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Stories from January 8, 2012
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31. Building the Team That Built IBM's Watson (nytimes.com)
54 points by kanamekun on Jan 8, 2012 | 5 comments
32. What’s the worst thing that can happen? (leostartsup.com)
51 points by LeonW on Jan 8, 2012 | 14 comments
33. Want A Great Team? Focus On Talent, Not Hiring (techcrunch.com)
48 points by pitdesi on Jan 8, 2012 | 7 comments
34. Cutting the Cord on Cable (wsj.com)
45 points by babakian on Jan 8, 2012 | 59 comments
35. Dos & Don'ts Upon Taking a New Job (hunterwalk.com)
42 points by bedris on Jan 8, 2012 | 9 comments
36. 50 Apps in 50 Weeks Challenge (50apps.org)
41 points by kachhalimbu on Jan 8, 2012 | 12 comments
37. Supersoldier ants created in the lab by reactivating ancestral genes (physorg.com)
40 points by g3orge on Jan 8, 2012 | 8 comments
38. Emacs and Common Lisp (tromey.com)
40 points by fogus on Jan 8, 2012 | 12 comments
39. Teach Hacking in High Schools (kevinjmireles.wordpress.com)
39 points by Kevinjmireles on Jan 8, 2012 | 30 comments
40. Army researchers develop cancer vaccine that could cut recurrence rates (thedaily.com)
38 points by suprgeek on Jan 8, 2012 | 7 comments
41. The Mathematics of Lego (wired.com)
35 points by robg on Jan 8, 2012 | 9 comments
42. Warping (domain distortion) (iquilezles.org)
33 points by 6ren on Jan 8, 2012 | 2 comments
43. My Guantánamo Nightmare (nytimes.com)
28 points by andrew_k on Jan 8, 2012 | 1 comment
44. Multiple GLSL effects in WebGL (heroku.com)
24 points by haileys on Jan 8, 2012 | 5 comments
45. Being acquired doesn't have to suck (theprogrammingbutler.com)
23 points by hkarthik on Jan 8, 2012 | 17 comments
46. Molecular Pathways in the Brain May Reveal the Best Learning Strategies (scientificamerican.com)
23 points by mikeleeorg on Jan 8, 2012 | 4 comments
47. Show HN: Check for web application security issues. (webscanservice.com)
23 points by mcorrientes on Jan 8, 2012 | 25 comments
48. Why Bootstrapping Is Just As Over-Rated As Raising Venture Capital (techcrunch.com)
23 points by aaronbrethorst on Jan 8, 2012 | 14 comments
49. Software Engineering lessons I learned playing The Legend of Zelda (front2backdev.com)
21 points by derickson on Jan 8, 2012 | 2 comments
50. Study finds piracy withering against legal alternatives (theregister.co.uk)
19 points by DanielRibeiro on Jan 8, 2012 | 6 comments
51. In Russian roulette, is it best to go first? (math.stackexchange.com)
18 points by srand_ on Jan 8, 2012 | 23 comments
52. Leaked Memo Says Apple Provides Backdoor To Governments (slashdot.org)
17 points by Garbage on Jan 8, 2012 | 6 comments
53. Nokia buys Smarterphone, developer of feature phone operating system (theverge.com)
17 points by jannes on Jan 8, 2012 | 13 comments
54. Electrical stimulation in sub-cortical nuclei to treat depression (psychcentral.com)
16 points by kghose on Jan 8, 2012 | 6 comments
55. Airbnb.com: Necessity Begets Creativity (the99percent.com)
16 points by vm on Jan 8, 2012 | 2 comments
56. Promise of No Child Left Behind falls short after 10 years (usatoday.com)
15 points by tokenadult on Jan 8, 2012 | 9 comments
57. The only brain teaser I use in interviews (mikegagnon.com)
15 points by MichaelGagnon on Jan 8, 2012 | 6 comments
58. Asynchronous message passing in Objective-C (vallettaventures.com)
17 points by steeleduncan on Jan 8, 2012 | 24 comments
59. Gradiator - CSS3 Gradients for Linux (inatorapp.com)
14 points by macco on Jan 8, 2012 | 14 comments
60. I remember Edsger Dijkstra (vanemden.wordpress.com)
13 points by gnosis on Jan 8, 2012

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