31. | | Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange in Plain English (security.stackexchange.com) |
52 points by luu on May 23, 2015 | 9 comments
32. | | OCaml and Mirage now running on rumprun, including bare metal (freelists.org) |
81 points by bcg1 on May 23, 2015 | 10 comments
33. | | Snap: A visual drag-and-drop programming language (byob.berkeley.edu) |
78 points by danboarder on May 23, 2015 | 17 comments
34. | | Wall Street's New Financial Product: Your Rent Check (motherjones.com) |
75 points by walterbell on May 23, 2015 | 82 comments
35. | | Haskell as a JavaScript MVC framework (tonyday567.github.io) |
55 points by zygomega on May 23, 2015 | 25 comments
36. | | F-Droid Dropping Firefox (f-droid.org) |
75 points by dvdyzag on May 23, 2015 | 68 comments
37. | | Cash-strapped councils switch off CCTV cameras across UK (independent.co.uk) |
54 points by DanBC on May 23, 2015 | 42 comments
38. | | How BlackBerry’s bid to one-up the iPhone failed (theglobeandmail.com) |
53 points by uladzislau on May 23, 2015 | 41 comments
39. | | Attack of the week: Logjam (cryptographyengineering.com) |
37 points by jcurbo on May 23, 2015 | 3 comments
40. | | Zapcc: A faster C++ compiler (zapcc.com) |
61 points by turrini on May 23, 2015 | 38 comments
41. | | Quantifying the Effects of Firefox’s Tracking Protection (2014) (blog.mozilla.org) |
28 points by ozh on May 23, 2015 | 5 comments
42. | | Human Reaction Times and Fighting Games, or Why Blocking Isn’t Always Easy (shoryuken.com) |
35 points by DLay on May 23, 2015 | 8 comments
43. | | Conservative Logic – Physics-based model of computation (1982) [pdf] (calculemus.org) |
27 points by sriku on May 23, 2015
44. | | Can Aging Be Cured? (npr.org) |
60 points by forloop on May 23, 2015 | 51 comments
45. | | Why Palmyra's ruins are so important (latimes.com) |
70 points by pmcpinto on May 22, 2015 | 100 comments
46. | | Patent infringement claim re: “Creating Shazam in Java” blogpost (2010) (royvanrijn.com) |
51 points by danso on May 23, 2015 | 18 comments
47. | | Show HN: Rndmlnk – TinyURL creator that randomly selects the target from a list (rndmlnk.com) |
25 points by frenchie4111 on May 23, 2015 | 14 comments
48. | | What are red flags that signal you should walk away from a startup job? (quora.com) |
92 points by shawndumas on May 23, 2015 | 65 comments
49. | | PostGIS 2.2 leveraging power of PostgreSQL 9.5 (postgresonline.com) |
47 points by pykello on May 23, 2015 | 1 comment
50. | | Florida Classifies Uber Driver as Employee, Says He Is Eligible for Unemployment (buzzfeed.com) |
49 points by lxm on May 23, 2015 | 59 comments
51. | | Why big-city barbecue is suddenly better than ever (washingtonpost.com) |
28 points by forloop on May 22, 2015 | 22 comments
52. | | Show HN: Mockingjay – Fake servers and consumer-driven contracts (github.com/quii) |
39 points by quii on May 22, 2015 | 8 comments
53. | | [dupe] The Shazam Effect (2014) (theatlantic.com) |
43 points by ascertain on May 23, 2015 | 37 comments
54. | | Jonathan James and Aaron Swartz-Two Obituaries One Prosecutor (thehacktimes.com) |
82 points by cekanoni on May 23, 2015 | 42 comments
55. | | USA Freedom Act fails as senators reject bill to scrap NSA bulk collection (theguardian.com) |
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56. | | Reflections on Buy vs. Build (dominodatalab.com) |
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57. | | Ask HN: Do you feel like you're missing out? |
104 points by paulpauper on May 23, 2015 | 71 comments
58. | | 30 Years Ago They Retired at 35: An Update (nextavenue.org) |
73 points by JacobAldridge on May 23, 2015 | 56 comments
59. | | The Battle of Waterloo: A Near-Run Thing (economist.com) |
18 points by pshaw on May 23, 2015 | 9 comments
60. | | CryptoPHP: Analysis of a hidden threat inside popular content management systems (fox-it.com) |
11 points by arb99 on May 23, 2015 | 1 comment
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