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Stories from June 20, 2014
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31. Myths About Apple Design, From An Ex-Apple Designer (fastcodesign.com)
62 points by busterc on June 20, 2014 | 39 comments
32. Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: Review and meta-analysis (sciencedirect.com)
66 points by daveytea on June 20, 2014 | 22 comments
33. Sndtst: 8-bit video game music (sndtst.com)
65 points by fur0n on June 20, 2014 | 46 comments
34. Maverick forerunner of artificial life and animation remains largely unknown (nautil.us)
64 points by ayberkt on June 20, 2014 | 14 comments
35. Typeracer – Improve/test typing speed via online typing races (typeracer.com)
61 points by birken on June 20, 2014 | 26 comments
36. C++: Vector of Objects vs. Vector of Pointers (bfilipek.com)
65 points by joebaf on June 20, 2014 | 50 comments
37. Uber plays hardball with early shareholders (fortune.com)
61 points by ilamont on June 20, 2014 | 98 comments
38. [dupe] Neural Networks and Deep Learning (neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com)
56 points by Anon84 on June 20, 2014 | 16 comments
39. Unmanned Aircraft to be Prohibited in America’s National Parks (nps.gov)
56 points by hanapbuhay on June 20, 2014 | 56 comments
40. Yo App Allegedly Hacked By College Students (techcrunch.com)
55 points by intull on June 20, 2014 | 65 comments
41. Nokia's New Homescreen Replacement App for Android (zlauncher.com)
50 points by pyrmont on June 20, 2014 | 48 comments
42. The Supreme Court doesn't understand software (vox.com)
54 points by binarybits on June 20, 2014 | 62 comments
43. Last day to apply for Startup School Europe (blog.ycombinator.com)
54 points by katm on June 20, 2014 | 44 comments
44. SpaceX launch webcast (spacex.com)
48 points by nkoren on June 20, 2014 | 22 comments
45. Stormforger – Cloud-based Load Testing as a Service (stormforger.com)
47 points by whereismypw on June 20, 2014 | 29 comments
46. A portable high-resolution timestamp in C++ (bureau14.fr)
45 points by shin_lao on June 20, 2014 | 43 comments
47. Hofstadter's butterfly (wikipedia.org)
41 points by ironchief on June 20, 2014 | 10 comments
48. Things You Love are Made with Code (googleblog.blogspot.com)
39 points by yawz on June 20, 2014 | 61 comments
49. Talk – Smart, Private Messaging (path.com)
42 points by szimpl on June 20, 2014 | 38 comments
50. Tower 2 Git client is coming (git-tower.com)
38 points by hihat on June 20, 2014 | 27 comments
51. T-Mobile offers one-week network test drive, free music streaming (reuters.com)
34 points by arms77 on June 20, 2014 | 44 comments
52. Transatomic Power Wants to Build a Better Reactor (ieee.org)
34 points by markmassie on June 20, 2014 | 5 comments
53. Review my project – Interestin (interestin.co)
33 points by talhof8 on June 20, 2014 | 37 comments
54. Where is my C++ replacement? (c0de517e.blogspot.com)
31 points by ProgC on June 20, 2014 | 36 comments
55. A better branches page (github.com/blog)
36 points by leostatic on June 20, 2014 | 6 comments
56. Stockman bill allows taxpayers to use same lame excuses as IRS (house.gov)
30 points by dmitrygr on June 20, 2014 | 15 comments
57. New algorithms produce patterns that could hide eyesores in public places (newsoffice.mit.edu)
31 points by jcr on June 20, 2014 | 10 comments
58. Heatmaps, contours, and 2D histograms in Plot.ly (ipython.org)
29 points by kp25 on June 20, 2014 | 2 comments
59. A plugin which adds (La)TeX capability to Gmail and Gmail Chat (alexeev.org)
29 points by arunc on June 20, 2014 | 5 comments
60. Ask HN: How do startups restrict employees from accessing private user data?
28 points by GuiA on June 20, 2014 | 14 comments

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