things just work.
The framework has been around since 2011 and keeps getting better/modern. I've started an app in 2015, with Ember 1.13, and I've been upgrading since (currently on 3.0).
There are a lot of community addons for most situations (date-pickers, select, deploy, analytics, etc... you can get a sense by browser
I've been doing my work with Ember (co-founder/only developer) since version 2.0 (currently 2.15), and I really like their approach to things.
I feel I'm very productive with Ember (not being a JS guru). The whole ember-cli plus addons makes it a breeze to start a new application/enhance an existing one.
Also, the work being put on Glimmer making Ember faster and pretty much the only thing I had to do was to update my package.json and install the new version (granted If I did that the minute it was released some addons do break, but if you wait a little/contribute to fix those issues... it was great).
Looking forward to see this project grow. Haven't had the time to check it out, but as I've been using Ember for the past months, it looks very interesting.
Hey, that's a bummer. I've been in the same situation about a year ago (I thought I had done a reasonable job of securing my instalation but they hacked my web application through a vulnerability in jboss)
I'd recommend (as others have said here) disabling password login via SSH (only keys), disable root login, installing fail2ban, update the system regularly, setup firewall to close ports that don't need to be open.