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Stories from May 9, 2008
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1. Tell YC: Answers from John McCarthy
136 points by mgummelt on May 9, 2008 | 72 comments
2. Processing ported to JavaScript (ejohn.org)
112 points by tzury on May 9, 2008 | 28 comments
3. How I built a poker-bot (codingthewheel.com)
77 points by run4yourlives on May 9, 2008 | 37 comments
4. How Advertising Works, and Why It Won’t For Facebook (mattmaroon.com)
60 points by breily on May 9, 2008 | 59 comments
5. The Mundanity of Excellence (books.google.com)
49 points by prakash on May 9, 2008 | 39 comments
6. Jwz's guide to backups: "Shut up. I know things. You will listen to me. Do it anyway." (jwz.org)
47 points by henning on May 9, 2008 | 25 comments
7. 16 Sorting Algorithms - Click to see each run (ubc.ca)
43 points by edw519 on May 9, 2008 | 8 comments
8. Analyzing Hacker News Users’ Join Dates, Karma, and Profiles (breckyunits.com)
36 points by kradic on May 9, 2008 | 19 comments
9. Sitting straight 'bad for backs' (bbc.co.uk)
33 points by pg on May 9, 2008 | 19 comments
10. Multi-millionaire startup founder throws 29th birthday party...with 300 homeless people (mercurynews.com)
30 points by robertk on May 9, 2008 | 11 comments
11. My No TV (osteele.com)
26 points by comatose_kid on May 9, 2008 | 13 comments
12. Greg Linden: "I should have focused on angels." (glinden.blogspot.com)
23 points by lurkage on May 9, 2008 | 4 comments
13. Ask YC: What's the most hacker-friendly keyboard?
23 points by ComputerGuru on May 9, 2008 | 77 comments
14. Best Programming Jokes (devtopics.com)
21 points by edw519 on May 9, 2008 | 8 comments
15. Programming in a Vacuum (stanford.edu)
18 points by edw519 on May 9, 2008 | 7 comments
16. YC startup looking for rockstar designer (commandshift3.com)
17 points by madscientist on May 9, 2008 | 24 comments
17. What the inside of a container data center looks like (pingdom.com)
17 points by breily on May 9, 2008 | 5 comments
18. Ask YC: Android Developer Challenge results are in. Did you win? What did you make?
16 points by aschobel on May 9, 2008 | 13 comments
19. Ask HN: Amazon flexible web payments?
16 points by thorax on May 9, 2008 | 6 comments
20. New Yorker: Malcolm Gladwell on collaborative innovation (newyorker.com)
15 points by wsculley on May 9, 2008 | 2 comments
21. Is AJAX On The Way Out? (mappingtheweb.com)
14 points by edw519 on May 9, 2008 | 27 comments
22. Ask YC: How do you maintain motivation in face of boredom?
13 points by shabda on May 9, 2008 | 27 comments
23. The Ultimate Twitter Revenue Model (readwriteweb.com)
13 points by getp on May 9, 2008 | 11 comments
24. Ask YC: Better to be a Specialist or a Generalist as a CEO?
12 points by mooders on May 9, 2008 | 13 comments
25. Your call is important to us (economist.com)
12 points by bootload on May 9, 2008 | 2 comments
26. Google: Unicode conquers ASCII on the Web (news.com)
12 points by cstejerean on May 9, 2008 | 6 comments
27. Patterns in Interaction Design (welie.com)
12 points by rantfoil on May 9, 2008
28. Lijit’s CEO on raising money from angels (falseprecision.typepad.com)
11 points by paulsb on May 9, 2008 | 2 comments
29. Django Djumpstart: Build a To-do List in 30 Minutes (sitepoint.com)
11 points by chaostheory on May 9, 2008 | 3 comments
30. Why Apple is really more expensive than Amazon (listeningtoreason.blogspot.com)
11 points by wanorris on May 9, 2008 | 3 comments

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