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Stories from September 6, 2010
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31. Dreams of a Desk Job (nytimes.com)
43 points by zafka on Sept 6, 2010 | 4 comments
32. A VC: What A CEO Does (continued) (avc.com)
37 points by xaverius on Sept 6, 2010 | 5 comments
33. Ask HN: When are you allowed to quit a startup?
37 points by throwaway52 on Sept 6, 2010 | 74 comments
34. Sizeof(char) is 1 (drj11.wordpress.com)
34 points by signa11 on Sept 6, 2010 | 54 comments
35. Some pragmatic notes on CSS3 matrix3d transforms (9elements.com)
36 points by 9elements on Sept 6, 2010 | 15 comments
36. Research finds repressed memories don't exist (abc.net.au)
32 points by jaybol on Sept 6, 2010 | 12 comments
37. Design Optimization: Front Page Changes +45% conversion rates. (vospe.com)
30 points by cartab on Sept 6, 2010 | 10 comments
38. OmniTweet - An experimental minimalist Twitter Client for Google Chrome (github.com/abraham)
32 points by abraham on Sept 6, 2010 | 12 comments
39. The FCC is Allowing 30 Days for Public Comment on Net Neutrality. (fcc.gov)
29 points by elleferrer on Sept 6, 2010
40. What Soldiers Eat, By Country (nytimes.com)
29 points by pavs on Sept 6, 2010 | 54 comments
41. Python’s Innards: for my wife (aknin.name)
29 points by signa11 on Sept 6, 2010 | 5 comments
42. Ask HN: Are there any good self development/hacking books out there
29 points by lewi on Sept 6, 2010 | 22 comments
43. Visualising sorting algorithms (brucemerry.org.za)
28 points by rlm on Sept 6, 2010 | 5 comments
44. Test with Ruby not Cucumber (afewgoodlines.com)
27 points by ryandotsmith on Sept 6, 2010 | 8 comments
45. The $131M Ford Rollover Death Verdict That Twitter Broke (fastcompany.com)
27 points by mjfern on Sept 6, 2010 | 9 comments
46. Is Android Only Surging Because Apple Is Letting It? (techcrunch.com)
24 points by Ainab on Sept 6, 2010 | 43 comments
47. Hacking the Belkin Network USB Hub (daeken.com)
22 points by daeken on Sept 6, 2010 | 1 comment
48. Ask HN: When should you make a business plan?
20 points by throw-away on Sept 6, 2010 | 16 comments
49. It's Better Over There (thenation.com)
19 points by sasvari on Sept 6, 2010 | 21 comments
50. The Future of Bookstores: Lead-Gen, not Dead Trees (gaborcselle.com)
18 points by mark_h on Sept 6, 2010 | 10 comments
51. That Olympics Logo (thetooth.co.uk)
17 points by SteveTooth on Sept 6, 2010 | 16 comments
52. 6 SaaS Metrics You Should Track - ReadWriteCloud (readwriteweb.com)
16 points by mattjung on Sept 6, 2010 | 3 comments
53. AirDropper lets people put files into your Dropbox without signing up (downloadsquad.com)
16 points by hko on Sept 6, 2010 | 1 comment
54. Groupware Bad (2005) (jwz.org)
16 points by mgunes on Sept 6, 2010 | 9 comments
55. Ask HN: Recommendations for PDF text extraction
16 points by kenver on Sept 6, 2010 | 10 comments
56. Stephen Fry: What I wish I'd known when I was 18 (vimeo.com)
15 points by aaronsw on Sept 6, 2010
57. Palm inviting devs to a node.js meet-up by the Bay (precentral.net)
15 points by smoody on Sept 6, 2010 | 3 comments
58. After $75,000, Money Can't Buy Day-to-Day Happiness (businessweek.com)
15 points by gscott on Sept 6, 2010 | 8 comments
59. Do you know why you want what you want? (liadshababo.com)
19 points by liad on Sept 6, 2010 | 5 comments
60. Ask HN: How concerned should I be about liability when launching a site or spp?
15 points by mrbird on Sept 6, 2010 | 6 comments

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