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Stories from March 29, 2012
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1. A Woman’s Story (raganwald.posterous.com)
716 points by raganwald on March 29, 2012 | 194 comments
2. The Best Birth Control In The World Is For Men (techcitement.com)
629 points by d2vid on March 29, 2012 | 196 comments
3. Poll: What is your current Stack Overflow reputation?
546 points by jader201 on March 29, 2012 | 192 comments
4. From MIT, a cure for all viruses? (process.org)
426 points by MRonney on March 29, 2012 | 107 comments
5. Batman's Real Story (washingtonpost.com)
400 points by philco on March 29, 2012 | 56 comments
6. Prince of Persia creator finds lost source code 23 years later (geek.com)
392 points by ukdm on March 29, 2012 | 67 comments
7. Paper (fiftythree.com)
392 points by mynameisraj on March 29, 2012 | 122 comments
8. GoldenEye (N64) has a fully-functional ZX Spectrum 48x emulator built into it. (therwp.com)
241 points by emillon on March 29, 2012 | 47 comments
9. Canada ditches the penny (globaltvedmonton.com)
238 points by codergirl on March 29, 2012 | 110 comments
10. My First Passive Income Project, One Year Later (sparklewise.com)
229 points by toumhi on March 29, 2012 | 51 comments
11. A Better Strategy for Hangman (datagenetics.com)
215 points by icefox on March 29, 2012 | 62 comments
12. Matz wins the 2011 Free Software Award (fsf.org)
207 points by ab9 on March 29, 2012 | 33 comments
13. Frighteningly Unambitious Startup Ideas (ardenthoughts.tumblr.com)
179 points by _z0jz on March 29, 2012 | 129 comments
14. 200 TB of 1000 genomes data on Amazon S3 as a public dataset (aws.typepad.com)
173 points by bbgm on March 29, 2012 | 55 comments
15. IETF attendees reengineer their hotel's Wi-Fi network (networkworld.com)
149 points by fr0sty on March 29, 2012 | 31 comments
16. Working Too Much is Hurting Your Productivity (thewebivore.com)
151 points by pselle on March 29, 2012 | 54 comments
17. Why You Don't Need A Programmer (thinkopen.ly)
146 points by bendingoutward on March 29, 2012 | 97 comments
18. Learn to Pick Locks for Fun and an Increased Understanding of Security (lifehacker.com)
144 points by wqfeng on March 29, 2012 | 38 comments
19. Ze Frank's Kickstarter post-mortem (zefrank.tumblr.com)
131 points by revorad on March 29, 2012 | 13 comments
20. Visualizing Code to Fail Faster (codinghorror.com)
117 points by dko on March 29, 2012 | 37 comments
21. LG begins mass production of first flexible e-ink displays (extremetech.com)
113 points by mrsebastian on March 29, 2012 | 45 comments
22. Star Trek's tricorder comes to life (tricorderproject.org)
107 points by zrgiu_ on March 29, 2012 | 21 comments
23. Marketing 101 for developers (myasmine.com)
107 points by myasmine on March 29, 2012 | 8 comments
24. Use Vim with Google Docs (milford.io)
104 points by jsalinas on March 29, 2012 | 14 comments
25. I'm sick to death of Android (zdnet.com)
102 points by colinprince on March 29, 2012 | 141 comments
26. Google Now Using ReCAPTCHA To Decode Street View Addresses (techcrunch.com)
99 points by wglb on March 29, 2012 | 34 comments
27. Svbtle for Wordpress (gravityonmars.com)
93 points by ricardorauch on March 29, 2012 | 33 comments
28. RIM reports Q4 miss; Balsillie resigns as director, CTO out (bgr.com)
89 points by CitiiDB on March 29, 2012 | 53 comments
29. FamilyLeaf's (YC W12) Y Combinator Application (techcrunch.com)
81 points by wesleyzhao on March 29, 2012 | 41 comments
30. For-Profit University Sets $199-a-Month Tuition for Online Courses (chronicle.com)
71 points by ilamont on March 29, 2012 | 24 comments

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