1. | | The Fuck – Correct your previous console command (github.com/nvbn) |
438 points by nvbn on April 17, 2015 | 165 comments
2. | | RethinkDB 2.0 is amazing (conery.io) |
348 points by TheMissingPiece on April 17, 2015 | 203 comments
3. | | Chord progressions of 25,000 songs (amitkohli.com) |
282 points by _zhqs on April 17, 2015 | 108 comments
4. | | A QUIC update on Google’s experimental transport (chromium.org) |
231 points by jplevine on April 17, 2015 | 123 comments
5. | | Why and How I Wrote My Academic Book in Plain Text (rice.edu) |
228 points by diodorus on April 17, 2015 | 133 comments
6. | | The death of optimizing compilers [pdf] (cr.yp.to) |
217 points by fcambus on April 17, 2015 | 216 comments
7. | | Ask HN: When do you know your startup has failed? |
325 points by superpi on April 17, 2015 | 173 comments
8. | | Female Chimps Seen Making, Wielding Spears (discovery.com) |
205 points by curtis on April 17, 2015 | 99 comments
9. | | Advanced R by Hadley Wickham (had.co.nz) |
116 points by sonabinu on April 17, 2015 | 24 comments
10. | | Spacemacs – Emacs advanced kit focused on Evil (github.com/syl20bnr) |
227 points by weavie on April 17, 2015 | 102 comments
11. | | Scientists Perturbed by Loss of Stat Tool to Sift Research Fudge from Fact (scientificamerican.com) |
79 points by jonbaer on April 17, 2015 | 39 comments
12. | | Google Container Registry (cloud.google.com) |
106 points by fbueno on April 17, 2015 | 30 comments
13. | | Ask HN: What are the most uplifting comments you've read on HN? |
325 points by J-dawg on April 17, 2015 | 67 comments
14. | | WikiLeaks publishes 30,000 leaked Sony documents (wikileaks.org) |
320 points by ryan_j_naughton on April 17, 2015 | 278 comments
15. | | Code Inflation [pdf] (computer.org) |
80 points by chilgart on April 17, 2015 | 29 comments
16. | | Circuit: A Minimal Distributed Programmatic OS written in Go (gocircuit.github.io) |
86 points by jaytaylor on April 17, 2015 | 22 comments
17. | | How ZenPayroll processes billions of dollars in annual payroll (stackshare.io) |
79 points by sergiotapia on April 17, 2015 | 17 comments
18. | | Bloomberg Terminals Suffer Widespread Failures (nytimes.com) |
132 points by svtrent on April 17, 2015 | 66 comments
19. | | Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch (sourceforge.net) |
80 points by tomkwok on April 17, 2015 | 16 comments
20. | | x*sin(y) (google.com) |
329 points by callum85 on April 17, 2015 | 87 comments
21. | | DocStore: Document Database for MySQL at Facebook [pdf] (percona.com) |
60 points by ngrilly on April 17, 2015 | 17 comments
22. | | US Navy develops cannon-launched 'swarming' drones (bbc.com) |
97 points by jackgavigan on April 17, 2015 | 63 comments
23. | | I found Einstein's Brain (medium.com/backchannel) |
66 points by steven on April 17, 2015 | 13 comments
24. | | Thumbnail track pad (newsoffice.mit.edu) |
64 points by ub on April 17, 2015 | 23 comments
25. | | RFC 7569 – Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP (ietf.org) |
49 points by ch0wn on April 17, 2015 | 9 comments
26. | | AMD Exits Dense Microserver Business, Ends SeaMicro Brand (anandtech.com) |
90 points by boyter on April 16, 2015 | 37 comments
27. | | Why Young Men Go to War (medium.com/war-is-boring) |
152 points by 67726e on April 16, 2015 | 214 comments
28. | | A Million Lines of Bad Code (varianceexplained.org) |
175 points by var_explained on April 17, 2015 | 121 comments
29. | | Towards improved C++ support for games, graphics, real-time, embedded systems [pdf] (open-std.org) |
70 points by JSnake on April 16, 2015 | 38 comments
30. | | At Marathon in North Korea, Curiosity Goes a Long Way (nytimes.com) |
74 points by pmcpinto on April 16, 2015 | 13 comments
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