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> If developing nations with arguably inferior education systems can responsibly live with open access to medical treatment resources like diagnostic imaging and pharmaceuticals,

Well, the conditional in this if statement doesn't hold.

Yes, pharmaceuticals are open access in much of the developing world, but it has not happened responsibly. For example, Carbapenem-resistant bacteria are 20 times as common in India as they are in the U.S [1]

I really don't like this characterization of medical resource stewardship as "infantilization" because it implies some sort of elitism amongst doctors, when it's exactly the opposite. It's a system of checks and balances that limits the power afforded to any one person, no matter how smart they think they are. In a US hospital setting, doctors do not have 100% control over antibiotics. An antibiotic stewardship pharmacist or infectious disease specialist will deny and/or cancel antibiotics left and right, even if the prescribing doctor is chief of their department or the CMO.

[1] https://www.fic.nih.gov/News/GlobalHealthMatters/may-june-20...

You can find std::string_view (C++17) in Google's WebGPU implementation [1], static_assert (C++17) in Protobufs [2], <bit> (C++20) in React Native [3], and std::format (C++20) in Cuda Core Compute [4]. So the big names in tech aren't afraid to add -std=c++20 to their build scripts. On the other hand, C++23 features aren't as common yet, but it's still very fresh and MSVC support is WIP.

[1] https://github.com/google/dawn/blob/40cf7fd7bc06f871fc5e4823...

[2] https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/c964e143d97...

[3] https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/77b3a8bdd6164b...

[4] https://github.com/NVIDIA/cccl/blob/07fef970a33ae120c8ff2a9e...

I'd venture a guess that string_view, static_assert and bit were already a part of respective codebases, just in-house versions. These are very commonly used. So seeing them getting adopted is completely unsurprising.

However the adoption rates of newer C++ features are in fact new are way lower. From what I see lots of projects still use the language as C with Classes, basically, and that ain't going to change any time soon. The GP nailed it - C++ is adding a lot of esoteric stuff that very few people actually need or want.

Imagine how widespread use of Java 8, .NET Framework, Python 2, C89 is still around the industry and now apply it to C++ versions.

There is a reason why C++17 is the best we can currently hope for in what concerns portable code, given the actual support across industry compilers, and company project guidelines.

Many embedded shops might still be discussing between adopting C++11 or C++14.

I agree, but there's a big difference between saying some industries or companies are still targeting old standards and saying there's "near zero" adoption of new standards. The latter just isn't accurate from what I see.

The US population today is twice what it was in 1960. I know I am oversimplifying, but so much of the the history of long term growth could be intepreted as older people benefitting from progressively larger younger generations. More people = more production and more consumption = growth. I really wonder if this is sustainable with the projected future of population decline.

I got the impression it was intentional. A bit tongue in cheek.

I am a doctor, so let me give you the perspective from the other side.

A friend of mine who works in primary care has a policy of not prescribing semaglutide unless a patient has tried at least three months of diet/exercise first. She now has a long list of patients who decide to screw that and self-refer to a specialist who'd write them the script. I don't work in primary care myself, but this more or less matches my own experience - 95% of people do not want to put in the effort of changing diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits. They want a quick fix.

In the words of Ronnie Coleman, "Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights."

So I really do think the popularity of semaglutide is a bottom up phenomenon. There is has been huge consumer demand for a weight loss drug for decades, and pharma is only now meeting that demand.

> doctors having intimate financial relationships with pharma is already a public secret

A small number of elite doctors have intimate relationships with pharma. The other 99% who are prescribing semaglutide do not profit from it. In fact, it's the other way around. You can't bill for the act of prescribing medications, but there are dedicated billing codes for counseling a patient on diet/lifestyle modification.

I agree with you, but people shouldn't really have to put in the effort to change diet or exercise or lifestyle habits. But the environment that produces those habits SHOULD change.

I lost a bunch of weight when I moved to Dublin and started walking everywhere. Then I moved to the Netherlands and lost even more, and got stronger. I didn't particularly try, I just lived somewhere where I used my own body to get around and the "normal" portion sizes were actually somewhat sane (a bag of Doritos here is maybe a third the size of one in the US).

I was 280 pounds when I lived in suburban California. I'm 180 pounds now.

Build bike lanes and public transport, put schools where kids can walk to them, and maybe don't sell a thousand calories of chips in a personal-sized and marketed bag, and it should get better.

As an added bonus you get a lot less air pollution (and noise pollution, etc.) and less people being run over!

Sure, but if I'm overweight and unhealthy now, taking medication is a better bet for weight loss than lobbying for rezoning my entire city.

why not do both. But yes, after taking a pill it's very easy to forget about the need to improve environment. Until you need to take another pill again, and again...

It's literally the point of Brave New World. The whole populace is hooked on beneficial drugs so they don't want to improve themselves and their society.

Would you feel differently if instead of being hooked on drugs, we deployed gene therapy at scale to patch the dysfunctional pathways Western society and economies have taken advantage of? What if patching the genome is helping people so that they have capacity to contribute more to improving society? Consider not only the metabolic changes a GLP-1 agonist encourages (a vaccine against Western diet, if you will), but also inhibits addiction.

GLP-1 pharma intervention is breadboarding the human, next step is a permanent fix. Adversarial bioengineering, if you will.

Then you get into Iain Banks' The Culture where every citizen is basically an artificial creation. I have no problem with any specific solution to our societal problems, I take issue with their externalities.

Regarding your proposed gene therapy, would this gene therapy be available to anyone? Could it be refused? Is it reversible? Who would pay for it? The beauty of The Culture is that it is not monolithic, has no border, has godlike AI that takes care of all the problems, and can be abandoned or joined by anyone.

I think we are quite a bit away from that future, but I can understand the concern and moral hazard, the future is hard to predict. In the near term, if we can fix this specific reward and metabolic pathway with gene therapy, the therapy is safe, and can be made broadly available, I think it should be done.

I think the cost of the pill is a pretty strong incentive to want to stop taking it. If the pill is cheap and harmless, then that's just great, there's no need to spend effort improving your environment at all, you've solved the problem already.

>you get a lot less air pollution

I know what you meant, but according to a comment here once, European city streets actually have worse air pollution than US ones because Europe went hard for diesel engines (to reduce CO2 emissions) for its cars, and diesel produces a lot of very small carbon particles, which turned out to be more harmful than most people suspected back when the diesel decision was made.

Amsterdam has banned most diesel vehicles [1], so at least this is not universally true (anymore).

[1]: https://www.amsterdam.nl/en/traffic-transport/low-emission-z...

Indeed, and I’m worried about the same old mistakes being made with EV’s. They produce lots of tyre particulates thanks to being so heavy, which then get in to our brains.

Of course, Volkswagen lying about their diesels and killing people in the aggregate didn’t help.

What we need is car-free or low-car cities, not just different cars.

Due to it being a common anti-EV talking point, tire longevity has been a strong selling point for EV tires. Longer lasting tires produce less particulates, so this natural pressure should also produce fewer particulates.

Popular EV's aren't significantly heavier than ICE vehicles. A Tesla model 3 and a BMW model 3 are both about 3500 pounds. Range is a huge selling feature for EV's and weight has a significant impact on range, so there is strong evolutionary pressure to lighten EV's. Crappy EV's like the Hummer are heavy; but popular EV's like Tesla's and Hyundai's have weight comparable to normal cars so that they can have impressive ranges without too many expensive and heavy batteries.

EV's increased tire wire is due to their massive torque at low range. If you want your tires to last, just don't drive like a hooligan. We got 70,000 km out of our first set of EV tires.

Tire particulates are an "all cars a bad" issue. EV's are not significantly worse than petrol vehicles vis a vis tire particulates. Their lack of exhaust particulates means that an EV produces about ~half the total number of particulates.

Well this was interesting to me, thanks for sharing. Looking at https://www.emissionsanalytics.com/news/do-no-harm it looks dependent on what you're optimizing for (and not driving like a hooligan helps, hard acceleration and braking wears tires more).

Even so, I still find that the fewer cars there are, the easier it is for me (and my kids) to walk and bike places safely, helping us be healthier (and not reliant on drugs like Ozempic) which was the real point of my comment.

That is a very strange article. The Model 3 and Niro are not comparable cars, the Model 3 is much larger and much more powerful.

> but people shouldn't really have to put in the effort to change diet or exercise or lifestyle habits

Everyone is directly responsible for their own health and nobody else is. The insanity of this statement is baffling.

The logic of public health and product design applied to urban/spatial planning basically. And, unsurprisingly, it works wonders.

And it’s a happier, less lonely life!

> put in the effort of changing diet

If the genetic / hormonal explanation is right, it would mean the "effort" is not the same for everyone. So expecting people on the wrong side of the equation to not go for a solution to right the scales demonstrate a lack of empathy.

Would you call cochlear implants a quick fix for people who have problem hearing?

It's not a "lack of empathy". GP is just stating the fact that most people are physically capable of losing weight, but since it is uncomfortable and hard they don't. It's not analogous to being unable to hear.

