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Stories from November 17, 2019
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1. Writing userspace USB drivers for abandoned devices (benjojo.co.uk)
872 points by signa11 on Nov 17, 2019 | 114 comments
2. The Efficiency-Destroying Magic of Tidying Up (florentcrivello.com)
594 points by cryptozeus on Nov 17, 2019 | 190 comments
3. Amtrak Could Turn a Profit for the First Time (wbur.org)
484 points by jonbaer on Nov 17, 2019 | 434 comments
4. Firefox’s Fight for the Future of the Web (theguardian.com)
571 points by inception44 on Nov 17, 2019 | 283 comments
5. Show HN: Open-Source Alternative to Intercom, Drift, Zendesk, FreshChat (github.com/chatwoot)
417 points by pranavrajs on Nov 17, 2019 | 79 comments
6. “What Alan Kay Got Wrong About Objects” (metaobject.com)
241 points by mpweiher on Nov 17, 2019 | 231 comments
7. A foundation course in reading German (wisc.edu)
327 points by romes on Nov 17, 2019 | 156 comments
8. Instant stone (just add water) (2018) (rootsofprogress.org)
224 points by exolymph on Nov 16, 2019 | 95 comments
9. Why 50 Ohms? (microwaves101.com)
242 points by segfaultbuserr on Nov 17, 2019 | 89 comments
10. The Power of Shower Thoughts (alexanderell.is)
351 points by otras on Nov 17, 2019 | 78 comments
11. Joplin – a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities (github.com/laurent22)
368 points by adulau on Nov 16, 2019 | 150 comments
12. Tinyland (emmasmith.me)
205 points by luu on Nov 17, 2019 | 19 comments
13. Gource.io – a software version control visualization tool (gource.io)
256 points by fortran77 on Nov 17, 2019 | 32 comments
14. Army photogrammetry technique makes 3D aerial maps in minutes (techcrunch.com)
125 points by jonbaer on Nov 17, 2019 | 53 comments
15. Tetrachromats: people who see colors invisible to most of us (2014) (bbc.com)
249 points by jakub_g on Nov 17, 2019 | 221 comments
16. Machine Learning Can Help Unlock the World of Ancient Japan (thegradient.pub)
105 points by hughzhang on Nov 17, 2019 | 8 comments
17. Scapegoating free software’s failures (kemitchell.com)
150 points by _frkl on Nov 17, 2019 | 118 comments
18. A Woman Who Recorded 70k Tapes of American News (wbur.org)
167 points by respinal on Nov 17, 2019 | 58 comments
19. 33 Thomas Street (wikipedia.org)
156 points by jawns on Nov 17, 2019 | 59 comments
20. How do you crack the code to a lost ancient script? (unimelb.edu.au)
99 points by yread on Nov 16, 2019 | 14 comments
21. Chaos, and what to do about it (2018) (chaosbook.org)
157 points by devicetray0 on Nov 17, 2019 | 24 comments
22. The Consul outage that never happened (about.gitlab.com)
100 points by dankohn1 on Nov 14, 2019 | 54 comments
23. Hacking Neural Networks: A Short Introduction (github.com/kayzaks)
178 points by jonbaer on Nov 17, 2019 | 7 comments
24. A lone wolf's miles traveled in northern Minnesota (brilliantmaps.com)
93 points by bookofjoe on Nov 16, 2019 | 16 comments
25. A turf war and a botched contract landed two pentesters in Iowa jail (arstechnica.com)
124 points by chha on Nov 14, 2019 | 81 comments
26. Active Oberon Language Report Update 2019 (ethz.ch)
131 points by pjmlp on Nov 17, 2019 | 33 comments
27. Is there any data that says secondhand car seats aren’t safe? (marketplace.org)
139 points by luu on Nov 16, 2019 | 122 comments
28. A Look at Cerebras Wafer-Scale Engine: Half Square Foot Silicon Chip (wikichip.org)
88 points by rbanffy on Nov 17, 2019 | 59 comments
29. How to Be an Epicurean (aeon.co)
101 points by nocoder on Nov 14, 2019 | 31 comments
30. Happiness and Life Satisfaction (2017) (ourworldindata.org)
88 points by mgdo on Nov 14, 2019 | 39 comments

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