31. | | A new era begins for Haskell (haskell.org) |
222 points by dons on Dec 5, 2012 | past | 23 comments
32. | | Haskell Platform 2012.4 is out. Adds vector, async packages (haskell.org) |
2 points by dons on Nov 7, 2012 | past
33. | | Writing distributed Map/Reduce in Cloud Haskell (well-typed.com) |
2 points by dons on Oct 12, 2012 | past
34. | | Cloud Haskell: work-stealing, master-slave and work-pushing (well-typed.com) |
84 points by dons on Oct 5, 2012 | past | 6 comments
35. | | Simon Peyton Jones: GHC status update and what's coming next in Haskell (youtube.com) |
3 points by dons on Sept 23, 2012 | past
36. | | Comparing Haskell Templating Languages: Heist and Hamlet (gist.github.com) |
2 points by dons on Sept 22, 2012 | past
37. | | CUFP: commercial Haskell, Scala, Clojure, Erlang, OCaml, F# business experience (cufp.org) |
2 points by dons on Sept 19, 2012 | past
38. | | Haskell vs F# vs Scala: Language Features and Parallelism Support (hw.ac.uk) |
4 points by dons on Sept 15, 2012 | past | 1 comment
39. | | GHC 7.6 is now live: poly kinds, dynamic use of cores, numeric type literals... (haskell.org) |
145 points by dons on Sept 7, 2012 | past | 26 comments
40. | | Practical parsing of molecular data in Haskell (haskellforall.com) |
3 points by dons on Aug 18, 2012 | past
41. | | Cloud Haskell on Raspberry Pi (alenribic.com) |
39 points by dons on Aug 17, 2012 | past | 8 comments
42. | | MongoDB/10Gen hiring Haskell dev/evangelist (haskellers.com) |
3 points by dons on Aug 16, 2012 | past
43. | | Simon Marlow (GHC runtime guru) on GPU programming in Haskell (haskell.org) |
3 points by dons on Aug 14, 2012 | past
44. | | Yesod (Haskell) lead dev picked up by FPComplete (yesodweb.com) |
71 points by dons on Aug 13, 2012 | past | 8 comments
45. | | GHC's new cutting-edge dataflow-based code generator (haskell.org) |
151 points by dons on Aug 4, 2012 | past | 36 comments
46. | | Bugs in trading software cost Knight Capital $440M (bloomberg.com) |
2 points by dons on Aug 2, 2012 | past | 1 comment
47. | | This PLT Life (axisofeval.blogspot.hu) |
1 point by dons on July 22, 2012 | past
48. | | The Architecture of Open Source Applications: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (aosabook.org) |
5 points by dons on July 5, 2012 | past | 1 comment
49. | | Turner: the history of lazy functional programming: 1930-1990 (st-andrews.ac.uk) |
7 points by dons on July 4, 2012 | past
50. | | What was your "ah ha" moment with Haskell? (reddit.com) |
116 points by dons on June 24, 2012 | past | 59 comments
51. | | Waldo - the Haskell powered codebase behind xkcd’s Umwelt comic (reddit.com) |
2 points by dons on June 11, 2012 | past
52. | | ARM is now a fully supported target platform for GHC Haskell (haskell.org) |
115 points by dons on June 10, 2012 | past | 27 comments
53. | | Simon Peyton Jones on the new Cloud Haskell extensions to GHC (skillsmatter.com) |
3 points by dons on May 27, 2012 | past
54. | | Implementing a templating library in Haskell using quasi quotations (quasimal.com) |
2 points by dons on May 26, 2012 | past
55. | | Parse market data fast by rolling your own Haskell primops (alienz.org) |
4 points by dons on May 24, 2012 | past
56. | | Defer Haskell type errors to runtime: new GHC 7.6 developers' flag (haskell.org) |
68 points by dons on May 19, 2012 | past | 46 comments
57. | | Keter: the new web app deployment system for Haskell (yesodweb.com) |
2 points by dons on May 18, 2012 | past
58. | | OReilly to publish new book on parallel and concurrent Haskell by Simon Marlow (haskell.org) |
4 points by dons on May 17, 2012 | past
59. | | A skill set everyone: computational thinking (cmu.edu) |
2 points by dons on May 15, 2012 | past | 1 comment
60. | | GPU accelerated arrays for Haskell (justtesting.org) |
100 points by dons on May 14, 2012 | past | 5 comments
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