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Would love to see a data visualization of the voice's predictions and their results. Every day, you could keep track of each prediction made, and also go back to old predicitons and write down whether they came true or not. Over a six month span I think you could make a cool chart and those results would be very interesting.

For fun you could also keep track of other related data. How far fetched the prediction is. How confident the voice is. The time frame of the prediction. Just an idea...

Since you appear curious, here is some information.

The voice always speaks in the same tone.

Predictions are usually something I want to do or am planning to do. Plans it usually tells me as soon as they are conceived. Predictions come often when I am making plans, it tells me whether they will work or not.

HOWEVER, to answer your question, such an exercise could be totally futile as in actuality it changes its mind a lot. Sometimes it tells me something I intend to do won't work, without divulging why. I try it anyway and it kinda works, and I figure out why the point of failure. I fix it, and now the voice tells me it will work now, making the initial prediction kind of moot.

Sometimes something happens and something the voice initially thought was a great idea it now says will be an absolute failure. By that time I am often committed so I tell it there's no choice now, we can only keep going, and it kinda agrees and we do the thing anyway. Sometimes the voice is just plain wrong about things.

The predictions aren't so much predictions as they are opinions. Also, studying it with too hard a lens seems to bring out the worse in the condition, so I avoid it.

This seems similar to the type of intrusive thoughts associated with OCD. It's like someone pretending to be God inside your mind, making commentary on all the things you want or try to do, sometimes very cruel. I kind of think of it as the part of your mind that is involved in planning for the future is given a voice, or that your internal anxieties or fears or hopes become kind of like a separate entity alongside the normal conscious mind.

Fascinating. I had no idea.

There is a lot that can be learned about the mind by carefully observing it facing and coping with these situations. Understanding the chemistry and the usage patterns of various parts of the brain as it goes through this form of internal dialogue.

It would, however, require a lot of commitment from the patient and willingness to face the condition and even make the symptoms worse. And, considering how crude our tools are at this stage, wouldn’t likely yield much useful information.

Ported my java game to Cheerp and it was the easiest thing ever. I highly recommend and you can see the results here: http://liarsdiceonline.com

Only criticism is that it can take a few MINUTES to initially load the game and there isn't a loading bar or anything

I see the game was ported with the legacy CheerpJ 2.3 runtime. Consider upgrading to the new CheerpJ 3.0. Improving boot times has been one of our main goals and upgrading is very easy: https://cheerpj.com/docs/migrating-from-cheerpj2

Fun game! I thought you programmed it wrong till I realized in your version of liars dice 1s are wild. Also never played the way of guessing the total number of dots, and we always have loser go first on the next round. Thanks for sharing!

In our game, one's are wild unless ones are specifically called. Yes, the loser should go next.

resume and linkedin page both are broken links

I don't understand how you could not believe this under the majority opinion. The constitution is very clear that supreme command of the armed forces falls to the Commander-in-Chief. The President. It must follow that when the president directs the armed forces he is performing an official action that is exclusively given to him via the constitution. If that is not an official action, then what is? There is nothing in the constitution directing how the president should direct the armed forces. And it follows from that if its an official action then he is immune.

If Donald Trump ordered the military to manicure the lawn at Mar-a-Lago, would that be considered an official act? Obviously not. The Emoluments Clause dictates that all federal officeholders cannot benefit from their positions besides their direct compensation.

I don't think that the Domestic Emoluments Clause's concept of "Emolument" goes so far as to apply to the death of a political opponent. Suppose that I'm a manager at a corporate job and the second-most likely candidate for a promotion. If I order a subordinate to kill the most likely candidate and I get promoted, I don't think that the prosecutor would think to add a "prohibited employment compensation" charge on top of the inevitable "conspiracy" and "first degree murder" charges.

(In a previous version of my comment, I thought that the previous commenter was referring to the Foreign Emoluments Clause and cluelessly asked whether there was a domestic version.)

> If I order a subordinate to kill the most likely candidate and I get promoted, I don't think that the prosecutor would think to add a "prohibited employment compensation" charge

They would if you had used your company credit card to pay a hitman though. Perhaps this isn't the strongest argument for why the military for a political assassination isn't an official act. My point still stands though that all limitations of the powers of the President are still there, so not everything they do will be considered an official act.

Different emoluments clause: "he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them."

My bad. I have now edited my comment accordingly.

I thought the strict constructionist arguments fell apart when the dissent quoted the Constitution which says even if a president is impeached, they “shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.” Art. I, §3, cl. 7

I don't see how any interpretation of this text could imply that the president is immune from criminal prosecution. It clearly says a president is not immune from criminal penalties, how could they write this while also considering the president immune for offical acts?

Here’s the whole clause:

> Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

So I think the intended process is that congress must impeach and convict first, and then after that they are subject to criminal prosecution.

So I’m guessing that the Federal government or US State can’t unilaterally prosecute the President for an official act if they haven’t been impeached.

Its fair to approach arguments like this with skepticism because they sound so ridiculous, but I think they're lent more credence when referenced as a concern in the dissent from the Supreme Court itself. Sotomayor said: "When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune."

If you want to say she is worried over impossibilities too that's fine but based on the facts of the case and how it was ruled, I don't see why its not a realistic concern.

What do you guys mean by infantilization of the industry? Are you talking about managers and leadership talking down to engineers as "coding-monkeys" or similar? Treating coders with baby gloves because of stigma of social awkwardness?

It's difficult to describe, but to me it boils down to "low budget methods of avoiding giving developers and users what they need".

On the developers' side it's all kinds of perks like e.g. arcade machines in the office when what's really needed is a better budget for devices and tooling. Also gamifying everything to the point of it becoming tedious.

On the users' side it's tonedeaf humour when the user is experiencing real issues put there instead of actual support.

It spills over to fields outside of software with cases like Tesla drivers in the UK being given grabbing tools instead of RHD.

I'm far from being a person who has a stick up their ass, but it got to a point where I immediately assume these practices were put there to avoid accountability.

Feels like not many discuss how Climate Change would effect Geopolitical tensions. This page makes it obvious how Western enemies like China and Russia may benefit from land now frigid becoming more temperate

China is already suffering heavily from desertification; I don't think global warming would do it much favor.

Maybe I'm deeply cynical, but it doesn't seem far-fetched that Putin would be perfectly fine with opening up some Russian warm water ports with the happy side benefit of destabilizing chunks of the United States and western Europe.

It is a weird coincidence that the major American political party most vehemently against recognizing anthropogenic climate change is also the one most likely to be caught with their hands in the proverbial Russian cookie jar...

Love this app, this is something I've had rolling around in my head for a while and I think it can massively improve developer productivity. Excited to try it when I can use my own code!

Thank you!!

The article is good, but as an aside, wow thank you for the introduction to "the bullet journal". Seems like an awesome time management tool.

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