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Stories from April 12, 2015
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31. Namespacing Variants in ML (keleshev.com)
59 points by halst on April 12, 2015 | 5 comments
32. Remind HN: Followups are impossible if you have no contact details
85 points by ColinWright on April 12, 2015 | 39 comments
33. Zynga, Where the Numbers Never Lie (kotaku.com.au)
48 points by curtis on April 12, 2015 | 18 comments
34. Using SMT Solvers to Analyze the Premier League Table (spramod.info)
56 points by microarchitect on April 12, 2015 | 4 comments
35. The Invisible Design Behind the Apple Watch’s Many Faces (wired.com)
32 points by snyp on April 11, 2015 | 13 comments
36. Closures and Objects Are Equivalent (c2.com)
59 points by shawndumas on April 12, 2015 | 45 comments
37. Why Nobel-Winning Scientists Are Getting Older (priceonomics.com)
58 points by danso on April 12, 2015 | 31 comments
38. Hacker tries to compromise and resell an internet-facing Linux server (morris.guru)
175 points by zdw on April 12, 2015 | 67 comments
39. How Pixar Solves Problems from the Inside Out (techcrunch.com)
53 points by simas on April 12, 2015 | 11 comments
40. The eeriness of the English countryside (theguardian.com)
42 points by Thevet on April 12, 2015 | 5 comments
41. Rand Paul Pledges to Immediately End NSA Mass Surveillance If Elected President (nationaljournal.com)
169 points by clusterbits on April 12, 2015 | 196 comments
42. The Essence of Peopling (ribbonfarm.com)
106 points by ivank on April 12, 2015 | 29 comments
43. Show HN: Function Plot – A 2d function plotter powered by d3 (maurizzzio.github.io)
55 points by maurizzzio on April 12, 2015 | 9 comments
44. The Complex Series of Symbols Early Motorists Used for Wayfinding (slate.com)
45 points by pepys on April 11, 2015 | 9 comments
45. How to Build a GCC Cross-Compiler for the Raspberry Pi (felipe.rs)
34 points by bezzi on April 12, 2015 | 16 comments
46. Machine learning in navigation: detect maneuvers using accelerometer, gyroscope (blindmotion.github.io)
41 points by alexander996 on April 12, 2015 | 7 comments
47. Block languages (blocklanguages.org)
55 points by ColinWright on April 12, 2015 | 45 comments
48. Infrastructure as Processional Space (bldgblog.blogspot.com)
19 points by icebraining on April 11, 2015 | 1 comment
49. Teenager Charged with Felony for Changing Teacher's Desktop Photo (rollingstone.com)
112 points by adamnemecek on April 12, 2015 | 88 comments
50. Ghost Rockets – A crowd sourced UFO investigation (ghostrockets.se)
36 points by peterstark72 on April 12, 2015 | 12 comments
51. Finland’s Latest Educational Move Will Produce a Generation of Entrepreneurs (singularityhub.com)
41 points by lxm on April 11, 2015 | 56 comments
52. The Universe Might Be Expanding a Lot Slower Than We Thought (vice.com)
26 points by DiabloD3 on April 12, 2015 | 15 comments
53. WebGL-accelerated JavaScript molecular graphics library (github.com/dkoes)
32 points by milani on April 12, 2015 | 6 comments
54. Docear – The Academic Literature Suite (docear.org)
36 points by jestinjoy1 on April 12, 2015 | 2 comments
55. The Persistence of Sects (workersect.org)
22 points by davisclark on April 12, 2015 | 12 comments
56. Linux kernel initialization, part 5 (github.com/0xax)
49 points by 0xAX on April 12, 2015
57. More Sex Talk from the Love Scientist (nautil.us)
43 points by dnetesn on April 12, 2015 | 12 comments
58. Roundup and Risk Assessment (newyorker.com)
15 points by igonvalue on April 12, 2015 | 3 comments
59. Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control and the Dependency Inversion Principle (my-junk.info)
37 points by kasey_junk on April 12, 2015 | 23 comments
60. Dependency Injection is Evil (2011) (tonymarston.net)
75 points by paralelogram on April 12, 2015 | 69 comments

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