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Stories from November 3, 2015
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1. I Tried to Buy an Actual Barrel of Crude Oil (bloomberg.com)
498 points by sergeant3 on Nov 3, 2015 | 187 comments
2. Computer, Respond to This Email (googleresearch.blogspot.com)
562 points by dpf on Nov 3, 2015 | 194 comments
3. Ireland to 'decriminalise' small amounts of drugs for personal use (independent.co.uk)
348 points by werber on Nov 3, 2015 | 157 comments
4. Why nuclear energy is our best option at the moment (energyrealityproject.com)
398 points by nrcha on Nov 3, 2015 | 384 comments
5. Scientists develop 'unbreakable' glass almost as tough as steel (asahi.com)
158 points by Mz on Nov 3, 2015 | 72 comments
6. [dupe] Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away? (theguardian.com)
586 points by pmcpinto on Nov 3, 2015 | 228 comments
7. E.P.A. Finds More VW Cheating Software, Including in Porsches (nytimes.com)
257 points by peterkrieg on Nov 2, 2015 | 153 comments
8. Introducing 1Password for Teams (agilebits.com)
241 points by bismark on Nov 3, 2015 | 146 comments
9. Static Website Generators Are the Next Big Thing (smashingmagazine.com)
311 points by jimsteinhart on Nov 2, 2015 | 181 comments
10. Signal for Android: RedPhone and TextSecure in one app (whispersystems.org)
243 points by pjf on Nov 3, 2015 | 153 comments
11. In 1972, Scientists Discovered a Two Billion-Year-Old Nuclear Reactor In Gabon (iafrikan.com)
163 points by tefo-mohapi on Nov 2, 2015 | 38 comments
12. 5K iMac Gets 10-Bit Color (cinema5d.com)
187 points by tambourine_man on Nov 3, 2015 | 96 comments
13. Hearts on Twitter (blog.twitter.com)
191 points by janvdberg on Nov 3, 2015 | 170 comments
14. Self-flying drone dips, darts and dives through trees at 30 mph (csail.mit.edu)
172 points by hk__2 on Nov 2, 2015 | 49 comments
15. DevTools Challenger for Firefox (devtoolschallenger.com)
205 points by bpierre on Nov 3, 2015 | 27 comments
16. The Road to 2M Websocket Connections in Phoenix (phoenixframework.org)
292 points by chrismccord on Nov 3, 2015 | 46 comments
17. OneDrive Changes (onedrive.com)
231 points by sharms on Nov 3, 2015 | 141 comments
18. Annotated Version of John McCarthy’s Paper on Lisp (fermatslibrary.com)
127 points by fermatslibrary on Nov 3, 2015 | 25 comments
19. Activision to Buy King Digital for $5.9B (bloomberg.com)
170 points by jonknee on Nov 3, 2015 | 90 comments
20. The Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Review (anandtech.com)
184 points by IBM on Nov 3, 2015 | 162 comments
21. Nearly 9,000 Artifacts Uncovered in CA Desert, Spanning 11,500 Years of History (westerndigs.org)
94 points by diodorus on Nov 3, 2015 | 13 comments
22. Money Flooding Out of Canada at Fastest Pace in Developed World (bloomberg.com)
138 points by kspaans on Nov 3, 2015 | 67 comments
23. IRCAnywhere (ircanywhere.com)
172 points by buovjaga on Nov 3, 2015 | 51 comments
24. Plex on the New Apple TV (plex.tv)
128 points by chkuendig on Nov 2, 2015 | 63 comments
25. Stages in Pricing Computer Games (2014) (jeff-vogel.blogspot.com)
83 points by phenylene on Nov 3, 2015 | 27 comments
26. Bragi Dash – more than just wireless headphones? (wired.co.uk)
37 points by tylaw on Nov 3, 2015 | 14 comments
27. What we learned from rewriting our robotic control software in Swift (sunsetlakesoftware.com)
94 points by ingve on Nov 3, 2015 | 83 comments
28. VW Emissions Issues Spread to Gasoline Cars [video] (bloomberg.com)
62 points by jinst8gmi on Nov 3, 2015 | 29 comments
29. Amazon opens first bricks-and-mortar bookstore (seattletimes.com)
97 points by ljk on Nov 2, 2015 | 64 comments
30. JSLinux rewritten to be human readable, hand deobfuscated and annotated (github.com/levskaya)
110 points by nkurz on Nov 2, 2015 | 12 comments

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