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Stories from August 23, 2010
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1. Why GNU grep is Fast (freebsd.org)
512 points by giu on Aug 23, 2010 | 115 comments
2. Readme Driven Development (preston-werner.com)
242 points by mojombo on Aug 23, 2010 | 57 comments
3. No, You can't retire rich at 30 if you sell your startup (tonywright.com)
244 points by charliepark on Aug 23, 2010 | 214 comments
4. Faster than grep? Old age and treachery beat youth and skill every time. (ridiculousfish.com)
226 points by gthank on Aug 23, 2010 | 27 comments
5. Ask a real musician: opera singer dissects top 5 metal singers (invisibleoranges.com)
186 points by hernan7 on Aug 23, 2010 | 70 comments
6. New Rejection Reason From Apple May Have Major Implications (readitlaterlist.com)
147 points by olefoo on Aug 23, 2010 | 50 comments
7. Install PAC-MAN on Sequoia voting machine w/o breaking tamper-evident seals (umich.edu)
129 points by finin on Aug 23, 2010 | 51 comments
8. Protein that destroys HIV discovered (loyolamedicine.org)
122 points by ca98am79 on Aug 23, 2010 | 69 comments
9. Traffic Experiments -- How to clear traffic jams (eskimo.com)
115 points by cubix on Aug 23, 2010 | 81 comments
10. Smoothie Charts (smoothiecharts.org)
113 points by _DanielH on Aug 23, 2010 | 13 comments
11. Inception explained in one infographic (fastcodesign.com)
109 points by jedschmidt on Aug 23, 2010 | 29 comments
12. Facebook is the first to jump into ARM servers (semiaccurate.com)
108 points by reitzensteinm on Aug 23, 2010 | 52 comments
13. The right way to position against competition (asmartbear.com)
108 points by paulsb on Aug 23, 2010 | 14 comments
14. Writing a StarCraft Bot in F# (msdn.com)
105 points by tpiddy on Aug 23, 2010 | 10 comments
15. Koduco (YC S10) Is Bringing Old-School Fun To Multiplayer iPad Games (techcrunch.com)
91 points by px on Aug 23, 2010 | 25 comments
16. How to Kill Your Servers - Learning How to Scale the Hard Way (highscalability.com)
83 points by seven on Aug 23, 2010 | 21 comments
17. "the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians" (nytimes.com)
81 points by rbxbx on Aug 23, 2010 | 47 comments
18. AngelPad: Seven Ex-Googlers Are About To Launch A New Incubator (techcrunch.com)
81 points by ramine on Aug 23, 2010 | 11 comments
19. The dirty little secret about Google Android (zdnet.com)
80 points by milesf on Aug 23, 2010 | 79 comments
20. Ruby's Date/DateTime classes rewritten in C.. 20-200x perf improvement (github.com/jeremyevans)
79 points by stanislavb on Aug 23, 2010 | 34 comments
21. Geekiest Hacker News comments from the last month (swimwithoutgettingwet.com)
79 points by riffer on Aug 23, 2010 | 50 comments
22. Git your act together (jeffkreeftmeijer.com)
77 points by jkreeftmeijer on Aug 23, 2010 | 27 comments
23. 10k TowerDefense (JS & Canvas) (aneventapart.com)
73 points by shawndumas on Aug 23, 2010 | 20 comments
24. Facebook's killer app is here. No, it's Not places. (eyesandfeet.com)
74 points by luxative on Aug 23, 2010 | 64 comments
25. Introduction to Tries (drmcawesome.com)
72 points by mriley on Aug 23, 2010 | 14 comments
26. What does a product manager do? (iamnotaprogrammer.com)
67 points by sudonim on Aug 23, 2010 | 33 comments
27. CouchDB: The Definitive Guide (couchdb.org)
65 points by pelle on Aug 23, 2010 | 10 comments
28. Ask HN: I have an idea. I have the money. I moved to SF. Now what?
64 points by jiganti on Aug 23, 2010 | 73 comments
29. The story of Rapportive (YC S10) - 'social CRM' plugin that replaces Gmail ads (xconomy.com)
64 points by waderoush on Aug 23, 2010 | 76 comments
30. Ask HN: How did you meet your cofounder?
64 points by il on Aug 23, 2010 | 21 comments

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