There's nothing with wanting a quick fix to make it easier and less unpleasant. I'd happily use a provably safe one. The only issue is that currently that fix carries unknown risks.

Percent of adults age 20 and older with overweight, including obesity: 73.6%

this is a crisis.

at this point this is like going to a 3rd world country and telling them if you dont want all the problems that come with not having money to just get rich.

like its possible, my brother did it, most my family did it, we all have the capability to do it. it maybe harder for some due to physical limitations or mental ones. so why dont you? dont hate being poor and not getting all the women and luxuries?

74% is sick and its infectious. it curates mental problems that make it even harder to overcome. 74% means there are too many factors that are contributing to this epidemic. if modern technology is able to help get society on the right track i dont know why anyone should be.. for lack of a better word fat shamed haha.

of course we need to be careful and thoughtful. im not even sure though if it will be available for most people anytime soon. i hope so though, iv never been fat per say. maybe a bit more lbs then id like but i do understand how much it helps every part of your life being at a satisfying weight. this could be the greatest cure for depression through medicine ever imo.

i live in one of the fattest cities in america. when i go outside i swear to you sometimes i can go a day without seeing a single person of normal weight. besides the few homeless in my area.

Most are capable of losing it, very few are capable of maintaining their achievement for many years.

Rephrasing the famous quote, it's easy to lose weight — I've done it four times already, ranging from 95 kg to 60 kg over the course of the last 15 years. It's much more difficult to maintain healthy weight over the long term — the longest period I managed that was only three years. Even if you have all the information and know which problems obesity leads to, it's difficult to keep yourself from getting back into unhealthy territory unless you're willing to spend your entire life counting calories and tracking weight religiously.

It's something with the brain, it's insatiable and won't leave you alone until you stuff yourself to the point that you physically can't eat any longer. The last time I gained weight (from 68 kg to around 88 kg) I did it eating only healthy food in unhealthy amounts.

If I can get magic fix (like semaglutide) that would allow me not to think about food any longer and maintain healthy weight over the rest of my life, that would be great.

> it's difficult to keep yourself from getting back into unhealthy territory unless you're willing to spend your entire life counting calories and tracking weight religiously.

It depends on your habits. My habits are generally good enough that I don't need to count calories. Which is mostly luck, not an achievement of mine, btw.

> The last time I gained weight (from 68 kg to around 88 kg) I did it eating only healthy food in unhealthy amounts.

First, there isn't even clear consensus what's healthy and what isn't. But even if there was, I doubt you only ate healthy food. It is very hard to gain much fat eating a lot of vegetables and some fish and eggs.

Of course it's possible your diet is great. My experience with fat people has been that their diet was a whole lot worse than they claimed...

The whole discussion here is about the environment though.

In absolute, changing diet is not inherently hard : it's pretty easy to eat a balanced diet and get pleasure from it.

But it's not enough to just say "eat better", "do more sports" : people can't change the way the lived their whole life if you don't educate and help them to make the change. The education on this topic is so poor that we are still confusing balanced diet and low-calorie diet.

And then there is the elephant in the room which is the refined sugar : for some dubious reason, most scientists agree that refined sugar acts like a hard drug but nobody officially wants to call it a drug. Recent research are saying that the addictive effects of refined sugar are akin to heroin. That's a serious issue then. What it means is that a doctor asking his patient to eat less sugar / eat a balanced diet without further guidance or help is just like saying to an heroin addict that he should stop.

I'm relatively overweight and pretty self educated on the topic but I still decided to work with a nutritionist to change my diet and we are talking about months if not years of follow-up. Eating habits are largely automated by our biology : willpower and education are nothing against an hypoglycemia induced sugar craving.

Like drugs, most people need help and guidance on the long term to change those habits. But what's even worse is that unlike drugs, unhealthy products are basically everywhere in your supermarket, your TV ads, your billboards, your friends lifestyle, and even worse, profoundly ingrained in the culture. You have to fight the "drug" but also the whole capitalist world around you.

> In absolute, changing diet is not inherently hard : it's pretty easy to eat a balanced diet and get pleasure from it.

But even a balanced diet can let you put weight if you eat too much.

We know genetics disorder like Prader-Willis can cause insatiable appetite. Even with a "balanced diet" those affected by it will end-up obese.

Now the current research on GLP-1 hint at many people having a harder time feeling satiated, not to the Prader-Willis point but still worse than what is considered normal. For people who don't have the problem it is easy to think they just have more discipline / willpower and that's why they're thin. I'd like them to imagine what would happen if after eating 2 or 3 pizza slices they'd still feel like their stomach is empty. What if it's not a one time occurrence but all day every day from the moment they develop a conscience to their death bed. A little like drug addiction but you need some drug to live so it is legal and you can buy it everywhere. Still think you'd have the discipline to not go for the whole pizza?

I totally agree with you but "being obese" is just a data point. Being obese is defined by your ICM, which means nothing else than being heavier than the norm.

Being obese with a balanced diet is absolutely not the same thing than being obese because you eat too much "bad" calories. Obese or not, a balanced diet gives you everything your body needs to function properly, be able to move and for your mind to be clear.

The thing is, obesity is a really, really recent trend in humanity history, so recent that a lot of countries are still not concerned by the phenomena (but it's changing). It's pretty certain that _something_ in the environment changed recently and made the humans obese.

People who blames other people willpower just don't understand that if obesity is in an uptrend, it means that people who were previously healthy are becoming obese for some reason. Something new pressurizes humans to become obese and the only question is not if you are concerned but when will the pressure be high enough.

I think it's refined sugar. Plus a bonus of sedentary lifestyles.

> I'd like them to imagine what would happen if after eating 2 or 3 pizza slices they'd still feel like their stomach is empty

Even that is the generous interpretation. Imagine instead of just their regular (or lack of) hunger signals, people had an alarm constantly ringing in the head telling them to eat all the time, that was only ever silenced if they over ate. The persistence of it pushes it in the direction of mental torture.

Yes, technically it can be overcome, but it is a huge tax on your life.

The truth is we can never really know what someone else's inner experience is.

I'm glad you mentioned bodybuilding, since its known to even laymen that taking anabolic steroids gives you an edge that is impossible to replicate just with diet and exercise.

This ozempic study seems to suggest something similar.

Self-discipline is a noble concept, and probably important in the grand scheme of things, but sometimes medicine and technology outpaces what is naturally possible, which inevitably results in a moral backlash.

> 95% of people do not want to put in the effort of changing diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits. They want a quick fix.

Well yes obviously that is difficult to do. Our society (American society, that is) is about “me” and convenience.

Nobody seems to want to say what is obvious to me: ban junk food. Sugary white bread, Cheez Its, Oreos, candy, ice cream, highly processed frozen burritos, frozen pizza, Little Debbie’s, potato chips , all of it.

It is crazy to me the C levels of poison food companies do not rot in jail for the rest of their lives for knowingly selling poison and lying about it. It is crazy to me how a group of people can conspire to harm the citizens of a nation in the name of profit and not receive any consequences. It’s crazy to me the governments of that nation actually enjoy it and don’t care.

A friend of mine who works in primary care has a policy of not prescribing semaglutide unless a patient has tried at least three months of diet/exercise first. She now has a long list of patients who decide to screw that and self-refer to a specialist who'd write them the script. I don't work in primary care myself, but this more or less matches my own experience - 95% of people do not want to put in the effort of changing diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits. They want a quick fix.

The data however shows that diet and exercise fails for most people though. I don't see it as entirely irrational to go strait to the more effective drugs.

What most people don't know is that patients are terrible. I'm not a doctor but I know some doctors and patients.

Many are unlucky to have unforgiving disorders.

This is easily seen in T2D which is mostly diet related and fixable.

I feel like I'm living in a different universe sometimes. The consensus on HN seems to be that you can be pretty productive with LLMs as coding assistants, but every time I try I find it borderline impossible to get functional code even for pretty straightforward prompts.

I decided to fire up GPT-4o again today to see if maybe things have gotten better over the past few months.

I asked GPT to write code to render a triangle using Vulkan (a 3D graphics API). There are about 1000 tutorials on this that are almost certainly in GPT-4's training data. I gave GPT two small twists so it's not a simple case of copy/paste: I asked it 1) to apply a texture to the triangle and 2) to keep all the code in a single function. (Most tutorials break the code up into about a dozen functions, but each of these functions are called only once, so it should be trivial to inline them.)

Within the first ten lines, the code is already completely nonfunctional:

GPT-4o declares a pointer (VkPhysicalDevice) that is uninitialized. It queries the number of graphics devices on the host machine. A human being would allocate a buffer with that number of elements and store the reference in the pointer. GPT-4o just ignores the result. Completely ignores it. So the function call was just for fun, I guess? It then tries to copy an entire array of VkPhysicalDevice_T objects into this uninitialized pointer. So that's a guaranteed memory access violation right off the bat.

