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Technically you are pirating.

I don't think so? The keys were given to students but afaik they are intentionally valid past graduation and transferable to new machines via microsoft account.

Edit: perhaps you misunderstood - I didn't take keys that were licensed for university owned machines, I got a key that was given to students for their personal devices as part of some agreement with microsoft.

Although I have no qualms about actually pirating windows either ever since they started pushing advertising into the start menu.

MSDNAA allows using the software after no longer being a student.

This article reminded me of this classic:


Right now they don't even account for the factories in its territory...

That is a valid defense.

But he had plenty of opportunities of doing something about it.

Really? I mean, how would you do something about it if it meant your whole family would be tortured to death? Set on fire? These guys have horrifically cruel methods of execution. And despite all that he did go undercover. Balls of steel if you ask me.

Fortunately Electron apps don't have this problem, since their UI is GPU accelerated.

Can’t tell if joking or not...

> to never flush toilet paper

Interesting note.


It’s not everywhere in China either. I never saw that in newer cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen don’t have that quirk. But it is in Hong Kong and other parts of Southeast Asia.

I was always wondering when I see a sign saying to not flush toilet papers. Do you need to throw it in the trash can after wiping your butt? Because I always flush it, don't want to make the toilet room smell bad or give a hard time to the cleaning lady/boy!

> Do you need to throw it in the trash can after wiping your butt?

Yes, and in my experience they're usually the kind with a lid.

It look me a long time to learn that you weren't supposed to flush TP in China, since people don't put signs about it in their homes.

It is common in some parts of the world where the sewers can't deal with it.

And yeah, the places I was in supplied a bin.

I think the cleaners will have a harder time if the toilet backs up!

got me curious about transforming faeces... when https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4998016/

combustion performance of waste..

All aboard the Chrome train.

Firefox my dude. Has plugin support (uBlock) on mobile.

Quite, Any browser that doesn't use chromium is the correct choice. Monopolies are bad, and it's hilarious that people are celebrating one of the demise of one most destructive monopolies of the computing age with "just use $new_monpololistic_product, it will be different this time"

A lot of the same people decrying the Chrome monopoly never the less push for more and more bloat in the web standard, thus helping to enforce that monopoly by ensuring that hardly anyone has the resources to make a reasonable competitor.

Time to deprecate the web and start from scratch.

Doing so today would only result in a worse and more proprietary product, I suspect.

More proprietary than "basically Google just tells everyone how it's going to be"? Maybe. It'd be hard to make it worse though. What people seem to really want out of the web is a VM platform and a document layout engine, so why not design a new VM that is intended first and foremost to be an efficient application platform, and then make one of those applications an open source document layout engine? You don't have to be married to HTTP and all its woes either. You could even port a current "legacy" browser to it. And if that document layout engine is found to be lacking, we can make a new one without breaking everything because its just another application on the VM.

Hell, you could compile the VM with an HTML5/JS target and get forward compatibility too.

A worse standard is unlikely to win people over. Even a better standard is unlikely to win.

Take HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, remove 90% of the cruft. Now, include what people want like a much better table element that by default can handle Adaptive screen sizes etc etc.

Chromium and Firefox are open source so you can probably get support in them by writing the code yourself. But, good luck gaining traction.

You'll have a really very bad time deciding what is cruft on those.

No, but "click to play" for javascript would be a good start.

At least Webkit/Blink are open source and have multiple implementations. With that in mind, how do we distinguish between a "monoculture" and a "standard"?

I feel the same instinctive feeling that we're just going back to the IE days, but is it possible that having all browsers align on a single rendering engine could prove to be helpful rather than harmful?

Indeed. We should be able to split our browser choices freely between a duopoly!

About 5 years ago we had 4 browsers with significant share - IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Even 10 years ago Firefox had a decent impact over over 25% and IE was being brought down into the "managable" area of 50%ish.

I'm screaming on the inside. And using chrome because my phone doesn't have enough storage for another browser / I can't remove it.

Which is baffling: I find myself in a situation that Microsoft was fined for

uMatrix is the best at blocking all sorts of content. One can selectively enable and save preferences per website, and that is helpful since uMatrix tends to break websites using CDNs.


Unfortunately there are no extensions on iOS (I'm guessing due to Apple's policies).

The world already is:

Global market share held by leading desktop internet browsers

Chrome Safari

May '18 66.93% 5.48%

Apr '18 66.17% 5.48%

Mar '18 66.93% 5.37%

Feb '18 67.49% 5.42%


Yeah, let’s go from ‘designed for Internet Explorer’ to ‘designed for Chrome’!

