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Stories from April 15, 2009
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1. The Pond (randsinrepose.com)
96 points by naish on April 15, 2009 | 12 comments
2. SQLite As The MP3 Of Data (gobansaor.com)
69 points by rams on April 15, 2009 | 31 comments
3. A Non-Local Revolution (aaronsw.com)
69 points by ph0rque on April 15, 2009 | 28 comments
4. Gmail Sidesteps the App Store (technologyreview.com)
68 points by zen53 on April 15, 2009 | 37 comments
5. The Failure of #amazonfail (shirky.com)
59 points by coglethorpe on April 15, 2009 | 33 comments
6. PostgreSQL 8.4 Beta (lwn.net)
54 points by davidw on April 15, 2009 | 10 comments
7. A movie recommendation service that actually works (nanocrowd.com)
49 points by noaharc on April 15, 2009 | 24 comments
8. What happens if I don't pay my taxes? (slate.com)
47 points by kqr2 on April 15, 2009 | 50 comments
9. ToneMatrix (flash) (andre-michelle.com)
46 points by kqr2 on April 15, 2009 | 36 comments
10. The Future of Firefox: No Tabs, Built-In Ubiquity (readwriteweb.com)
45 points by nreece on April 15, 2009 | 33 comments
11. Update: DiggBar will only be shown to logged-in Digg users (digg.com)
43 points by ryanwaggoner on April 15, 2009 | 22 comments
12. Decision Time For Facebook: Term Sheets Received At $2 Billion Valuation (techcrunch.com)
43 points by vaksel on April 15, 2009 | 58 comments
13. Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces (usabilitypost.com)
39 points by puns on April 15, 2009 | 6 comments
14. Getting Attention Is a Stupid Business Plan (chuckwestbrook.com)
39 points by qtask on April 15, 2009 | 10 comments
15. Don’t Make Me Write HTML (linux-mag.com)
35 points by nreece on April 15, 2009 | 35 comments
16. Dancing with Professors: the trouble with academic prose (ucdavis.edu)
35 points by frisco on April 15, 2009 | 19 comments
17. Smiles Predict Marriage Success (yahoo.com)
33 points by mshafrir on April 15, 2009 | 31 comments
18. Bacon-powered blowtorch cuts through metal (popsci.com)
32 points by Pistos2 on April 15, 2009 | 5 comments
19. Heapy: Memory profiling and analysis for Python programs. (sourceforge.net)
32 points by mace on April 15, 2009
20. Ever run into one of those bugs where you begin to doubt your basic assumptions? (funcall.blogspot.com)
31 points by l0stman on April 15, 2009 | 6 comments
21. The “desktop” metaphor for computers is outdated. What can take its place? (stevenf.tumblr.com)
31 points by harpastum on April 15, 2009 | 33 comments
22. Laconica, the Twitter clone software, is one step closer to the version 1.0 (mytestbox.com)
32 points by mg1313 on April 15, 2009 | 45 comments
23. Google search referer changes (niallkennedy.com)
28 points by joao on April 15, 2009 | 4 comments
24. The Sokal Affair (wikipedia.org)
26 points by TravisLS on April 15, 2009 | 15 comments
25. Apple: Macbook Air isn't suitable for simultaneous use of Xcode and external display (scribd.com)
26 points by TimH on April 15, 2009 | 33 comments
26. Hardware Hackers - Resources To Make Your Projects Beautiful (replicatorinc.com)
25 points by replicatorblog on April 15, 2009 | 11 comments
27. How to prevent XSS attacks (amix.dk)
25 points by amix on April 15, 2009 | 12 comments
28. Learn to Think Better: Tips from a Savant (sciam.com)
24 points by jwb119 on April 15, 2009 | 9 comments
29. Taskfox -- Firefox Interface Video (vimeo.com)
24 points by samueladam on April 15, 2009 | 4 comments
30. How I Got Skype High Quality Video Working (gabrielweinberg.com)
24 points by epi0Bauqu on April 15, 2009 | 1 comment

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