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Stories from May 22, 2011
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1. An Introduction to Data Mining (utoronto.ca)
224 points by ssn on May 22, 2011 | 25 comments
2. A Guide to Stocks & Options for the Startup Entrepreneur (or Employee) (scribd.com)
202 points by dweekly on May 22, 2011 | 24 comments
3. Byron Sonne’s G20 security focus cost him dearly (torontolife.com)
180 points by colinprince on May 22, 2011 | 66 comments
4. Rails 3.1: Release candidate (rubyonrails.org)
180 points by SingAlong on May 22, 2011 | 26 comments
5. Repairing Corrupted ZIP Files by Brute Force Scanning in C (zx2c4.com)
165 points by gnosis on May 22, 2011 | 24 comments
6. None of Us Knows What We're Doing (feross.org)
164 points by srid on May 22, 2011 | 50 comments
7. Treatise on Font Rasterisation (witherden.org)
154 points by adambyrtek on May 22, 2011 | 15 comments
8. What If Drivers Were Hired Like Programmers? (jitbit.com)
152 points by jitbit on May 22, 2011 | 46 comments
9. London Is Gonna Be Pissed, But We Prefer Berlin for Startups (techcrunch.com)
146 points by harscoat on May 22, 2011 | 128 comments
10. Woman earns college degree two decades after complete memory loss (washingtonpost.com)
131 points by GiraffeNecktie on May 22, 2011 | 25 comments
11. Google blocks movie service on rooted Android devices (google.com)
113 points by d0ne on May 22, 2011 | 57 comments
12. Byte-saving techniques in JavaScript (github.com/jed)
112 points by jedschmidt on May 22, 2011 | 22 comments
13. Run Linux in your Browser JSLinux (Update)
109 points by js4all on May 22, 2011 | 33 comments
14. The CEO's job (jessicamah.com)
106 points by mindball on May 22, 2011 | 37 comments
15. Linux on Windows (Wine in reverse) (wezfurlong.org)
98 points by p4bl0 on May 22, 2011 | 15 comments
16. Lost at C? Forth May Be the Answer (forth.org)
93 points by gnosis on May 22, 2011 | 47 comments
17. Playboy bypasses Apple's App Store, makes a web app instead (businessweek.com)
89 points by vladd on May 22, 2011 | 59 comments
18. U.S. Government Starts New Round of ‘Pirate’ Domain Seizures (torrentfreak.com)
83 points by Garbage on May 22, 2011 | 30 comments
19. Why is TCP accept() performance so bad under Xen? (serverfault.com)
81 points by DanWaterworth on May 22, 2011 | 24 comments
20. The University Has No Clothes (nymag.com)
71 points by _zhqs on May 22, 2011 | 85 comments
21. How Area51 Hid Secret Planes (nationalgeographic.com)
69 points by brk on May 22, 2011 | 1 comment
22. Tagsistant: a reasoning semantic filesystem for Linux and BSD (tagsistant.net)
64 points by gnosis on May 22, 2011 | 39 comments
23. 10x speedup in write performance in Riak Innostore based on keyname (basho.com)
63 points by LiveTheDream on May 22, 2011 | 11 comments
24. Why Java folks should stop looking down on C#: differences in similarities (kalistick.com)
60 points by pankratiev on May 22, 2011 | 65 comments
25. Any desktop app based startups?
57 points by ct on May 22, 2011 | 60 comments
26. The three-day weekend: a dream deferred (theglobeandmail.com)
51 points by rfugger on May 22, 2011 | 29 comments
27. Opal: Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript (github.com/adambeynon)
48 points by orangea on May 22, 2011 | 13 comments
28. Show HN: dmangame - a python AI game
48 points by okayzedd on May 22, 2011 | 8 comments
29. How to compile with continuations (might.net)
47 points by ColinWright on May 22, 2011 | 3 comments
30. Our Irrational Fear of Forgetting (nytimes.com)
46 points by anupj on May 22, 2011 | 14 comments

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