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1. Lessons from Erlang VM [video] (youtube.com)
68 points by rvirding on May 18, 2015 | past | 6 comments
2. Erlang User Conference 13-14 June Stockholm: one day of Early Bird rates left (erlang-factory.com)
1 point by rvirding on May 14, 2013 | past
3. Getting 2.5 Megalines of code to behave (jlouisramblings.blogspot.se)
1 point by rvirding on Aug 11, 2012 | past | 1 comment
4. Will the real Unicode wrangler please stand up? (ferd.ca)
6 points by rvirding on Sept 27, 2011 | past
5. An interview with Michael Williams (pdincau.wordpress.com)
1 point by rvirding on May 30, 2011 | past
6. Erlang in Haskell (erlanginside.com)
1 point by rvirding on May 16, 2011 | past
7. Poor Man's Erlang IRC Client (alphajor.blogspot.com)
2 points by rvirding on Feb 18, 2011 | past | 1 comment
8. Lisp and Erlang Atoms, Ruby and Scheme Symbols. How useful are they? (stackoverflow.com)
4 points by rvirding on Feb 2, 2011 | past
9. Things Erlang can Teach Java Developers (dzone.com)
2 points by rvirding on Feb 2, 2011 | past
10. I Play WoW Monthly Active Users (socklabs.com)
1 point by rvirding on Dec 25, 2008 | past
11. Video: 6 years of ejabberd code in 3 minutes (ejabberd.im)
5 points by rvirding on Nov 28, 2008 | past
12. Erlang and Map-Reduce (ib-krajewski.blogspot.com)
1 point by rvirding on Nov 26, 2008 | past
13. Exploring Erlang's gen_server (eflorenzano.com)
6 points by rvirding on Nov 17, 2008 | past
14. Erlang Web (erlang-web.org)
1 point by rvirding on Nov 12, 2008 | past
15. Erlang Makes Money go Round (skillsmatter.com)
3 points by rvirding on Oct 22, 2008 | past
16. RabbitMQ talk at LShift Last Night (kirkwylie.blogspot.com)
3 points by rvirding on Oct 18, 2008 | past
17. More Languages on top of Erlang Virtual Machine (infoq.com)
2 points by rvirding on Oct 15, 2008 | past
18. Erlang ODBC (romenlaw.blogspot.com)
2 points by rvirding on Oct 14, 2008 | past

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