1. | | Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B (2009) (improvingsoftware.com) |
351 points by dsiegel2275 on April 12, 2015 | 289 comments
2. | | Sprinklr Acquires GetSatisfaction, Founders Get Nothing (twitter.com/monstro) |
311 points by mishmax on April 12, 2015 | 135 comments
3. | | The Socratic Method: Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling (garlikov.com) |
253 points by oxplot on April 12, 2015 | 67 comments
4. | | John Carmack's First Game (crpgaddict.blogspot.com) |
203 points by santaclaus on April 12, 2015 | 19 comments
5. | | Spain's hologram protest: Thousands join virtual march against new gag law (independent.co.uk) |
148 points by kurren on April 12, 2015 | 25 comments
6. | | Memoize – a replacement for make relying on strace (github.com/kgaughan) |
81 points by aartur on April 10, 2015 | 22 comments
7. | | Solaris adopting OpenBSD's pf (bsdly.blogspot.com) |
129 points by mfincham on April 12, 2015 | 62 comments
8. | | Twitter Cuts Off DataSift To Step Up Its Own Big Data Business (techcrunch.com) |
141 points by nailer on April 12, 2015 | 132 comments
9. | | UW scientists, biotech firm may have cure for colorblindness (seattletimes.com) |
125 points by mdturnerphys on April 12, 2015 | 46 comments
10. | | Erlang the movie II: The Sequel (gar1t.com) |
129 points by jfaucett on April 12, 2015 | 8 comments
11. | | How the THX Deep Note Creator Remade His Iconic Sound (createdigitalmusic.com) |
84 points by logn on April 11, 2015 | 29 comments
12. | | Elementary OS Freya Released (elementary.io) |
137 points by aroman on April 12, 2015 | 87 comments
13. | | The State of Probabilistic Programming (moalquraishi.wordpress.com) |
109 points by superfx on April 12, 2015 | 30 comments
14. | | CRT simulation (2014) (piratehearts.com) |
86 points by bashtian on April 12, 2015 | 34 comments
15. | | The Moral Bucket List (nytimes.com) |
130 points by shakes on April 12, 2015 | 41 comments
16. | | Black Arrow (wikipedia.org) |
54 points by x43b on April 11, 2015 | 14 comments
17. | | Best, Brightest – and Saddest? (nytimes.com) |
124 points by jacinda on April 12, 2015 | 102 comments
18. | | Firefly – Full Text Search Engine for Dropbox (dropbox.com) |
113 points by human_afterall on April 12, 2015 | 21 comments
19. | | Mushroom Cultivation Revisited (kylegabriel.com) |
82 points by wglb on April 12, 2015 | 10 comments
20. | | PapyrOS, based on Arch Linux (papyros.io) |
144 points by ekianjo on April 12, 2015 | 44 comments
21. | | Intel DDIO, LLC cache, buffer alignment, prefetching, and packet rates (adrianchadd.blogspot.com) |
78 points by eadler on April 12, 2015 | 10 comments
22. | | BrowserHack: NetHack ported to the web (coolwanglu.github.io) |
94 points by ivank on April 12, 2015 | 27 comments
23. | | What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (2007) [pdf] (freebsd.org) |
102 points by gszr on April 11, 2015 | 15 comments
24. | | Varoufakis and Stiglitz [video] (youtube.com) |
121 points by MaysonL on April 12, 2015 | 117 comments
25. | | On the Great Filter, existential threats, and griefers (antipope.org) |
80 points by cstross on April 12, 2015 | 43 comments
26. | | Sophia: A modern embeddable key-value database – v1.2.2 released (sphia.org) |
72 points by pmwkaa on April 12, 2015 | 42 comments
27. | | Show HN: Black-hole.js – Visualize black hole gravitational lensing in WebGL (github.com/cliffcrosland) |
72 points by cliffcrosland on April 12, 2015 | 14 comments
28. | | More Efficient TLB shootdowns (zinascii.com) |
52 points by profquail on April 12, 2015 | 6 comments
29. | | Basscss – Low-level CSS toolkit (basscss.com) |
71 points by achairapart on April 12, 2015 | 30 comments
30. | | Escher – A language for connecting technologies using pure metaphors (gocircuit.github.io) |
62 points by state on April 12, 2015 | 6 comments
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