That'd be an upgrade over edge. Remember, Safari and edge are coupled with the OS. Safari team and Edge team can't even push updates without blessing from the OS teams. Chrome, even on Android, does not have this problem. Ideally we'd have more people using Mozilla Firefox but in the world we live in, I'd prefer people use Google Chrome over Safari or Edge (even when edge switches to chrome).

It's really sad the WebKit has won. We're now back to single vendor.

With Firefox being the only independent rendering engine and that's been on a downwards trajectory.

A downwards user share trajectory, but an upwards technical one as of late. But yeah, it's pretty worrying that a webkit monoculture is developing. At least webkit is open source, so google won't really have a true monopoly (at least apple and microsoft will have competing (if still webkit based) implementations).

A downwards user-share trajectory, and a downwards reputation trajectory. I don't think that all the hate Mozilla's getting is deserved, but a lot of people didn't like that one easter egg, or the mess with Pocket.

I've been using Firefox continually since the first version. I don't recall any easter egg. Is it still in the browser?

There was a Mr. Robot easter egg that lots of people were angry about.[0] I didn't notice it either, though.

[0]: https://www.cnet.com/news/mozilla-investigates-mr-robot-fire...

That's crazy, people trust them to ship the entire browser, but adding an extension makes them untrustworthy.

What will those people say if they ever decide to break the browser into a core and user visible plugins?

The Webkit/Blink engine is far from being single vendor, they are vibrant open source projects with many companies that contribute to the development efforts, pretty much all browsers except for Firefox will be based on it soon.

Web developers would rather have a single good engine, assuming that it's good enough and continuously developed.

IE failed back when they all but ceased development for a number of years and since it was closed source nobody could take it over.

How has Webkit won? It's basically only used in Safari these days, right?

Blink is a WebKit fork and is used by everyone, from Chrome to Opera, and soon, Edge. Apple and Google have gone their separate ways, and will make decisions separately, so WebKit isn't really contributing to the Blink monopoly.

It's effectively the same as Blink which is used by Chrome, soon to be edge and any other popular browser.

Google certainly thinks so when they check the Firefox user agent on Android and give them a some cut down mobile version.

I just wish we could get all of our customers on board the "browser with non-security updates" train.

Let's not.

Google literally censors plugins they don't like from being loaded into Chrome. No.

And it has MORE reported CVEs than Windows:https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-products.php?year=2018

When the list says Debian or Ubuntu it includes all software in Debian and Ubuntu. That includes software like Google Chrome, Firefox, Python, Ruby, etc. For example out of the 40 listed in 2019 in Debian 36(!) are Chrome bugs, not Debian bugs.

Sort by Vendor: https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-vendors.php

It's also OSS and it is much easier to surface security bugs for Linux than for Windows.

In my own research, I have attempted to send Microsoft security bugs only to be told they would be backlogged and reviewed later (which never happened to my knowledge).

> It's also OSS and it is much easier to surface security bugs for Linux than for Windows.

Shouldn't then the number of bugs decrease much faster, since they are easier to find? Unless they are introduced at even a greater rate than the ones in Windows.

No, because linux OS's includes a lot of software in their repositories and new packages are added all the time. Look closer at the list. "40 Debian CVEs in 2019" breaks down to this:

* Google Chrome: 36

* Artifex Ghostscript: 1

* ZeroMQ: 1

* macOS CUPS: 2

* Debian: 0

You are right. One current estimate is that Linux is introducing security bugs at a rate faster than they are fixed.

New and better tools are finding bugs in old code, so it isn't really that more and more bugs get into new code:

"But, your editor wondered, could we be doing more than we are? The response your editor got was, in essence, that the bulk of the holes being disclosed were ancient vulnerabilities which were being discovered by new static analysis tools. In other words, we are fixing security problems faster than we are creating them. "


Maybe because more people can report them? With Windows you'll be lucky if Microsoft doesn't outright deny their existence.

That and saying Debian isn't like saying Windows. Debian is like 50.000 packages. Pretty much all CVES in this year so far listed as Debian CVES has been in Google Chrome browser...

It's about increasing the costs to the attacker.

Now a Windows/browser zero-day requires months of research and can be sold for $100k+.

Yes, the goal is to increase the costs to the attacker as much as possible while having minimal added costs during development and runtime of the software. Statically proven programs are great security wise but they are expensive to produce, while adding ASLR is not perfect but comparatively easy to pull off.

This argument is like saying that "vaccines are not necessary because as we can see, few people get infected"

Perfect analogy

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