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Stories from June 4, 2007
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1. In Silicon Valley, the Crash Seems Like Just Yesterday (nytimes.com)
18 points by zemaj on June 4, 2007
2. Particletree - Pitching Ideas Roundup (particletree.com)
17 points by brett on June 4, 2007
3. Paul Kedrosky: Shut Up About the Age Thing (kedrosky.com)
16 points by far33d on June 4, 2007 | 7 comments
4. Marc Andreessen is blogging... (pmarca.com)
16 points by jkopelman on June 4, 2007 | 2 comments
5. Paul Kedrosky: Favorite Three Questions for Early-Stage Companies (kedrosky.com)
15 points by jkopelman on June 4, 2007
6. When is it time to give up on your web startup?
14 points by keiretsu on June 4, 2007 | 21 comments
7. Ask The VC - What are typical compensation numbers? (askthevc.com)
14 points by jkopelman on June 4, 2007 | 2 comments
8. Removing the Login Barrier (codinghorror.com)
13 points by jkush on June 4, 2007 | 2 comments
9. How to design your website with style - by Kurt Vonnegut :) (peterstekel.com)
10 points by juwo on June 4, 2007
10. Scalability and Performance are the Least of your Worries (expatsoftware.com)
9 points by jkush on June 4, 2007
11. 7 Tips to Kick Ass at Technical Outsourcing (okdork.com)
15 points by crxnamja on June 4, 2007
12. Google Keeps Tweaking Its Search Engine (nytimes.com)
8 points by danielha on June 4, 2007 | 1 comment
13. Long player (roughtype.com)
6 points by bootload on June 4, 2007 | 9 comments
14. Amazon Comes to Twitter (readwriteweb.com)
7 points by dawie on June 4, 2007 | 3 comments
15. On balancing life and startups (octopart.com)
6 points by sam on June 4, 2007 | 4 comments
16. Best SEO is Useful Content (Seth's Blog) (sethgodin.typepad.com)
6 points by far33d on June 4, 2007
17. Five Reasons More Women Should Start Web 2.0 Startups (promoterforce.com)
6 points by Mistone on June 4, 2007 | 5 comments
18. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook F8 keynote! (facebook.com)
5 points by sharpshoot on June 4, 2007 | 6 comments
19. Viable Threat to Google Adwords Emerges (gigaom.com)
4 points by andre on June 4, 2007 | 3 comments
20. How to pitch an idea (scottberkun.com)
4 points by danw on June 4, 2007
21. The State of the Online Advertising Market (mazenblog.com)
3 points by mazen on June 4, 2007
22. Amazon's unseemly tags (roughtype.com)
3 points by bootload on June 4, 2007
23. Salesforce Is Acquisition Bait (techcrunch.com)
3 points by dawie on June 4, 2007
24. iPhone Release Date Is June 29 (apple.com)
3 points by dawie on June 4, 2007
25. Mahalo Director gives an interesting glimpse into the startup life (sampletheweb.com)
2 points by darragjm on June 4, 2007
26. New startup uses referring urls from google searches (click first result) (google.com)
2 points by pg on June 4, 2007 | 9 comments
27. When is it time to take the plunge? (nuancelabs.com)
2 points by ciordia9 on June 4, 2007 | 4 comments
28. YooRL Tracks your Link Around the World (mashable.com)
1 point by danielha on June 4, 2007
29. Looking for co-founder/co-worker to build a hybrid of ebay and craigslist
1 point by ivan on June 4, 2007 | 8 comments
30. TechCrunch Database and Startup Search (webthingsconsidered.com)
1 point by transburgh on June 4, 2007

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