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Stories from April 13, 2011
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31. New Zealand Government Rushes Through Controversial Anti-Piracy Law (torrentfreak.com)
80 points by Uncle_Sam on April 13, 2011 | 16 comments
32. Chomsky was wrong: evolutionary analysis shows languages obey few rules (arstechnica.com)
76 points by evo_9 on April 13, 2011 | 69 comments
33. Building a human-powered airplane in only six months (37signals.com)
74 points by yannickmahe on April 13, 2011 | 5 comments
34. Greplin opensources Lucene Utils and Bloom Filters (greplin.com)
71 points by smanek on April 13, 2011 | 27 comments
35. Erlang vs Java memory architecture (javacodegeeks.com)
71 points by javacodegeeks on April 13, 2011 | 29 comments
36. Apple Announces Final Cut Pro X (macstories.net)
67 points by rondevera on April 13, 2011 | 22 comments
37. Building Teams: Hire People, Not Skills (bostinnovation.com)
67 points by chezral on April 13, 2011 | 23 comments
38. Security Incident (blog.wordpress.com)
65 points by sucuri2 on April 13, 2011 | 12 comments
39. Ask HN: What are your side projects?
63 points by kmccarth on April 13, 2011 | 112 comments
40. Zencoder Raises $2M for Video Encoding in the Cloud (gigaom.com)
62 points by rdamico on April 13, 2011
41. Entrepreneur Manual: Paul Graham's Essays in ePub Format (github.com/davidyang)
57 points by dy on April 13, 2011 | 19 comments
42. New Zealand to sneak in Internet disconnection with quake emergency legislation (boingboing.net)
57 points by follower on April 13, 2011 | 5 comments
43. If you want to build something great, it shouldn't matter where you live. (mexican.vc)
54 points by DFectuoso on April 13, 2011 | 18 comments
44. 2011: Current And Future Programming Languages For Videogames (c0de517e.blogspot.com)
54 points by hanifvirani on April 13, 2011 | 12 comments
45. Things overheard on the WiFi from my Android smartphone (freedom-to-tinker.com)
54 points by akent on April 13, 2011 | 16 comments
46. Drowning in a C of Interviews (bitquabit.com)
54 points by rockhymas on April 13, 2011 | 23 comments
47. Neo4j Graph Database re-licensed under GPLv3 (neotechnology.com)
53 points by LiveTheDream on April 13, 2011 | 15 comments
48. Opera embraces Google's open source JPEG killer (theregister.co.uk)
54 points by sasvari on April 13, 2011 | 29 comments
49. Even Great Mathematicians Guess Wrong (rjlipton.wordpress.com)
54 points by fogus on April 13, 2011 | 10 comments
50. The MIT Mood Meter (kdivvela.posterous.com)
54 points by kdivvela on April 13, 2011 | 6 comments
51. Mozilla Introduces Aurora, The Pre-Beta, Post-Nightly Firefox (techcrunch.com)
52 points by thankuz on April 13, 2011 | 21 comments
52. Asteroids played on an Oscilloscope - Tek Contest (bcove.me)
47 points by joeyhagedorn on April 13, 2011 | 29 comments
53. Google admits Android 'both open and closed' (theregister.co.uk)
43 points by barista on April 13, 2011 | 55 comments
54. Programming Contests, Algorithms, and the Real World Steven Skiena (sunysb.edu)
44 points by thenicepostr on April 13, 2011 | 11 comments
55. What do you want to know about a company to work there?
41 points by tfadp on April 13, 2011 | 26 comments
56. PHP Performance by Rasmus Lerdorf (ontwik.com)
41 points by ahmicro on April 13, 2011 | 4 comments
57. Hacker 'handshake' hole found in common firewalls (networkworld.com)
40 points by asymptotic on April 13, 2011 | 17 comments
58. Ask HN: What weekend projects actually make money
40 points by bluekite2000 on April 13, 2011 | 6 comments
59. Show HN: Implementing durability for in-memory databases, on SSDs (eferm.com)
40 points by Emore on April 13, 2011 | 4 comments
60. DRM authentication servers stop Dragon Age: Origins from working (arstechnica.com)
39 points by martey on April 13, 2011 | 14 comments

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