Before I was a programmer, I was a marine biologist and also worked as a fish farmer.
By virtually all metrics, intensive land-based animal farming is much harder on the environment. Also, in terms of animal welfare, its super sketchy even with animals labeled organic.
The misinformation around fish farming is absurd. I think people want to believe in the myth that commercial fishing is a couple guys in a wooden boat; when its actually a floating factory discarding up to half or more of what it kills.
There are many aquatic things I won't eat but mostly it is of the "wild fish" variety (overfishing, pollution, mercury, bycatch). I worked a single season as a fisheries observer in Alaska. The destruction was maddening.
I put wild fish in quotes because many times they are raised in a hatcheries then released into the wild. Which has ruined the gene pool of salmon in places that do this.
After a few years raising chickens at my home farm, I became pescatarian. I drew an arbitrary line at intelligence where I wouldn't eat anything as smart or smarter than a chicken.
Anyhow, avoiding farmed fish while eating land meat is really misinformed. I think the meat industry and commercial fishing industries have managed to completely misinform the American public (and a few well-meaning but misleading documentaries on the subject).
America doesn't not farm very many aquatic things besides oysters, trout and catfish. Which are all very very green industries. I like to bring these ones up in conversations about this topic.
I think compassion is better than empathy because it gives you the space to not care about someone's angle while understanding where they might be coming from. Usually, fear and confusion.
No. No one drinks soda. Coca Cola Corporation’s revenue of 40 billion dollars a year is entirely fabricated. It is the next Enron. When you see a person drinking a soda, try touching them. They are a hologram, an attempt by a fading company to convince people of their relevance.
Having substituted all soda with clear water, humanity has entered a new era of peace and prosperity. War is a thing of the past now that Man is hydrated.
Peace reigns over the Earth as fusion powered reactionless spacecraft take to the skies. Our third space colony is prospering and we are on the brink of conquering Death itself.
Soda is delicious for those of us that like sweet foods. It's certainly not for everyone, but I could honestly drink soda and eat cookies nonstop all day if I didn't limit myself to at most 1 can in a day and purposely don't purchase cookies to have in the house.
I'd argue the KKK is not a good example. The Ku Klux Klan Act was passed in 1871 to target and stop the klan (src: ). This was successful until the Klan was refounded in 1915, thanks to the movie "The Birth of a Nation".
ChromeOS also went downhill. I am slowly migrating older family devices over to Lubuntu or maybe another lightweight distro.
Google needs Chrome and Android freed from their sticky fingers.