Sometime I think there's something wrong with me. I've used copilot, I'm paying for ChatGPT and we're also having the Jetbrains AI, and there's just something so off about all of this.

Some basic things are fine, but once you get into specialised things, everything gets just terribly wrong and weird. I can't even put it into words, I see people saying how they are 10x more productive (I'd like to see actual numbers and proof for this), but I just don't see how. Maybe we're working on very custom stuff, or very specific things, but all of these tools seem to give very deep or confident answers that are just plain wrong and shallow. Just yesterday I used GPT 4o for some basic help with Puppet, and the examples it printed, even though I would say it's quite basic, were just wrong, but in the sense of having to debug it for 2 hours just to figure out how ridiculous the error was.

I fear the fact that people will end up releasing unsafe, insecure and simply wrong code every day, code that they never debug and not even understand, that maybe works for a basic set of details, but once the real world hits it, it will fail like those self driving cars driving full speed into a trailer that has the same color as the road or sky.

I think there's a vast ocean of different software engineers and the type of code they write on a daily basis, which is why you get such differing views on AI's effectiveness. For me, AI has only ever been useful for very basic tasks and scripts: If I need a quick helper script for something in Python, a language that isn't my daily drier, AI usually gets me there in a couple of prompts. Or maybe I am writing some powershell/bash and forgot the syntax for something and AI is quicker (or has more context) than a web search.

However, my main job is trying to come up with "elegant" architectures for complex business logic that interacts with an existing large code base. AI is just completely out of its depth in such cases due to lack of context but also lack of source material to draw from. Even unit tests only work with the most basic of cases, most of the time the setup is so complex it just produces garbage.

I've also had very little luck getting it to write performant code. I almost have to feed it the techniques or algorithms before it attempts to write such code, and even then it's usually wrong or not as efficient as it could be.

Indeed, if you need a lot of boilerplate that's pretty similar to existing commonly available code, you're set. However...

That code is probably buggy, slow, poorly architected, very verbose, and has logical issues where the examples and your needs dont exact match.

Generally, the longer the snippet you want your LLM to generate, the more likely its going to go off the rails.

I think for some positions this can get you 90% of the code done. For me this usually means I can get started very fast on a new problem, but the last remaining "10%" actually takes significantly longer and more effort to integrate because I dont understand the other 90% off the top :)

> my main job is trying to come up with "elegant" architectures for complex business logic that interacts with an existing large code base

Right, that's surely the main job of nearly every experienced developer. It's really cool that LLMs can generate code for isolated tasks, but they can barely even begin to do the hard work, and that seems very unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

I have the same experience. I have my own benchmark, I take a relatively complex project like FreeSWITCH on github, which is part of the training set for all coding LLMs anyway so they should know it and I ask the AI to code small snippets, tests, suggestions and fixes to see how well it understands the codebase and the architecture.

I just tried the latest Cursor + Sonnet and it failed in every task. The problem is that there is no way to understand the code without either complete understanding of the domain and the intents or running it in some context.

Telecom and media domains in particular are well documented in specs and studied in forum discussions. I am sure they are part of the training data, because I can get most answers if asked directly. So far the LLMs fail to reason about anything useful for me.

Having spent a couple of hours with some llama models and others I've given up on them for code. Code generation from XML or grinding it out ad hoc with stuff like sed on top of a data or config file is faster and more convenient for me.

The Jetbrains thing is rather rudely incompetent, it consistently insists on suggestions that use variables and fragments that are supposed to be replaced by what I'm writing and also much more complex than what I actually need. I suffered through at least a hundred mistaken tabbed out shitty suggestions before I disconnected it.

I don’t use ChatGPT or chat AI for coding, at least not often. It does help me get unstuck on occasion, but most of the time the context switch is too much of a productivity sink.

However, I use copilot autocomplete consistently. That makes me much more productive. It’s just really good autocomplete.

As an experienced developer I’d put my productivity improvement at 2-3x. It’s huge but not 10x. I’m limited by my decision speed, I need to decide what I want the code to do, AI can’t help with that - it can only do the “how”.

Far from introducing more bugs, using Copilot frees some mental cycles for me to be more aware of the code I’m writing.

It's going to be the same issue as poorly-structured Excel workflows: non-programmers doing programming. Excel itself gets the blame for the buggy poorly-structured spreadsheets made by people who don't have the "programmer mindset" of thinking of the edge cases, exceptions, and extensibility.

So it will be with inexperienced people coding with LLMs.

Absolutely the same for me. Whenever I encounter a problem I'm pretty sure nobody else has encountered before (or has not written about it at least), ChatGPT writes complete nonsense.

On stuff that's a bit obscure, but not really (like your Vulkan example), ChatGPT tends to write 60-95% correct code, that's flawed in the exact ways a noob wouldn't be able to fix.

In this case, nicking code from Github seems to fix the issue, even if I need to adapt it a bit.

Then comes the licensing issue. Often, when searching for an obscure topic, the code ChatGPT generates is very close to what's found on Github, but said code often comes with a non-permissive license, unlike what the AI generates.

> Then comes the licensing issue. Often, when searching for an obscure topic, the code ChatGPT generates is very close to what's found on Github, but said code often comes with a non-permissive license, unlike what the AI generates.

I think this is a feature for a lot of people. ChatGPT can launder code so they don't have to care about licenses.

I feel the same way. Anytime someone says they don't find LLMs all that useful, the exact same comments come out:

"They clearly aren't using the right model!"

"It's obvious they don't know how to prompt, or they would see the value."

"Maybe it can't do that today, but GPT-5 is just around the corner."

I feel more and more that people have just decided that this is a technology that will do everything you can imagine, and no evidence to the contrary will change their priors.

For me llm is faster stackoverflow without fear of my question being closed. I know the first answer will not be what I want. I know that I will have to refractor it to suit my style. I know it will be full of subtle bugs.

Oh and I expect it to be free, I ain't paying for this just like I wasn't paying for stackoverflow.

Finally I hope than in few years I will be able to just "sudo apt-get install llm llm-javascript llm-cooking llm-trivia llm-jokes" and it will all run locally on my low end computer and when I report bug, six months later it will be fixed when I update OS.

You are paying, the same way you paid for stack overflow.. you become part of the process, ask follow up questions, deepening the knowledge of the system.

The same applies to AI. The old learning material is gone, your interaction is now the new learning material and ground truth.

PS: Hourly rates for sw engineers: Range:€11 - €213 - so one hour on stackoverflow, searching and sub-querying resolving problems costs you or your employer up to 213€. It really depends on what you have negotiated.

And unlike Stack Overflow, which is available to everyone online and has an open content license, the IP the users of the ChatGPT style services is entirely proprietary to the company. I am not interested in feeding their machine with my brainpower. On the other hand, I happily contribute to Stack Overflow, and open source software+hardware. I do not think I will integrate LLM into my engineering workflow until there is a good service/solution which builds up the commons. The huge companies already have way too much influence over key aspects of knowledge-based society.

> I am not interested in feeding their machine with my brainpower

How about DDG AI Chat? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=DuckDuckGo+AI+Chat&ia=chat&duckai=...

Turn it off in the settings, then... Come on.

Every month, every update, every week, every contract change, every day - the setting is in another menu, in another castle, the setting is a princess, kiss the button, the button is now on, now off, is now dark patterned, now it isn't, deliver proof of work to set the setting, solve 1 captcha, solve 20.. come on.. its rodeo time.

You know you can just turn off "Improve the model for everyone" in the settings, right?

I'm with you. Every time I've used LLMs in my work, I've ended up using more time tidying up after the robot than it would have taken to just do the work myself from the start. I can believe that there are some tasks that it can do very fast, but my experience is that if you're using it for anything that matters, you can't trust it enough to let it do it on its own, and so you just end up doing the work twice.

It's like having an unusually fast-but-clumsy intern, except interns learn the ropes fast and understand context.

More likely to be confirmation bias; most of us ask the wrong questions, try to confirm what we already believe rather than choose questions that may falsify our beliefs.

I have some stand tests for LLMs: write a web app version of tetris, write a fluid dynamics simulation, etc., and these regularly fail (I must try them again on 4o).

But also, I have examples of them succeeding wildly, writing a web based painting app just from prompting — sure, even with that success it's bad code, but it's still done the thing.

As there are plenty of examples to confirm what we already believe, it's very easy to get stuck, with nay-sayers and enthusiasts equally unaware of the opposite examples.

I mean when the people saying it doesn't work for them, would kill them to give links to the chats on ChatGPT.com so everyone can see the prompts used? when they do, it's a different conversation. like the number of R's in strawberry, or 9.11 - 9.2. When the complaints are generic with no links, the responses are similarly generic, because both sides just biases that they're right and the other side is the one that's wrong.

I welcome people picking apart chats that I link to. it's not that I believe that LLMs are magic and refuse to adjust my model of how good these things are and aren't, but when people don't give specific evidence is hard to actually move the conversation forwards.

because yeah, these things are plenty stupid and have to be tricked into doing things sometimes (which is stupid, but here we are). they're also pretty amazing but like any hammer, not everything is a nail.

