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Stories from January 18, 2013
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1. Stripe Checkout (stripe.com)
536 points by illdave on Jan 18, 2013 | 171 comments
2. A time for silence (lessig.tumblr.com)
500 points by danielpal on Jan 18, 2013 | 98 comments
3. U.S. Senator Questions Attorney General about Aaron Swartz (senate.gov)
394 points by danso on Jan 18, 2013 | 141 comments
4. Twice (aubrey.me)
257 points by danielpal on Jan 18, 2013 | 58 comments
5. Your Mac Keeps A Log Of Your Downloads (macgasm.net)
243 points by fcukdigg on Jan 18, 2013 | 86 comments
6. A cry for help (heroku.com)
253 points by alpb on Jan 18, 2013 | 86 comments
7. Nokia releases 3D printing files for Lumia phone cases (slashgear.com)
226 points by kenjackson on Jan 18, 2013 | 35 comments
8. ML researcher replies to request to review paper for closed journal (plus.google.com)
209 points by robrenaud on Jan 18, 2013 | 25 comments
9. The Simple Math Behind Early Retirement (mrmoneymustache.com)
196 points by jrheard on Jan 18, 2013 | 237 comments
10. Oculus Rift Will Change Your Gaming World (tomshardware.com)
190 points by mtgx on Jan 18, 2013 | 90 comments
11. Mathematicians aim to take publishers out of publishing (nature.com)
194 points by ananyob on Jan 18, 2013 | 43 comments
12. Naked-Image Scanners to Be Removed From U.S. Airports (bloomberg.com)
180 points by ssclafani on Jan 18, 2013 | 122 comments
13. 'I Have a Dream' Posted in Defiance of Copyright for Internet Freedom Day (mashable.com)
175 points by zoowar on Jan 18, 2013 | 45 comments
14. Y Combinator cofounder was convicted under CFAA in 1990 (wikipedia.org)
171 points by twoodfin on Jan 18, 2013 | 71 comments
15. Go: a nice language with an annoying personality (corte.si)
151 points by alexdong on Jan 18, 2013 | 97 comments
16. Tizen - new Android competitor (tizen.org)
143 points by mkgobaco on Jan 18, 2013 | 120 comments
17. How Computer-Hacking Laws Make You a Criminal (livescience.com)
135 points by ck2 on Jan 18, 2013 | 42 comments
18. The "Clockwise/Spiral Rule" in C (c-faq.com)
132 points by llambda on Jan 18, 2013 | 45 comments
19. Vipassana: 10 days of solitude and insights gained from it (curiousjuice.com)
131 points by ca98am79 on Jan 18, 2013 | 90 comments
20. Elon Musk offers to help get the grounded Boeing 787 Dreamliner back in the air (thenextweb.com)
127 points by Reltair on Jan 18, 2013 | 96 comments
21. Google Declares War on the Password (wired.com)
115 points by tonfa on Jan 18, 2013 | 107 comments
22. Website Sells Fake Facebook Girlfriends (yahoo.com)
113 points by ytNumbers on Jan 18, 2013 | 129 comments
23. Genetic evidence suggests that, four millennia ago, Indians landed in Australia (economist.com)
104 points by benpbenp on Jan 18, 2013 | 39 comments
24. The Bully (cykod.com)
104 points by cykod on Jan 18, 2013 | 27 comments
25. HBO comedy “Silicon Valley” – pilot script leaked (qz.com)
106 points by mneedham on Jan 18, 2013 | 72 comments
26. Wireframing Tools Suck (colmtuite.com)
104 points by colmtuite on Jan 18, 2013 | 68 comments
27. Psy Curve (wolframalpha.com)
100 points by jellyksong on Jan 18, 2013 | 15 comments
28. A Minecraft-like Block Based Game Engine Using Three.js, WebGL and Node (badassjs.com)
98 points by mariuz on Jan 18, 2013 | 42 comments
29. A lawyer's analysis of Bilbo's contract in The Hobbit (wired.com)
94 points by ValentineC on Jan 18, 2013 | 21 comments
30. When Haskell is Faster than C (paulspontifications.blogspot.com)
93 points by metajack on Jan 18, 2013 | 115 comments

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