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Stories from October 20, 2010
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1. Embarrassing Flaws That Made My ‘Weekend’ App Possible (yieldthought.com)
279 points by billswift on Oct 20, 2010 | 66 comments
2. The Disruptor In The Valley (forbes.com)
197 points by andujo on Oct 20, 2010 | 44 comments
3. Google Groups Data To Be Destroyed (artima.com)
193 points by barrkel on Oct 20, 2010 | 84 comments
4. Reddit Founder: “I Wish I Still Owned Reddit Now” (mixergy.com)
190 points by AndrewWarner on Oct 20, 2010 | 121 comments
5. Low Level Bit Hacks You Must Know (catonmat.net)
158 points by jonpaul on Oct 20, 2010 | 47 comments
6. Apple brings App Store to Mac OS X (engadget.com)
155 points by there on Oct 20, 2010 | 223 comments
7. Google Engineer Builds Facebook Disconnect (techcrunch.com)
135 points by bwaldorf on Oct 20, 2010 | 50 comments
8. Glibc vulnerability allows any user to get root access (seclists.org)
130 points by _ut0p on Oct 20, 2010 | 34 comments
9. A JavaScript IDE for the iPhone (webdesktoplife.com)
127 points by blackmac on Oct 20, 2010 | 26 comments
10. Facelette: Chat Roulette for FaceTime (facelette.com)
119 points by mojombo on Oct 20, 2010 | 27 comments
11. Programming is hard (bryanwoods4e.com)
113 points by delano on Oct 20, 2010 | 95 comments
12. I’ve Made $216,688 From Products This Year (unicornfree.com)
114 points by joshuacc on Oct 20, 2010 | 34 comments
13. Facetime for the Mac (apple.com)
108 points by eddieplan9 on Oct 20, 2010 | 82 comments
14. Mac OS X.7 "Lion" preview (apple.com)
107 points by requinot59 on Oct 20, 2010 | 132 comments
15. London Stock Exchange smashes world record trade speed with Linux (computerworlduk.com)
105 points by dreemteem on Oct 20, 2010 | 53 comments
16. Knockout: JS library for rich UIs, declarative bindings, and dependency tracking (knockoutjs.com)
103 points by stevensanderson on Oct 20, 2010 | 45 comments
17. Clever social engineering. A malicious web page that tells you it's malicious. (f-secure.com)
98 points by FSecurePal on Oct 20, 2010 | 24 comments
18. Programming Android (O'Reilly Labs) (oreilly.com)
98 points by zemariamm on Oct 20, 2010 | 2 comments
19. Indian man of 100 goes back to university for PhD (bbc.co.uk)
95 points by credo on Oct 20, 2010 | 24 comments
20. Developer Joe Hewitt Tears Into Android’s Definition Of “Open” (techcrunch.com)
92 points by ssclafani on Oct 20, 2010 | 85 comments
21. A Brief Look At Paul Graham's Writing Habits (with Charts) (andrewacove.posterous.com)
87 points by andrewacove on Oct 20, 2010 | 30 comments
22. Do something positive - leave your job (holstee.com)
89 points by sw1205 on Oct 20, 2010 | 37 comments
23. Joe Hewitt: Android and Open Source (joehewitt.com)
87 points by tonyskn on Oct 20, 2010 | 36 comments
24. Edward Tufte's impression of Windows Phone 7 (edwardtufte.com)
85 points by coliveira on Oct 20, 2010 | 27 comments
25. Chuck Moore's 144-computers chip is now available (greenarraychips.com)
85 points by blue1 on Oct 20, 2010 | 47 comments
26. Marco Arment: The new MacBook Air (marco.org)
82 points by cobrien on Oct 20, 2010 | 121 comments
27. Ask HN: What to do when co-workers don't aspire beyond getting their paychecks?
81 points by imalolz on Oct 20, 2010 | 54 comments
28. Real Go Projects: SmartTwitter and web.go (golang.org)
80 points by pufuwozu on Oct 20, 2010 | 25 comments
29. Steve Jobs' business card from 1979 (obamapacman.com)
80 points by ujeezy on Oct 20, 2010 | 22 comments
30. My experience of selling the same apps on iOS and on Android (with numbers) (speedanatomy.blogspot.com)
80 points by BenoitEssiambre on Oct 20, 2010 | 20 comments

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