It codes great for me, helps me deliver faster, better tested and more features. It literally saves time and money every day. If you can't do that, maybe, just maybe, you have a you problem. But there are many like you in this thread so you are not alone.

The worst part about LLMs is this attitude it's giving to people who get a few helpful answers in a row

You're like a gambling addict who thinks he's smarter than everyone else

Can you state your domain and programming language for clarity?

JS/React and SAP/Hybris at work, vanillaJS for side projects. Ecommerce and general web/app development

I feel the exact same way. I have felt 0 need to use an LLM in my current workflow. If I could explain concisely what my problem is in English - then I would already know the answer. In that case why would I be asking AI the question. And I don't want opinionated answers to subjective questions. Why run that through a filter, I can investigate better myself through links on the internet.

By the way - I think AI or ML whatever has some valid uses right now. but mostly in image processing domain - so like recognizing shapes in some bounded domain OK yea. Generative image - NOT bad but theres always this "AI GLOW" to each image. Something is always off. Its some neat tools but a race to the bottom and mostly users want to generate explicit content lets be real. and they will become increasingly more creative and obtuse to get around the guards. nothing is stopping you from entering the * industry and making tons off money. but that industry is always doing good.

a friend recently suggested to use AI to generate generic icons for my game. Thats a really good use case. but does that radically change the current economy?

[BTW GENERIC STUFF ONLY UNTILL I could hire someone because i prefer that experience way more. you can get more interesting results. 4 eyes are better than 2.

>> If I could explain concisely what my problem is in English - then I would already know the answer. In that case why would I be asking AI the question. And I don't want opinionated answers to subjective questions. Why run that through a filter, I can investigate better myself through links on the internet.

I am an experienced programmer, but I find myself (for the first time) doing a deep-dive in SQL and specifically building code that will run against multiple SQL engines.

I fed my list of engines into AI. As I'm discovering the really weird corners of SQL I asking the AI to compare one db against the other. My prompts are usually no more than 3 or 4 words.

It gives me quick helpful answers highlighting where things are the same and where they are different. I can then follow up in the specific docs if necessary (now that I know the function name.)

Personally I'm somewhat anti-hype, I'll let others rave about "changing the world". But I have found it a useful tool - not so much for "writing my code" but for acting as my tutor as I learn new things. (I'm using it for more than just SQL or computers now.)

I'm not sure it "changes thr economy" - but it can certainly change individual lives. Some jobs will go away. Others might be easier to do. It might make it easier to learn new skills.

Recently I saw the process of filling for 2 insurance claims through 2 different entities. First one used a great ai voice agent that does the process of filtering your query. it understood me perfectly. But then I still had to wait in line for an actual agent. Ok wait for 6 hours. Whatever. Call again - the 2nd time going through the same agent is painful. Its so slow. And all this just to connect me to a human - who was EXCELLENT. What did ai add? And for now a human has to be involved in any complex permission changes to your account. AND I like that.

The 2nd agency I called them through phone. No ai. But it is excellent cause they do async processing. so you reserve a slot and they call you back. i don't care if those are not answered urgently. Because I just want to talk to a human.

AI lets the agency better be able to afford to hire and keep the excellent humans around to solve complex problems. It's better than a human that also can't fix your issue themselves and has to ask you to transfer to the other person. Ideally, the AI agent would have let you book a callback time with the specific right human who's best able to fix your issue. Some companies are able to do this, and you, the customer, never realize that of the 100 specialists in the building, you got connected to the one person who understands your issue and has the tools to fix it.

Customer service is hard because it has to filter out 90% noise, 9% fairly straightforward tasks, and the <1% of complex issues that need to be sent to the right human.

DONT get me wrong. What you're saying I actually support. If this allows that company to have quality staff I'm all for it. The less time we both spend on each other the better. So just offer async processing.

Your point is that AI is bad at some things, and in some cases misused. Which is of course abundantly true.

But equally it doesn't prove, or even assert, the opposite. A bicycle may be bad at cross-country road trips, but that doesn't make it a bad choice for some other situations.

Hence my earlier comment - I (and I suspect others) are finding it useful for some tasks. That is not to imply it is good at all tasks.

Is it over-hyped? Of course yes. Welcome to IT where every new thing is over-hyped all the time.

I think llms are useful when you're trying to write something in a language you don't know well; then it speeds up the part where you need to check for simple idiosyncrasies.

If you don't know the language at all it's dangerous because you may not understand the proposed program (and of course if you're an expert you don't need it at all).

But llms won't help to find solutions to a general, still unspecified problem.

I've been very productive using LLMs, without any expectations of them "writing functional code". Instead, I've mostly used them as if I was working with a human research librarian.

For example, I can ask the LLM things like "What are the most common mistakes when using the Vulkan API to render a triangle with a texture?" and I'll very rapidly learn something about working with an API that I don't have deep understanding of, and I might not find a specific tutorial article about.

As another example, if I'm an experienced OpenGL programmer, I can ask directly "what's the Vulkan equivalent of this OpenGL API call?" and get quite good results back, most of the time.

So I'm asking questions where an 80% answer is still very valuable, and it's much faster than searching for documentation and doing a lot of comparison and headscratching, and it works well enough even when there's no specific article I could find in a variety of searches.

Anything better that the technology gets from here just makes things even easier yet!

I was skeptical like you, but recently decided to try it out. I wasn't expecting much, and as such I was slightly surprised.

For example, just now my NAS stopped working because the boot device went offline. So I got to thinking about writing a simple syslog server. I've never looked at the syslog protocol before, and I've never done any low-level TCP/UDP work in C# yet.

So I asked ChatGPT to generate some code[1], and while the result is not perfect it's certainly better than nothing, and would save me time to get going.

As another example, a friend who's not very technical wanted to make an Arduino circuit to perform some automated experiment. He's dabbled with programing and can modify code, but struggles to get going. Again just for kicks, I asked ChatGPT and it provided a very nice starting point[2].

For exploratory stuff like this, it seems to provide a nice alternative to searching and piecing together the bits. Revolutionary is a quite loaded word, but it's certainly not just a slight improvement on what we had before LLMs and instead feels like a quantum leap.

[1]: https://chatgpt.com/share/f4343939-74f1-404d-bfac-b903525f61... (modified, see reply)

[2]: https://chatgpt.com/share/fc764e73-f01f-4a7c-ab58-f43da3e077...

This is what the AI is great at - the topics might be obscure to you but they are not that obscure in general, so the AI has had a lot of training data.

I've also assembled a Kubernetes cluster overnight, despite not knowing much about Kubernetes before, and I ran the kubectl files ChatGPT made for me past some devops folks, and it passed the smell test.

I consider much of coding to be a magic spellcasting tutorial - we do conceptually simple things, and the difficult lies in figuring out how to use novel libraries and get them to do what you want.

Edit: After checking out the Arduino sketch, I'd take issue with all the floating point calculations in there - most microcontrollers don't have FPUs, and the performance is awful on 8-bit AVRs. It's not great on Cortex M3s either as all this stuff is done in software, and each FP operation is like a hundred cycles.

I'd definitely try to rephrase the issue with integer math. It might work, but no self-respecting embedded dev would write like this.

> the topics might be obscure to you but they are not the obscure in general

Exactly, it's a very nice alternative to searching the web and discovering new stuff.

> most microcontrollers don't have FPUs, and the performance is awful on 8-bit AVRs.

I used to think like you. But then I realized the Atmega 328p is running at 16 MHz, so even hundreds of . As you can see here[1], it can do 94k double-precision FLOPS, more than enough for simple sketches like this. This jives with the benchmarks I did several years ago.

Sure if I was writing some tight control loop or similar I wouldn't use floating point.

[1]: https://kreier.github.io/benchmark/LinpackDP/

Still it does not sit right with me - it might work, but figuring out the math with fixed point is not that hard, just requires some sitting down and thinking about it.

It's like I have some light fixtures in my attic that are connected with wires twisted together and covered with electrical tape - they certainly work and have done for a decade, but its still not right and I wouldn't recommend anyone do it this way.

Very interesting. A couple of notes here on the C# version.

Its using the old format where the Program.cs file has an actual class, whereas as of .NET 6 thats not required.

You said barebones, but for any real server you would want to use the generic host https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/extensions/gen... which gets you a lot of the boilerplate and enables you program to be wrapped in a windows or systemd service.

Finally, parsing can be simplified since ASCII is a proper subset of UTF-8, you can just parse the entire string as UTF-8. IMHO I am disappointed that the AI didn't point that out.

This is a perfect example of the llm producing an answer that a novice finds useful and an expert takes issue with.

> You said barebones, but for any real server you would want to use the generic host

True, I intentionally said barebones as I wanted a minimal example. I asked it to modify the code to use the generic host, and updated the chat link (so refresh). Keep in mind this is the free ChatGPT, but I still think it did reasonably good. The example compiles as-is, and is very close to functional. I've not used the generic host stuff before either, so again this would save me time searching and piecing together code.

