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Stories from March 22, 2008
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31. What's with the broken "more" link every few minutes?
6 points by mjnaus on March 22, 2008 | 5 comments
32. Crockford: The World's Most Popular Programming Language Has Fashion and Luck to Thank (insideria.com)
5 points by nickb on March 22, 2008
33. How to refactor 31,000 lines of bad code (basildoncoder.com)
5 points by edw519 on March 22, 2008 | 3 comments
34. The Royalty Scam: "...we need to establish the principle of artists’ rights throughout the Internet" (nytimes.com)
5 points by robg on March 22, 2008 | 6 comments
35. Scientists are trying to explain the existence of religion (economist.com)
5 points by gopalakrishnans on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
36. Angels? Sure. VCs? Sure. But Not Both. (kedrosky.com)
4 points by alexwg on March 22, 2008
37. Amazon Kindle and Sony Reader Locked Up: Why Your Books Are No Longer Yours (gizmodo.com)
4 points by wave on March 22, 2008 | 5 comments
38. Yahoo Research: Microsearch (*Not the recently announced Searchmonkey platform*) (yr-bcn.es)
4 points by pius on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
39. Video: A Look Inside TechStars (somewhatfrank.com)
4 points by jmorin007 on March 22, 2008 | 2 comments
40. Strange Maps - World-Wide Web Map, From .ad to .za (strangemaps.wordpress.com)
4 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
41. Inspectd on TechCrunch after only a few days (techcrunch.com)
4 points by nextmoveone on March 22, 2008 | 2 comments
42. Why Spider Silk is so Strong (web.mit.edu)
4 points by rglovejoy on March 22, 2008
43. How to turn $100,000 into $6 Billion+ on inspectd.com (uglychart.com)
3 points by ca98am79 on March 22, 2008 | 7 comments
44. Book Review: Gusher of Lies by Robert Bryce (nytimes.com)
3 points by rglovejoy on March 22, 2008 | 2 comments
45. Firefox 3 Ready for Prime-time (tmcnet.com)
3 points by michjeanty on March 22, 2008
46. Superbull Sees Dow 20,000 Coming (thebullandbear.com)
3 points by drm237 on March 22, 2008 | 3 comments
47. Web 2.0, Meet JavaScript 2.0 (jeremymartin.name)
3 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
48. The Professor as Open Book (nytimes.com)
3 points by iamelgringo on March 22, 2008 | 3 comments
49. Ask: What interfaces inspire you?
3 points by tim2 on March 22, 2008 | 4 comments
50. 10 tools for Modern PHP Development (davedevelopment.co.uk)
3 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
51. Are VCs threatening lawsuits to stay spotless at TheFunded? (venturebeat.com)
3 points by wave on March 22, 2008
52. Django-SQLAlchemy (michaeltrier.com)
3 points by iamelgringo on March 22, 2008
53. New research finds some buckyballs can hold incredibly dense volumes of hydrogen (eurekalert.org)
3 points by kf on March 22, 2008 | 1 comment
54. Lifestyle Companies (savvyduck.blogspot.com)
2 points by pius on March 22, 2008
55. Google's Design Guidelines (googlesystem.blogspot.com)
2 points by parker on March 22, 2008
56. Simplicity On The Web: Designing To Hide Features (designvsart.com)
2 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
57. Cross Browser Testing. Pick a browser, Pick an OS, Test website (crossbrowsertesting.com)
2 points by nreece on March 22, 2008
58. Entity-Attribute-Value model (wikipedia.org)
2 points by joshwa on March 22, 2008
59. Linux MPX Multi-touch Table May Become Alternative Microsoft Surface (gizmodo.com)
2 points by gongfudoi on March 22, 2008
60. Kill level on inspectd.com - one trillion $ (uglychart.com)
2 points by ca98am79 on March 22, 2008

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