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Stories from November 3, 2019
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1. Spleeter: Extract voice, piano, drums, etc. from any music track (github.com/deezer)
1460 points by dsr12 on Nov 3, 2019 | 175 comments
2. PostgREST (postgrest.org)
771 points by deepersprout on Nov 3, 2019 | 237 comments
3. Ubiquiti adds phone-home to the access point firmware (ui.com)
593 points by shantara on Nov 2, 2019 | 270 comments
4. AMD is having its day (economist.com)
394 points by jkuria on Nov 2, 2019 | 262 comments
5. Build Your Own X (github.com/danistefanovic)
867 points by hakanderyal on Nov 2, 2019 | 63 comments
6. 'Alarming' loss of insects and spiders recorded (bbc.com)
387 points by ciconia on Nov 3, 2019 | 148 comments
7. Audio Fingerprinting using the AudioContext API (opengenus.org)
338 points by gootel on Nov 3, 2019 | 166 comments
8. An always-available, online-capable Raspberry Pi in your pocket (justinmiller.io)
310 points by incanus77 on Nov 2, 2019 | 55 comments
9. Stop using low DNS TTLs (00f.net)
318 points by fanf2 on Nov 3, 2019 | 143 comments
10. Shared Cache Is Going Away (jefftk.com)
381 points by luu on Nov 2, 2019 | 146 comments
11. Electron apps cannot be submitted to the Apple store (david.dev)
395 points by rdevnull on Nov 3, 2019 | 429 comments
12. Avoid News: Towards a Healthy News Diet (2010) [pdf] (gwern.net)
151 points by andreev_io on Nov 2, 2019 | 115 comments
13. Alcohol breath tests are often unreliable (nytimes.com)
324 points by pseudolus on Nov 3, 2019 | 299 comments
14. Minimal Viable Programs (2014) (joearms.github.io)
230 points by gglitch on Nov 3, 2019 | 72 comments
15. The Misunderstood Roots of FRP (futureofcoding.org)
132 points by ecbu on Nov 2, 2019 | 65 comments
16. Microsoft Japan’s 3-day weekend boosts worker productivity (soranews24.com)
557 points by nefitty on Nov 3, 2019 | 210 comments
17. Windows XP minimal-requirement experiments (2006) (winhistory.de)
181 points by Lammy on Nov 3, 2019 | 74 comments
18. LocalStack – A fully-functional local AWS cloud stack (github.com/atlassian)
226 points by starbugs on Nov 3, 2019 | 30 comments
19. Update: UniFi Phone Home/Performance Data Collection (ui.com)
204 points by bhauer on Nov 3, 2019 | 132 comments
20. Adding Client-Side Scanning Breaks End-to-End Encryption (eff.org)
170 points by lxm on Nov 3, 2019 | 54 comments
21. Second known interstellar visitor after Oumuamua (science.sciencemag.org)
88 points by QueensGambit on Nov 2, 2019 | 26 comments
22. The Money Farmers: How Oligarchs and Populists Milk the E.U. (nytimes.com)
254 points by pseudolus on Nov 3, 2019 | 152 comments
23. Zotonic: An Erlang Web Framework (zotonic.com)
115 points by brudgers on Nov 3, 2019 | 26 comments
24. Life Is a Ponzi Scheme (2009) (nih.gov)
330 points by NilsIRL on Nov 3, 2019 | 293 comments
25. The AdaOS Operating System (2000) (archive.org)
87 points by unilynx on Nov 3, 2019 | 55 comments
26. Ray Tracing a Tiny Procedural Planet [pdf] (casual-effects.com)
247 points by ingve on Nov 3, 2019 | 9 comments
27. An Open Source 4-Port High Power USB Hub (github.com/dilshan)
147 points by justinclift on Nov 3, 2019 | 29 comments
28. Doodling can help you pay attention (cnet.com)
114 points by ohjeez on Nov 3, 2019 | 42 comments
29. Rubber concrete that self-seals and is cheaper and more environmentally friendly (newatlas.com)
111 points by atombender on Nov 3, 2019 | 41 comments
30. SingleFileZ, a web extension for saving pages as HTML/ZIP hybrid files (github.com/gildas-lormeau)
121 points by ivank on Nov 2, 2019 | 36 comments

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