> Finally, parsing can be simplified since ASCII is a proper subset of UTF-8, you can just parse the entire string as UTF-8.

I don't think that would work, because the free-form text message part at the end must contain a BOM if it's UTF-8 encoded, according to the specification. AFAIK you can't have the BOM in the middle of a string.

I’m similar: LLM can improve my productivity by 10-20% when I’m working on something familiar, 30-50% when I’m venturing into a popular domain that I’m unfamiliar with.

I just don’t understand where the hell is this magical LLM capable of generating flawless files or even entire projects that many people are talking about. I rarely accept a large block of LLM-generated code without close inspection, and I’ve ended up with a subtle bug that I wouldn’t have written myself at least ~5 times now. Unless you don’t give a shit about code quality, error handling, proper logging, and subtle bugs, you shouldn’t run LLM-generated stuff without painstakingly reading and fixing everything. Or maybe there really is a magical LLM somewhere.

This is how i currently utilise and view The AI tools. I replaced the googling in my flow with it. It might have taken me 20minutes before to get the boilerplate together, now its a minute. Depending on the type of code legacy overheads you have, results may vary. If you can break your problem down into small descrete bits.

The way the OP here was talking about sonnet being above way above chatgtp in this case, it could be true. Google probably has the largest Go codebases on search to train the AI on higher quiality inputs. Go is a simpler language with less variation over time compared to something like .net also adding to its corner.

ive always been the type of person to use the right language for the each use case. For the last 10+ years ive primarly been building cross platform apps that target every common OS. So these "ai" tools like phind.com give me a universal API interface and generate code which is equiv to a SO answer. They are the ability of an outsourced junior dev who you would never let push code to prod, that doesnt have the language barrier but retains the fake dergee overheads ;)

My experience with CoPilot has been similar. I don't think it's given me a single piece of code that just worked. It always took several back and forth of me telling the "AI" that I need it to do X instead of Y (which was included in the original instructions but ignored).

It seems to work best if I start with something very simple, and then layer on instructions ("now make it do X").

Where I have found it saves me time is in having to look up syntax or "gotchas" which I would otherwise search StackOverflow for. But as far as "writing code" -- it still feels a long way from that.

I have a similar experience, but I still use LLMs, just a bit differently. I pretty much never ask it to generate complex code. I also rarely ask for definitions or facts, cause of the tendency to generate garbage answers. What I use it for is usually tedious stuff that is easy to do, but would take me more time to type, rather than ask the LLM.

For example:

* I need a simple bash script for file manipulation or some simple tasks like setting up a project (example: download a secret from AWS SSM, check if an executable exist, if it doesn't write instructions on how to install it on most popular systems etc)

* I need a simple HTTP API, nothing fancy, maybe some simple database usage, maybe running some commands, simple error handling

* I need a YAML file for Kubernetes. I say what I need and usually, it gets most of it right

* I want an Ansible task for some simple thing. Ansible is quite verbose, so it's often saving me time

* I have a Kubernetes YAML file, but I want to manage it in terraform - I'll then ask to convert YAML to a terraform entry (and in general converting between formats is nice, cause even if you have only a piece of what you want to convert, LLMs will most of the time get it right)

* Surprisingly, it often gets openssl and ffmpeg commands right - something I always have to google anyway, especially openssl certificates generation or manipulation

* Giving it a function I wrote and writing test samples after providing a list of what it should test (and asking if it can come up with more, but sadly it rarely does generate anything useful on top of what I suggest)

Same here.

A friend, whose SQL knowledge is minimal, used an LLM to query data from a database over a couple of tables. Yes, after a lot of trial and error he (most probably) got the correct data, however the only one being able to read the query is the LLM itself. It's full of coalesce, subselects that repeat the same joins again and again.

LLM will do a lot for you, but I really hate this "this will [already did] solve everything". No, it did not and no, because it's quality is those of a junior dev, at max.

> because it's quality is those of a junior dev, at max.

Echo chamber/bias I guess. I know many, many seniors with big pay checks working for big companies who are vastly worse than sonnet at the moment. Juniors stand literally no chance unless very talented.

I understand a junior dev as someone who's missing (or does not have at a greater level) of maintainability, readability, longevity of a solution.

I don't know what companies pay for and I don't care, because if we go by that, every definition of every word is arguable (because there's everywhere someone out of the range of the definition)

Lots of companies are directly involved with LLMs, or working to leverage it for startups or their existing projects. And I think a fair chunk of all the employees working at these places probably post on HN (a crazy high percent of the recent batches of YC applicants were using LLM stuff, for instance). That's going to lead to a sizable number of perspectives and opinions that are not especially free of bias, simply because you want to believe that what you're working on is ultimately viable.

And I think it'd be extremely easy to convince oneself of this. Look at where 'AI' was 5 years ago, look at where it is today and then try to imagine where it will be in another 5 years. Of course you have to completely blind yourself to the fact that the acceleration has clearly sharply stalled out, but humans are really good at cognitive dissonance, especially when your perception of your future depends on it.

And there's also the point that even though I'm extremely critical of LLMs in general, they have absolutely 'transformed' my workflow in that natural language search of documentation is really useful. Being able to describe a desired API, but in an overly broad way that a search engine can't really pick up on, but that an LLM [often] can, is just quite handy. On the other hand, this is more a condemnation of search engine tech being frozen 20 years in the past than it is about an imminent LLM revolution.

>acceleration has clearly sharply stalled out

I would rather say that the innovation happens in spikes. I see no slowing down whatsoever.

Where LLM shine is as a faster alternative to Google and Stack overflow. "How do I reverse an array in language X?". This will give you the right answer in seconds without having to click through garbage.

Especially if it's a question that's hard to Google, like "I remember there is more than one way to split an array in this language, list them". This saves me minutes every day.

But it's especially helpful if you are working on projects outside your own domain where you are a newbie.

> This saves me minutes every day.

That is very believable, the people who say it made them super productive is a bit less believable.

Something worth noting is that the parent comment refers to using Cursor, not ChatGPT/Claude.ai. The latter are general-purpose chat (and, in the case of ChatGPT, agentic) applications.

Cursor is a purpose-built IDE for software development. The Cursor team has put a lot of research and sweat into providing the used LLMs (also from OpenAI/Anthropic) with:

- the right parts of your code

- relevant code/dependency documentation

- and, importantly, the right prompts.

to successfully complete coding tasks. It's an apple and oranges situation.

> but every time I try I find it borderline impossible to get functional code even for pretty straightforward prompts.

I work in 9 different projects now and I would say that around 80% of functional code comes from Sonnet (like GP) for these projects. These are not (all) trivial either; there is a very niche (for banking) key/value store written in Go for instance which has a lot of edge cases etc, all the plumbing (x,err = etc aka stuff people find annoying) comes from sonnet and works one-shot. A lot of business logic comes from sonnet too; it works but usually needs a little tweaking to make it correct.

Tests are all done by Sonnet. I think 80% is low balling it on Go code really.

We have a lot of complex code generator stuff and DSLs in TS which also works well often. Sometimes it gets some edge cases wrong, but either re-prompting with more details or fixing it ourselves, will do it. At a fraction of the time/money of what a fully human team would deliver.

I wrote a 3d editor for fun with Sonnet in a day.

I have terrible results with gpt/copilot (copilot is good for editing instead of complete files/functions; chatgpt is not good much compared with sonnet); it doesn't get close at all; it simply keeps giving me the same code over and over again when I say it's wrong; it hardcodes things specifically asked to make flexible etc. Not sure why the difference is so massive all of sudden.

Note: I use the sonnet API, not the web interface, but same for gpt so...

I'd like to see that 3D editor. It's a highly non-trivial thing to do properly.

It was a few hours work so it was not 'done properly', but the point was, it is working code and, as I know nothing about 3d or game programming, I didn't do any of it. People here claim it (current LLMs) cannot produce working code for entire software's without a human doing a lot of it; it clearly can and for non trivial stuff. I would say the real point is ; it cannot do complete code for non trivial programs without human doing most of the coding IF the person prompting is not an experienced coder. I am, so I can review the generated code, prompt in English what it should change and then it works. It is often faster to write code instead of that (so the thing blurbs 100% working code but with 20% wrong/bugs which I fix as a human) but in domains I know nothing about, English is faster for me.

Essentially to me it feels like almost all LLM's are either mid -> terrible if it's any system programming. Especially I've not had luck with anything outside of web programming and moreso anything NOT javascript / python. (jeez I wrote this sentence terribly)

I had a decent experience putting together frontend code for a demo control system with Mixtral within a couple days. I'm a seasoned programmer but I don't do JS. It stumbled a dozen times but it fulfilled the task of me avoiding to learn JS.

However once you step outside JS or Python, the models are essentially useless. Comprehension of pointer semantics? You wish. Anything with Lisp outside its training corpus of homework assignments? LOL. Editing burden quickly exceeds any possible speed-up.

