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Stories from December 18, 2018
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31. Efficiency is fundamentally at odds with elegance (2013) (yosefk.com)
90 points by henning on Dec 15, 2018 | 43 comments
32. Wolkenkit 3.0 – a CQRS and event-sourcing framework for JavaScript (thenativeweb.io)
83 points by goloroden on Dec 18, 2018 | 66 comments
33. The usefulness of useless knowledge (1939) [pdf] (ias.edu)
92 points by bookofjoe on Dec 14, 2018 | 12 comments
34. The Practical Guide to Hacking Bluetooth Low Energy (attify.com)
94 points by pentestercrab on Dec 18, 2018 | 7 comments
35. Spiking attractor networks (jackterwilliger.com)
54 points by jterwill on Dec 18, 2018 | 2 comments
36. V8 release v7.2 (v8.dev)
159 points by stablemap on Dec 18, 2018 | 134 comments
37. Novogratz's Crypto Trading Desk Lost $136M in Nine Months (bloomberg.com)
135 points by shshhdhs on Dec 18, 2018 | 130 comments
38. Succincter (2008) [pdf] (csail.mit.edu)
52 points by espeed on Dec 17, 2018 | 5 comments
39. Making of Byrne’s Euclid (c82.net)
59 points by anc84 on Dec 17, 2018 | 2 comments
40. Equivalence of State Machines and Coroutines (250bpm.com)
84 points by rumcajz on Dec 18, 2018 | 37 comments
41. [dupe] “Farout”, the Farthest Object Ever Seen in the Solar System (universetoday.com)
107 points by mpweiher on Dec 18, 2018 | 41 comments
42. Damn It All: The Penguin Book of Hell (nybooks.com)
56 points by apollinaire on Dec 17, 2018 | 25 comments
43. Cybercriminals Use Malicious Memes That Communicate with Malware (trendmicro.com)
66 points by sus_007 on Dec 18, 2018 | 18 comments
44. Stop Datamining Me (stopdatamining.me)
197 points by known on Dec 18, 2018 | 92 comments
45. The Fallout (2017) (guernicamag.com)
30 points by pje on Dec 17, 2018 | 7 comments
46. The What’s Next Intermittent Computing Architecture [pdf] (toronto.edu)
37 points by lainon on Dec 17, 2018
47. Littlewood's Law and the Global Media (gwern.net)
53 points by evilsimon on Dec 17, 2018 | 11 comments
48. Chrome 72 Beta: Public class fields, user activation and more (chromium.org)
54 points by feross on Dec 18, 2018 | 28 comments
49. Forecasting with Econometric Methods: Folklore versus Fact (1978) [pdf] (upenn.edu)
22 points by henning on Dec 16, 2018 | 4 comments
50. Launch HN: Deepgram (YC W16) – Scalable Speech API for Businesses
56 points by stephensonsco on Dec 18, 2018 | 23 comments
51. Enabling Faster, More Capable Robots with Real-Time Motion Planning (ieee.org)
41 points by Varcht on Dec 18, 2018 | 14 comments
52. A Caravaggio for Christmas? (theguardian.com)
24 points by behoove on Dec 17, 2018
53. [dupe] United States should prepare to build a prototype fusion power plant, panel says (sciencemag.org)
79 points by pseudolus on Dec 18, 2018 | 22 comments
54. Walt Mossberg Quits Facebook (nytimes.com)
139 points by adrianhon on Dec 18, 2018 | 80 comments
55. Central Londoners to be subjected to facial recognition test this week (arstechnica.com)
97 points by YeGoblynQueenne on Dec 18, 2018 | 88 comments
56. The Electronic Coach (1959) [video] (youtube.com)
23 points by furcyd on Dec 18, 2018 | 2 comments
57. Interactive Beginner's Guide to ROP (bordplate.no)
43 points by bordplate on Dec 17, 2018 | 10 comments
58. Anthony Levandowski: Pronto AI (medium.com/pronto-ai)
77 points by edward on Dec 18, 2018 | 38 comments
59. The Internet as Television (blairreeves.me)
58 points by ntang on Dec 18, 2018 | 56 comments
60. Fukushima's surfers riding on radioactive waves (aljazeera.com)
39 points by ofrzeta on Dec 18, 2018 | 22 comments

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