1. | | A new driver for the Badger2040 e-ink, or EPDs hacking and waveform LUTs design. (github.com/antirez) |
4 points by antirez 9 months ago | past | 1 comment
2. | | The origins of the Idle Scan (antirez.com) |
140 points by antirez on Oct 19, 2023 | past | 13 comments
3. | | Show HN: Wohpe, my sci-fi novel about AI, programmers, climate change |
2 points by antirez on Dec 14, 2022 | past | 2 comments
4. | | The cloudy layers of modern-day programming (vickiboykis.com) |
280 points by antirez on Dec 6, 2022 | past | 165 comments
5. | | New antibiotics effective against resistant bacteria in mice (inserm.fr) |
145 points by antirez on July 9, 2019 | past | 97 comments
6. | | Redis will remain BSD licensed (antirez.com) |
448 points by antirez on Aug 22, 2018 | past | 197 comments
7. | | Redis PSYNC2 bug post mortem (antirez.com) |
122 points by antirez on Dec 2, 2017 | past | 30 comments
8. | | Redis on the Raspberry Pi: adventures in unaligned lands (antirez.com) |
7 points by antirez on Feb 24, 2017 | past | 2 comments
9. | | Neural Redis: simple to use neural network data structure module for Redis (github.com/antirez) |
7 points by antirez on Sept 30, 2016 | past | 2 comments
10. | | The binary search of distributed programming (antirez.com) |
87 points by antirez on Feb 13, 2016 | past | 15 comments
11. | | Is Redlock Safe? Reply to Redlock Analysis (antirez.com) |
181 points by antirez on Feb 9, 2016 | past | 135 comments
12. | | Disque 1.0 RC1 is out (antirez.com) |
275 points by antirez on Jan 2, 2016 | past | 51 comments
13. | | Human Error in Software (soveran.com) |
86 points by antirez on Dec 1, 2015 | past | 12 comments
14. | | Generating unique IDs: an easy and reliable way (antirez.com) |
74 points by antirez on Nov 21, 2015 | past | 64 comments
15. | | Creating secondary and composed indexes with Redis (redis.io) |
4 points by antirez on Oct 14, 2015 | past
16. | | Redis Lua sandbox escape (benmmurphy.github.io) |
55 points by antirez on June 4, 2015 | past | 19 comments
17. | | Shapeme – Evolve images using simulated annealing (github.com/antirez) |
111 points by antirez on Dec 6, 2014 | past | 16 comments
18. | | MountainWest Rubyconf 2009, Ezra Zygmuntowicz, “Redis: Key-value Nirvana” (confreaks.com) |
3 points by antirez on Nov 30, 2014 | past | 1 comment
19. | | Ask HN: From zero to IT career, what is the fastest path? |
65 points by antirez on Nov 26, 2014 | past | 57 comments
20. | | Redis Sentinel at Flickr (flickr.net) |
3 points by antirez on Aug 1, 2014 | past
21. | | Improve Redis performance using only your compiler (matt.sh) |
2 points by antirez on June 6, 2014 | past
22. | | Native geo hashing support for Redis (matt.sh) |
2 points by antirez on April 17, 2014 | past
23. | | Redis new data structure: the HyperLogLog (antirez.com) |
428 points by antirez on April 1, 2014 | past | 66 comments
24. | | Simple Dynamic Strings library for C (github.com/antirez) |
214 points by antirez on Feb 6, 2014 | past | 127 comments
25. | | Redis 2.8.0 stable is out (groups.google.com) |
180 points by antirez on Nov 22, 2013 | past | 58 comments
26. | | Integer Hash Function (1997) (gist.github.com) |
53 points by antirez on Aug 19, 2013 | past | 15 comments
27. | | Bluepass: an open trust no one password manager (fundraising) (bluepass.org) |
47 points by antirez on Aug 9, 2013 | past | 56 comments
28. | | A different take on sexism in IT (antirez.com) |
38 points by antirez on Oct 13, 2012 | past | 105 comments
29. | | Conferences and the cult of celebrity (josephwilk.net) |
2 points by antirez on June 20, 2012 | past
30. | | CAP twelve years later: How the rules have changed. (computer.org) |
8 points by antirez on May 31, 2012 | past
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