LLM coding assistants are more like another iteration in the jump from nothing -> Stack Overflow type resources than a replacement for you doing coding work as a programmer just because you can phrase the task as a prompt. If you measured the value of using resources like tutorials Stack Overflow posts by blindly merging the first 2 hundred line examples of the things you want to do, finding the result wasn't ideal, and declaring it a useless way to get functional code people would (rightfully) scratch their heads at you when you say they are living in a different world. Of course it didn't work right away, perhaps it was still better than figuring all of the boilerplate out on your own the first time you did it?

For LOVR (Lua based 3D/VR framework), I found these LLMs pretty much useless, both ChatGPT and Claude. Seems all is trained on old APIs, so it takes quite a bit of effort to make any suggestions work with newest LOVR version.

I wonder if quality would improve if one would upload the latest LOVR documentation and uploaded LOVR codebases using the newest version and instruct it properly?

The docs are available online. I don't know how often models are "re-trained".

Gpt seems to have gotten worse, Claude is the new hotness.

But, I agree with your sentiment that asking it to do stuff like that often doesn’t work. I’ve found that what it _can_ do is stuff like “here’s a Model object, write a query to fetch it with the schema I told you about ages ago”. It might not give perfect results, but I know how to write that query and it’s faster to edit Claude’s output than it is to write it from scratch.

I'd go one step further and suggest that one of the few things LLMs are good at is acting as astroturfing agents for themselves. I must be crazy to not be completely changing my workflow and job title with [THE_GOOD_ONE] and not that other one, and wow so many other people vocally feel the same way on every other forum that's extremely easy to manipulate.

Fwiw, I've had some helpful successful prompts here and there, and in some very narrow scopes I'll get something usable, like parsing JSON or scaffolding some test cases, which is real saved time, but I stopped thinking about these tools long ago.

To get real value out of something like your example, I'd be using it as a back and forth to help me understand how some concepts work or write example questions I can drill on my own, but nothing where precision matters

It's the same for me. It has to work 100%. I have 15+ years of coding experience, so I can code arguably fast. If I ask the LLM to code something, and it only partially works, then debugging and fixing the generated not-so-optimal code takes me more time than simply writing it from scratch.

There are also some more gotchas, like the generated code using a slightly different package versions than the installed ones.

> I feel like I'm living in a different universe sometimes. The consensus on HN seems to be that you can be pretty productive with LLMs as coding assistants, but every time I try I find it borderline impossible to get functional code even for pretty straightforward prompts.

Same, it can't even fix an xcode memory leak bug in a simple app. It will keep trying and breaking it non-stop. Garbage

> The consensus on HN seems to be that you can be pretty productive with LLMs as coding assistants

If you define "productive" as writing a simple CRUD web application that your 13-year-old cousin could write between two gaming sessions, then you'll consider LLMs as sacred monsters.

Snake oil vendors always had great appeal over people who didn't know better.

That’s very literally “productive “.

Chat gpt has helped me with some complex sql queries. I had to correct it a couple of times but in the end it worked.

Counterpoint: I have gotten real value out of dumping broken SQL into ChatGPT and have it fix it for me. I could 100% have done that by myself, but it would have meant I have to go and google the right syntax.

AI is great for me, but it is more like a junior developer you are pairing with than a replacement.

Chat GPT seems really good at frequently asked questions.

Like simple python scripts for Home Assistant it just nails first go.

There’s a lot of people on here with a financial interest in AI doing well. So they hype it continuously.

Thats because GPT products are in a different (much worse) universe to Anthropics Sonnet/Opus, they are truly phenomenal.

Give Anthropic a shot (its even better via the API console.anthropic.com/workbench).

OpenAI is yesterdays news.

> I gave GPT two small twists so it's not a simple case of copy/paste

Why? I see it like querying a database of human knowledge. I wouldn't expect a SQL database to infer information it's never seen before, why would I expect an LLM to do so?

I use it where I know a solution exists but I'm stumped on the syntax or how to implement it in an unfamiliar environment, or I want to know what could have caused a bug based on others' experience etc.

I've almost gotten GPT-4o to do some accurate regex. Probably 75% of the time it's close enough that I can tweak it and make it work.

I'm guessing AI won't be great with anything nontrivial related to pointers for a while since they require actual thinking

At least, we can hope that AI will master pointers one day. For people it's completely hopeless

what did it do when you told it all of those things? was it able to fix the problems when you pointed them out? did you give it one prompt and expect perfect code out on the first try? is that how you code? all your code complies and runs flawlessly first try? I'm jealous. it usually takes me a bunch of passes before I get things right.

here's a chat for a uc and LCD chip that I picked at random (and got the name wrong for) (and didn't want raspberry pi code for so it stopped it short on that response)


Yes me too! I don't have any stake for finsing LLMs unhelpful, and would love to have a tool to make me more productive.

Would be really interesting if anyone had blog posts on their actual workflow with LLMs, in case there's something I'm doing different.

Right now AI is like a chissel. It's a very useful tool, but not useful for everything. Banging your head against the wall of capabilities will give you an intuition when you will pull this tool. Just like you learned how to use a search engine effectively over the last 20 years.

When you are familiar with LLMs, then a question from someone who doesn't use AI is very obvious. It's the same feeling you have when you roll your eyes and say "you could have googled that in 10 seconds".

It's either explaining code where you don't even know the lingo for or what the question could be. Or touching code with a framework you never used. Or tedious tasks like convert parts of text into code or json. Or sometimes your mind is stuck or drifts off. Ask AI for an idea to get the ball rolling again.

Yes, discovering what works and what doesn't is tedious and slower then "just doing it yourself". Like switching IDEs. But if you found a handful of usecases that solve your problems, it is very refreshing.

Try something like maestro which uses agents and orchestrator. The looping quality checks have been very helpful. Claude-engineer from same developer is also good to experience how superior that ia to regular chat.

It has helped, at the cost of making me more dependent on the assistants

Yeah, these people claiming AI has been a transformative experience are just full of sh*t. I ask various models questions all the time because it's often better than googling, but all of them make a lot silly mistakes. Frequently, it can be a bit of a process to get useful results.

Its not supposed to do your work. Its an assistant.

... Or they just honestly have a different experience than you

Do you find that you accept GitHub copilits line completions like 90% of the time?

If your productivity is near-null, LLMs can make you 100x more productive.

one trick is to let it come up with what it wants (lots of functions, no texture), then run the code, give it the errors until that's fixed. then ask it to inline them, then add the texture, etc.

I look at this contrast as what I call the difference between a "programmer" and a "software engineer". These jobs are really two different universes in practice, so you're not wrong.

I saw an LLM demo at one point where it was asked to write FFT and add unit tests for it which really drove this point home for me.

A programmer is a nicer term for a code monkey. You ask them to write FFT and they'll code it. All problems can be solved with mode code. They can edit code, but on the whole it's more just to add more code. LLMs are actually pretty good at this job, in my experience. And this job is important, not all tasks can be engineered thoroughly. But this job has its scaling limits.

A software engineer is not about coding per se, it's about designing software. It's all about designing the right code, not more code. Work smarter, not harder, for scale. You ask them to write FFT and they'll find a way to depend on it from a common implementation so they don't have to maintain an independent implementation. I've personally found LLMs very bad at this type of work, the same way you and others relying to you describe it. (Ok, maybe FFT is overly simple, I'm sure an LLM can import that for you. But you get the idea.) LLMs have statistical confidence, not intellectual confidence. But software engineering generally works with code too complex for pure statistical confidence.

No offense to the LLM fans here, but I strongly suspect most of them are closer to the programmer category of work. An important job, but one more easily automated away by LLMs (or better software engineering long-term). And we can see this by how a lot of programming has been outsourced for decades to cheap labor in third-world countries: it's a simpler type of job. That plus the people biased because their jobs and egos depend on LLMs succeeding.

I stop it from coding, just ask it to brainstorm with me on a design or plan. After a few iterations it knows what I want and then I ask it for specific outputs. Or I code those myself, or some combination.

I’ve found that it’s sometimes amazing and sometimes wastes a lot of my time. A few times it’s really come up with a good insight I hadn’t considered because the conversation has woken up some non-obvious combination. I use ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity and one or two IDE tools.

Try deepseek coder

Give it another shot but with Claude Sonnet 3.5. It’s my daily driver for coding tasks.

It seems especially strong with Python but a bit medium with Swift.

I just signed up for the free version. Claude Sonnet does properly use malloc/free to manage the buffer where GPT-4o screws up (Yay!) It manages to gets through the whole process of initializing a graphics device and grabbing a queue from the device. It took some questionable shortcuts to get there (and didn't leave any comments explaining those shortcuts and the problems they could cause down the road), but fine, the code works.

After that it goes completely off the rails by trying to issue draw commands before binding a graphics pipeline, which is both illogical and illegal. After a lot of prodding, I did manage to get it to bind a graphics pipeline, but it forgot about the texture.

