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1. Nimbus Tech Stack (2019) (copplest.one)
3 points by stephth on Nov 4, 2019 | past | 1 comment
2. Talking to Yourself in the Third Person Can Reduce Stress and Negative Emotions (sciencealert.com)
3 points by stephth on July 28, 2017 | past
3. If an asteroid were going to hit the Earth, whose job is it? No one's, yet. (mercurynews.com)
2 points by stephth on Dec 13, 2012 | past
4. Why Climate Deniers Have No Scientific Credibility (desmogblog.com)
20 points by stephth on Dec 13, 2012 | past | 26 comments
5. Second Quest (kickstarter.com)
1 point by stephth on Oct 19, 2012 | past
6. Because We May - Celebrating control over videogame pricing (becausewemay.com)
7 points by stephth on May 24, 2012 | past
7. Unity 3.5 Public Beta (unity3d.com)
2 points by stephth on Dec 22, 2011 | past
8. Express vs Sinatra Benchmarks (tjholowaychuk.com)
3 points by stephth on Dec 11, 2011 | past
9. Toxi on JS, Clojure, and the polyglot roadmap of toxiclibs (toxiclibs.org)
2 points by stephth on Sept 27, 2011 | past
10. Ex Offworld (Boing Boing) editor kickstarts new site (kickstarter.com)
1 point by stephth on Sept 7, 2011 | past
11. a[5] == 5[a] (stackoverflow.com)
21 points by stephth on Aug 11, 2011 | past | 36 comments
12. synth city - make your code look prettier than m&m's (phest.github.com)
1 point by stephth on Aug 10, 2011 | past
13. Poll: How do you use XCode?
44 points by stephth on Aug 7, 2011 | past | 67 comments
14. Excerpt: 'Incognito: The Secret Lives Of The Brain' (npr.org)
1 point by stephth on Aug 2, 2011 | past
15. C as a Portable Intermediate Language (cybertiggyr.com)
8 points by stephth on July 21, 2011 | past | 6 comments
16. Game Programming Patterns: Component (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
1 point by stephth on June 30, 2011 | past | 1 comment
17. Did Apple Just Backdoor Their Way Into the Game Console Market? (148apps.com)
2 points by stephth on June 6, 2011 | past | 2 comments
18. Minecraft GLSL mod demo (youtube.com)
1 point by stephth on May 20, 2011 | past
19. Failure Cascading Through the Cloud (technologyreview.com)
1 point by stephth on May 8, 2011 | past
20. Objective-C's niche: why it survives in a world of alternatives (cocoawithlove.com)
101 points by stephth on May 1, 2011 | past | 116 comments
21. Serverless Redis (github.com/seppo0010)
17 points by stephth on April 17, 2011 | past | 7 comments
22. Ngmoco's multiplatform javascript game engine (mobage.com)
2 points by stephth on April 14, 2011 | past | 2 comments
23. Big picture of data structures in NoSQL databases (00f.net)
1 point by stephth on March 23, 2011 | past | 2 comments

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