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1. General and Surprising (paulgraham.com)
3 points by tyn on Sept 18, 2017 | past
2. Charisma / Power (paulgraham.com)
5 points by tyn on Jan 16, 2017 | past | 1 comment
3. The Risk of Discovery (paulgraham.com)
537 points by tyn on Jan 12, 2017 | past | 323 comments
4. An optimistic reply to Ezra Klein (paulgraham.com)
2 points by tyn on Jan 13, 2016 | past
5. I Don’t Want to Be Right (newyorker.com)
4 points by tyn on Feb 9, 2015 | past | 2 comments
6. The Backfire Effect (youarenotsosmart.com)
1 point by tyn on Jan 20, 2015 | past
7. Who plays nice? Who plays rough? (lemire.me)
1 point by tyn on Jan 2, 2015 | past
8. Don’t study Latin if you want to become a better programmer (lemire.me)
3 points by tyn on Jan 2, 2015 | past | 3 comments
9. [dupe] Faster Spelling Correction algorithm (2012) (faroo.com)
117 points by tyn on Aug 20, 2014 | past | 20 comments
10. The Great Perils of Social Interaction (waitbutwhy.com)
2 points by tyn on Jan 25, 2014 | past
11. I Hope My Father Dies Soon (dilbert.com)
8 points by tyn on Dec 4, 2013 | past | 1 comment
12. Solitude and Leadership (theamericanscholar.org)
1 point by tyn on Oct 23, 2013 | past
13. Survivorship Bias (youarenotsosmart.com)
3 points by tyn on Oct 13, 2013 | past | 1 comment
14. Object Disoriented Programming (michaelochurch.wordpress.com)
4 points by tyn on April 9, 2013 | past
15. How to Get Startup Ideas (paulgraham.com)
3 points by tyn on April 4, 2013 | past
16. Rich vs. King in the Real World: Why I sold my company (asmartbear.com)
118 points by tyn on March 24, 2013 | past | 38 comments
17. MacLeod’s hierarchy, the Technocrat, and VC startups (michaelochurch.wordpress.com)
4 points by tyn on March 23, 2013 | past
18. Enough with the “expert” guilt (asmartbear.com)
3 points by tyn on Feb 16, 2013 | past
19. Roulette, Startups, and the paradox of the infinite bankroll (asmartbear.com)
1 point by tyn on Sept 17, 2012 | past
20. The Eligible-Bachelor Paradox (slate.com)
17 points by tyn on Sept 2, 2012 | past | 2 comments
21. New Study Casts Doubt On Location Of Self Awareness (sciencedaily.com)
6 points by tyn on Aug 24, 2012 | past | 1 comment
22. How to lose time and money (paulgraham.com)
213 points by tyn on Nov 14, 2011 | past | 80 comments
23. How do I sell a general-purpose tool? (asmartbear.com)
7 points by tyn on Nov 12, 2011 | past | 1 comment
24. The Recovering Programmer (dadgum.com)
1 point by tyn on Oct 31, 2011 | past
25. Building a Software Company (nukemanbill.blogspot.com)
1 point by tyn on Oct 23, 2011 | past
26. How to hire an idiot (nukemanbill.blogspot.com)
407 points by tyn on Oct 23, 2011 | past | 179 comments
27. How to become a cynic (nukemanbill.blogspot.com)
1 point by tyn on Oct 23, 2011 | past
28. Joining The Prestigious Three Monitor Club (2006) (codinghorror.com)
1 point by tyn on Oct 2, 2011 | past
29. VBA for Macintosh goes away (2007) (joelonsoftware.com)
1 point by tyn on Feb 5, 2011 | past | 1 comment
30. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Street Gangs (Freakonomics) (nytimes.com)
4 points by tyn on Oct 18, 2010 | past | 1 comment

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