So Claude Sonnet is definitely better than GPT-4o, but it still feels raw, like a game of whack-a-mole where I can get it to fix a mistake, but it reintroduces an old one. I also have to be the one offering the expertise. I can prompt it to fix the issues because I know exactly what the issues are. If I was using this to try to fill in for a gap in my knowledge, I would be stuck when I ran the code and it crashed - I would have no idea where to go next.

Update: Took about 50 min of experimenting, but I did get Claude to generate code that doesn't have any obvious defects on first inspection, although it cut off about halfway through because of the generation limit. That's the best result that I've seen from an LLM yet. But that's after about a dozen very broken broken programs, and again, I think the domain expertise here is key in order to be able to reprompt and correct.

LLMs are much better at Python and JavaScript than at C/C++. This simple difference can account for much of the variation in people's experiences.

I agree, that could explain a lot of it. I also suspect that the length of the generated code plays a role. In my experience, LLMs sometimes peter out a bit and give up if the generated program gets too long, even if it's well within their context limit. (Where giving up means writing a comment that says "the rest of the implementation goes here" or starting to have consistency issues.) Python and JavaScript tend to be more succinct and so that issue probably comes up less.

Yes, you have figured it out. LLMs are terrible for graphics programming. Web development - much better. Sonnet 3.5 is the only good model around for now. GPT 4o is very poor.

I've had some moderate success asking Claude to "translate" smallish pieces of code from, eg, C++ to Python. One simple C++ file parser it managed to translate basically 100% right on one try. I wouldn't particularly trust the output- well, not until I run it through tests- but for quick "could this possibly work, what does the performance look like, what might this code look like" exploratory stuff it's been very useful, especially for code that you are likely to throw away anyway.

One example that I am still using: I wanted to generate a random DICOM file with specific types of garbage in it to use as input for some unit tests, and Claude was able to generate some Python that grabs some random DICOM tags and shoves vaguely plausible garbage data into them, such that it is a valid but nonsensical DICOM dataset. This is not hard, but it's a lot faster to ask Claude to do it.

> The real problem here is that we're expecting Google to do this instead of law enforcement. Is there a scammer? Arrest them.

That would be ideal, but getting 195 countries on the same page on cybercrime just isn't going to happen. As it is we have multiple countries where the government actively sponsors internet scammers.

They don't have to get all countries on the same page; for example, they could default to only allowing apps to be sold in the country of the vendor, then expand from that to countries with an extradition treaty with the vendor's country.

Also probably not quite as hard as you make out in practice, as 27 of those countries share membership of a super-national government whose specific purpose is to make trade easier by streamlining legislative differences between them, and that block plus two other single countries constitute about 60% of the world's GDP.

Though random small-time scammers may regardless have a hard time selling in China an app made outside, and vice-versa, as even just the language barrier can be quite intense — I've played a game where the decently resourced western publisher didn't notice (or noticed but didn't fix) the fact that the "choose your name" box only had room for one character, and thus I was the only player who had an interesting name like '狐' rather than 'M'.

> they could default to only allowing apps to be sold in the country of the vendor, then expand from that to countries with an extradition treaty with the vendor's country.

You don't even need an extradition treaty. Just require some collateral for selling outside your own country. Then people selling within their own country (i.e. probably most people) don't have to post anything but are automatically in the same jurisdiction as the victim. Whereas scammers from other countries forfeit their collateral, the amount of which is set based on the amount of scams coming out of their country.

It would be a lot simpler if cyberspace was declared a sovereign territory and Google became the official government of it, answerable to no other government on questions of digital affairs. That way they'd have the power to put all the spammers and ransomware gangs in their goolag for a very long time. Think this is a bad idea? Great for you. Keep letting people like Donald Trump be your digital government. Heck, make Google the government of meatspace too. If every neightborhood in America was run as well as a Google office, we'd all be living in paradise. Even in Google's currently evil debased declined state, it's still infinitely more competent and better than your corrupt compromised legacy government institutions.

> Even in Google's currently evil debased declined state, it's still infinitely more competent and better than your corrupt compromised legacy government institutions.

Corporations are only efficient when they have corporate responsibilities. Corporations do only efficiency and can select customers. Government must guarantee equality and rights for everyone. Even criminals are citizens with rights.

Let me demonstrate. This is how Google would do it:

(1) Algorithm captures 90% of all criminals (it's a good algorithm)

(2) 5% (1/20) change that flagged account is a criminal (95% false positives)

(3) 0.01% (1/10000) of all accounts are flagged.

There are around 246 million unique Google users in the US. Closing just 24,600 accounts removes 90% of criminals. 90% change of capture is a good deterrent.

Google also removes 23,370 innocent accounts.

GOOGLE DOES THIS ALREADY. It's efficient and well-run (actual numbers may vary) but also brutal and unjust. Legacy government institutions do their job better than Google would.

Do you really believe the government is what gives you your rights?

Government maintains a system that enables you to protect your rights, and process to participate. That system can't be very efficient, because you need to have paper trail, and bureaucratic process. It's the process that gives you change to seek justice and protect your rights.

With Google you can only post complaint to HN and wish that someone working in Google notices, or that there is enough publicity to shame them.

Maybe that's true for some governments. Or maybe it was true a long time ago. In America I question whether our government is actually even the government. One thing I like about Google is they don't claim to provide services they don't actually do. I'm glad you live in a place where the system that governs you worked well enough to earn your trust.

I'm not an American, that's true.

I think Americans have forgotten what the government is. It's the job of the people to fix and constantly maintain the government because if they don't own it, someone else will.

It seems like Reaganism never left America. People from right to left have adopted the talking points and the attitude. If there are problems in the government, it's suddenly all bullshit and good for nothing. Talk in a passive voice where the government just happens.

At this point, Google should accept new sign-ups for critical products ONLY from countries that have a functioning law enforcement system when it comes to this - and check based on ID card/passport.

> Those are bugs. They are faults in the code. They need to be fixed. They are not UB-as-a-feature like in C/C++.

Rust has UB-as-a-feature too. They could have eliminated UB from the language entirely, but they chose not to (for very valid reasons in my opinion).

UB is a set of contracts that you as the author agree to never violate. In return, you get faster code under the assumption that you never actually encounter a UB condition. If you violate those contracts in Rust and actually encounter UB, that's a a bug, that's a fault in the code. If you violate those contracts in C++, that's a bug, that's a fault in the code. This is the same in both languages.

It's true that Rust UB can only arise from unsafe blocks, but it is not limited to unsafe blocks. Rust UB has "spooky action at a distance" the same way C++ UB does. In other words, you can write UB free code in Rust, but if any third party code encounters UB (including the standard library), your safe code is now potentially infected by UB as well. This is also the same in both languages.

There are good reasons to favor Rust's flavor of UB over C++'s, but I keep seeing these same incorrect arguments getting repeated everywhere, which is frustrating.

> It's true that Rust UB can only arise from unsafe blocks, but it is not limited to unsafe blocks.

This is correct, and it's hard to teach, and I agree that a lot of folks get it wrong. (Here's my attempt: https://jacko.io/safety_and_soundness.html.) But I think this comment is understating how big of a difference this makes:

1. Rust has a large, powerful safe subset, which includes lots of real-world programs. Unsafe code is an advanced topic, and beginners don't need to learn about it to start getting their work done. Beginners can contribute to big projects without touching the unsafe parts (as you clarified, that means the module privacy boundaries that include unsafe code, not just the unsafe blocks), and reviewers don't need to be paranoid about every line.

2. A lot of real-world unsafe Rust is easy to audit, because you can grep for `unsafe` in a big codebase and zoom right to the parts you need to look at. Again, as you pointed out, those blocks might not be the whole story, and you do need to read what they're doing to see how much code they "infect". But an experienced Rust programmer can audit a well-written codebase in minutes. It's not always that smooth of course, but it's a totally different world that that's even possible.

> There are good reasons to favor Rust's flavor of UB over C++'s, but I keep seeing these same incorrect arguments getting repeated everywhere, which is frustrating.

Tell me what I wrote that was incorrect. I called them UB bugs in the standard library. If they were trivial bugs that caused some defined-behavior logic bug while used outside of the standard library then it wouldn’t rise to the level of being called an UB bug.

> They are not UB-as-a-feature like in C/C++.

That's the part that's incorrect. That, plus the implication that UB is a bug in Rust, but not in C++. As I said, the existence of UB is a feature in both languages and actually encountering UB is a bug in both languages. You can play with the semantics of the word "feature" but I don't think it's possible to find a definition that captures C++ UB and excludes Rust UB without falling into a double standard. Unfortunately double standards on UB are pretty common in conversations about C++ and Rust.

You’re done editing the comment now?

Do you think UB-as-feature is something that someone would honestly describe C or C++ as? It’s a pretty demeaning way of framing things. Indeed it’s a tongue-in-cheek remark, a vhimsical exaggeration/description of the by-default UB of those languages which was added to the end of the completely factual description of the role that finding UB in the Safe Rust subset of the standard library of Rust serves.

