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Stories from January 5, 2021
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1. GitHub is fully available in Iran (github.blog)
1727 points by todsacerdoti on Jan 5, 2021 | 483 comments
2. DALL·E: Creating Images from Text (openai.com)
1266 points by todsacerdoti on Jan 5, 2021 | 267 comments
3. Asahi Linux: Linux on Apple Silicon project (asahilinux.org)
654 points by jackhalford on Jan 5, 2021 | 405 comments
4. Ticketmaster admits it hacked Songkick before it went out of business (arstechnica.com)
633 points by cpascal on Jan 5, 2021 | 318 comments
5. My Google Traffic Has Fallen to Zero (goodcheapandfast.com)
490 points by josephjrobison on Jan 5, 2021 | 399 comments
6. Telegram publishes users' locations online (ahmed.nyc)
488 points by Nullslash on Jan 5, 2021 | 229 comments
7. GitHub blocks entire company because one employee was in Iran (twitter.com/sebslomski)
604 points by PhilipTrauner on Jan 5, 2021 | 496 comments
8. Termux no longer updated on Google Play (termux.com)
362 points by martinlaz on Jan 5, 2021 | 340 comments
9. 5G Advocates Renew Attempts to Poach Wi-Fi’s 6GHz Spectrum (eetimes.com)
232 points by danaos on Jan 5, 2021 | 154 comments
10. Why Learn Prolog in 2021? (dstrohmaier.com)
260 points by triska on Jan 5, 2021 | 163 comments
11. Moral Competence (evanjconrad.com)
297 points by flaque on Jan 5, 2021 | 183 comments
12. Amazon buys 11 Boeing 767s to expand its cargo fleet (cbc.ca)
247 points by seryoiupfurds on Jan 5, 2021 | 192 comments
13. Show HN: Unclack – a macOS app that mutes your microphone while you type (unclack.app)
279 points by robotsquidward on Jan 5, 2021 | 183 comments
14. New Defaults (stratechery.com)
275 points by kaboro on Jan 5, 2021 | 185 comments
15. An Open-Source FPGA-Optimized Out-of-Order RISC-V Soft Processor (2019) [pdf] (u-tokyo.ac.jp)
239 points by varbhat on Jan 5, 2021 | 74 comments
16. Wasmer 1.0 (medium.com/wasmer)
342 points by wiqar on Jan 5, 2021 | 161 comments
17. Is Everything Securities Fraud? (ssrn.com)
199 points by Tomte on Jan 5, 2021 | 109 comments
18. An experimental open source memristor / programmable “diode” (bigattichouse.medium.com)
257 points by psawaya on Jan 5, 2021 | 65 comments
19. Ask HN: Please share your experience teaching your kids to program
295 points by lmilcin on Jan 5, 2021 | 234 comments
20. JupyterLab 3.0 (jupyter.org)
263 points by kylebarron on Jan 5, 2021 | 140 comments
21. Clip: Connecting Text and Images (openai.com)
119 points by sama on Jan 5, 2021 | 10 comments
22. Show HN: Handel – A procedural programming language for writing songs in browser (handel-pl.github.io)
187 points by ddj231 on Jan 5, 2021 | 58 comments
23. Gene Wolfe Turned Science Fiction into High Art (2019) (theringer.com)
124 points by samclemens on Jan 5, 2021 | 142 comments
24. Greenland Sharks (howtosavetheworld.ca)
131 points by longdefeat on Jan 4, 2021 | 19 comments
25. A distributed key value store in under 1000 lines (github.com/geohot)
187 points by Triv888 on Jan 5, 2021 | 50 comments
26. EFF to FinCEN: Stop Pushing for More Financial Surveillance (eff.org)
194 points by panarky on Jan 5, 2021 | 127 comments
27. Gravity Energy Storage: Alternative to batteries for grid storage (ieee.org)
133 points by headalgorithm on Jan 5, 2021 | 167 comments
28. The Lab Leak Hypothesis (nymag.com)
213 points by api on Jan 5, 2021 | 229 comments
29. LibreSSL Languishes on Linux (lwn.net)
149 points by lukastyrychtr on Jan 4, 2021 | 68 comments
30. Load testing is hard and the tools are not great (ntietz.com)
135 points by ntietz on Jan 5, 2021 | 52 comments

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