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Stories from April 20, 2022
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1. Changing std:sort at Google’s scale and beyond (danlark.org)
566 points by ashvardanian on April 20, 2022 | 156 comments
2. HackerRank (YC S11) DMCA'ed the SymPy Docs [fixed] (github.com/sympy)
921 points by hrldcpr on April 19, 2022 | 330 comments
3. Memray: a memory profiler for Python (github.com/bloomberg)
495 points by shcheklein on April 20, 2022 | 48 comments
4. Are you the asshole? – AI powered answer bot (areyoutheasshole.com)
366 points by davidcelis on April 20, 2022 | 194 comments
5. Psychic Signatures in Java (neilmadden.blog)
309 points by 19870213 on April 19, 2022 | 116 comments
6. California grid set record of 97% renewable power on April 3 (solarpowerworldonline.com)
432 points by lizparody23 on April 20, 2022 | 271 comments
7. The swimming of a dead fish (2018) (fyfluiddynamics.com)
193 points by lord_sudo on April 20, 2022 | 79 comments
8. State machine replication, and why you should care (signalsandthreads.com)
166 points by yminsky on April 20, 2022 | 19 comments
9. Rooms and mazes: A procedural dungeon generator (2014) (stuffwithstuff.com)
163 points by probabletrain on April 20, 2022 | 30 comments
10. Show HN: Favicons for HN (gist.github.com)
310 points by frabert on April 20, 2022 | 67 comments
11. A 4-year-old can run errands alone and not just on reality TV (npr.org)
434 points by JTbane on April 20, 2022 | 534 comments
12. Show HN: I built a simulator for personal finance (projectionlab.com)
463 points by scubakid on April 19, 2022 | 234 comments
13. Nvidia R&D chief on how AI is improving chip design (hpcwire.com)
225 points by chuckjchen on April 20, 2022 | 78 comments
14. Show HN: I built a website to find nearby cafes to work remotely from (workmode.co)
248 points by frizkyK on April 20, 2022 | 225 comments
15. Ask HN: What’s a good laptop for software development at around $2k?
355 points by kellogs_aran on April 20, 2022 | 790 comments
16. Results from first US trial of genetically modified mosquitoes (nature.com)
208 points by mitchbob on April 20, 2022 | 243 comments
17. QEMU 7.0 (qemu.org)
308 points by ingve on April 20, 2022 | 93 comments
18. Detailed Assemblies for an Airtight Small Home (finehomebuilding.com)
173 points by georgeoliver on April 20, 2022 | 130 comments
19. The voice in the soot: Humanity's earliest known recording (tremblingsandwarblings.com)
130 points by ohjeez on April 18, 2022 | 31 comments
20. Bad but interesting mathematical notation idea (plover.com)
157 points by johndcook on April 19, 2022 | 65 comments
21. Ruby YJIT Ported to Rust (github.com/ruby)
301 points by the_duke on April 20, 2022 | 88 comments
22. Double ridge formation over shallow water sills on Jupiter’s moon Europa (nature.com)
154 points by Kaibeezy on April 20, 2022 | 49 comments
23. Automation is the serialization of understanding (changelog.com)
173 points by zdw on April 18, 2022 | 23 comments
24. If founders treated investors the way they treat employees (rajivprab.com)
347 points by yodon on April 20, 2022 | 167 comments
25. The Early History of Smalltalk (1993) (worrydream.com)
106 points by Jtsummers on April 17, 2022 | 45 comments
26. Broadcom introduces Wi-Fi 7 chipset solutions (linuxgizmos.com)
93 points by teleforce on April 17, 2022 | 67 comments
27. Simular VR: Lenses and Schematics (simulavr.com)
98 points by BiteCode_dev on April 20, 2022 | 53 comments
28. Show HN: Employees.fyi – Easily compare U.S. workforce demographic data (employees.fyi)
124 points by employeesfyi on April 17, 2022 | 79 comments
29. Show HN: Job board to find venture capital jobs (venturecapitalcareers.com)
114 points by AbiTyasTunggal on April 20, 2022 | 62 comments
30. Analyzing iMessage with SQL (arctype.com)
142 points by tosh on April 18, 2022 | 89 comments

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