Of course one cannot, from the Rust Side so to speak, use tongue in cheek, off-hand remarks in these discussions; one must painstakingly add footnotes and caveats, list and mention every trivial fact like “you can get UB in unsafe blocks”[1] or else you have a “double standard”.

[1] Obligatory footnote: even though all participants in the discussion clearly knows this already.

> Do you think UB-as-feature is something that someone would honestly describe C or C++ as?

Yes. That's how I describe it. That's also how Ralf Jung (long time Rust contributor and one of the main people behind Miri) describes UB in both Rust and C++ (although he says C++ overdoes it) [1]

The thing I edited out of my comment was "motte and bailey fallacy" because after reflecting a bit I thought it was unfair. But now you're actually trying to retroactively reframe as a joke.

[1] https://blog.sigplan.org/2021/11/18/undefined-behavior-deser...

> Yes. That's how I describe it. That's also how Ralf Jung (long time Rust contributor and one of the main people behind Miri) describes UB in both Rust and C++ (although he says C++ overdoes it) [1]

Okay. Then I was wrong about that.

> The thing I edited out of my comment was "motte and bailey fallacy" because after reflecting a bit I thought it was unfair. But now you're actually trying to retroactively reframe as a joke.

What a coincidence. I had written on a post-it note that you were going to pull out an Internet Fallacy. (I guess it’s more about rhetoric.)

I guess you’ve never seen someone explain after the fact that they were being tongue in cheek (it’s not a joke, it’s an exaggeration)? Because jokes, sarcastic remarks are always clearly labelled and unambiguous? Okay then. I guess it was a Motte and Bailey.

As far as I am aware, the standard doesn't mandate bounds checking for std::vector::operator[] and probably never will for backwards compatibility reasons. Most standard library implementations have opt-out std::vector[] bounds checking in unoptimized builds, but not in optimized builds.

I tried a toy example with GCC [1], Clang [2], and MSVC [3], and none of them emit bounds checks with basic optimization flags.

[1] https://godbolt.org/z/W5e3n5oWM

[2] https://godbolt.org/z/Pe8nPPvEd

[3] https://godbolt.org/z/YTdv3nabn

As I said you need the correct flag set.. MSVC use _CONTAINER_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 and it can be used in release. They have had this feature since 2010 or so, though the flag name has changed.

The correct name is _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL.

Add a "#define _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL 1" on top for VC++.

> today cars drive themselves

You can attach about a hundred asterisks to that.

If anything, I think self the failure to hit L5 driving after billions of dollars and millions of man hours invested is probably reflective of how automatic C to Rust translation will go. We'll cruise 90% of the way, but the last 10% will prove insurmountable with current technology.

Think about the number of C programs in the wild that rely on compiler-specific or libc-specific or platform-specific behavior, or even undefined behavior plus the dumb luck of a certain brittle combination of {compiler version} ∩ {libc version} ∩ {linker version} ∩ {build flags} emitting workable machine code. There's a huge chunk of C software where there's not enough context within the source itself (or even source plus build scripts) to understand the behavior. It's not even clear that this is a solvable problem in the abstract.

None of that is to say that DARPA shouldn't fund this. Research isn't always about finding an industrial strength end product; the knowledge and expertise gained along the way is important too.

This is the exact formulation of the argument before computers beat humans at chess, or drew pictures, or represented color correctly, or... Self driving cars will be solved. There is at least one general purpose computer that can solve it already (a human brain), so of a purpose built computer can also be made to solve it.

In 10 (or 2 or 50 or X) years when Chevy, Ford, and others are rolling out cheap self driving this argument stops working. The important thing is that this argument stops working with no change in how hard C to Rust conversion is.

We really should be looking at the specifics of both problems. What makes computer language translation hard? Why is driving hard? One needs to be correct while inferring intent and possibly reformulating code to meet new restrictions. The other needs to be able to make snap judgments and in realtime avoid hitting things even if it just means stopping to prefer safety over motion. One problem can be solved piecewise without significant regard to time and the other solved in realtime as it happens without producing unsafe output.

These problems really aren't analogous.

I think you picked self driving cars just because it is a big and only partially solved problem. One could just as easily pick a big solved problem or a big unstarted problem and formulate equally bad arguments.

I am not saying this problem is easy, just that it seems solvable with sufficient effort.

> These problems really aren't analogous.

I'd put money on the solutions to said problems looking largely the same though - big ass machine learning models.

My prediction is that a tool like copilot (but specialized to this domain) will do the bulk of source code conversions, with a really smart human coming behind to validate.

With you, except for the conclusion "[ the tool ] will do the bulk of source code conversions, with a really smart human coming behind to validate".

The director orders the use of the tool when the dev team got downsized (and the two most-seniors left for greener pastures just after that). Validation is in the "extensive" tests anyway, we have those, right, so the new intern shall have a look, make it all work (fudge the tests where possible and remove the persistently failing ones as they've probably been always broken). The salesman said it comes from the DOA or DOD or something. If the spooks can do it so can we.

> This is the exact formulation of the argument before computers beat humans at chess, or drew pictures, or represented color correctly, or...

Which are things that took 20 or 50 years longer than expected in some cases.

> I think you picked self driving cars just because it is a big and only partially solved problem. One could just as easily pick a big solved problem or a big unstarted problem and formulate equally bad arguments.

But C to Rust translation is a big and only partially solved problem.

Ok, but if it's like 90% of small projects can use it as direct no pain bridge, that can be a huge win.

Even if it's "can handle well 90%" of the transition for any project, this is still interesting. Unlike cars on the road, most code transition project out there doesn't need to be 100% fine to provide some useful value.

Even if every project can only be 90% done, that’s a huge win. Best would be if it could just wrap the C equivalent code into an unsafe block which would be automatically triaged for human review.

Just getting something vaguely Rust shaped which can compile is the first step in overcoming the inertia to leave the program in its current language.

c2rust exists today, and pretty much satisfies this. I've used it to convert a few legacy math libraries to unsafe rust, and then been able to do the unsafe->safe refactor in the relative comfort of the full rust toolset (analyser + IDE + tests)

There is real utility in slowly fleshing out the number of transforms in a tool like c2rust that can recognise high-level constructs in C code and produce idiomatic safe equivalents in rust

"real" (large) C/C++ programs get much of their complexity from the fact that it's hundred of "sources" (both compiled and libraries) that sometimes, or even often, share global state and at best use a form of "opportunistic sharing". Global variables are (deliberately, and justifiedly-so) hard in rust, but (too) trivial in C/C++, cross-references / pointer chains / multi-references likewise. And once you enter threading, it becomes even harder to output "good" rust code - you'd have to prove func() is called from threaded code and should in rust best take Arc<> or some such instead of a pointer.

It'll be great for "pure" functions. For the grimey parts of the world, funcs taking pointer args and returning pointers, for things that access and modify global data without locks, for threaded code with implicit (and undocumented) locking, the tool would add most value. If it can. Even only by saying "this code looks grimey. here's why. A bit of FFI will also be thrown in because it links against 100 libraries. I suggest changes along those lines ... use one of the 2000000 hint flags to pick-your-evil".

In addition to the other replies, this is a one-time project. After everything (or almost everything) has been translated, you're done, you won't be running into new edge cases.

> > today cars drive themselves

> You can attach about a hundred asterisks to that.

Not in San Francisco. There are about 300 Waymo cars safely driving in one of the most difficult urban environments around (think steep hills, fog, construction, crazy traffic, crazy drivers, crazier pedestrians). Five years ago this was "someday" science-fiction. Frankly I trust them much more then human drivers and envision a future utopia where human drivers are banned from urban centers.

To get back on topic, I don't think automatic programming language translation is nearly as hard, especially since we have a deterministic model of the machines it runs on. I can see a possible approach where AI systems take the assembler code of a C++ program, then translate that into Rust, or anything else. Can they get 100% accuracy and bit-for-bit compatibility on output? I would not bet against it.

Opinions about automated driving systems vary. Just from my own experience doing business all around San Francisco I have seen at least a half dozen instances of Waymo vehicles making unsafe maneuvers. Responders have told me and local government officials that Waymo vehicles frequently fail to acknowledge emergency situations or respond to driving instructions. Driving is a social exercise which requires understanding of a number of abstractions.

they're not perfect, sure, but they're out there, just driving around all autonomously and all, contrary to GGP's assertion that they don't exist.

GGGP talked about L5 self-driving, isn't Waymo L4?

Isn't 100% accuracy (relatively) easy? c2rust already does that, or at least comes close, as far as I know.

Getting identical outputs on safe executions, catching any unsafe behavior (at translation-time or run-time), and producing efficient, maintainable code all at once is a million times harder.

Limited to specific areas during specific hours, and have caused crashes (at least when I lived there till last summer).

San Francisco, for all its challenges, mostly has traffic laws that people follow. This is not true throughout the world.

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