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Stories from February 25, 2024
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1. Show HN: Reverse-Engineering a Switch Lite with 1,917 wires (usoldering.com)
513 points by uSoldering 6 months ago | 114 comments
2. Coroutines in C (2000) (greenend.org.uk)
307 points by ColinWright 6 months ago | 93 comments
3. Osquery: An sqlite3 virtual table exposing operating system data to SQL (osquery.io)
300 points by signa11 6 months ago | 99 comments
4. Show HN: Nekoweb – a retro static web hosting (nekoweb.org)
353 points by dimden 6 months ago | 117 comments
5. Efficient recovery and recycling of cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries (acs.org)
187 points by Jimmc414 6 months ago | 85 comments
6. GenAI and erroneous medical references (stanford.edu)
180 points by hhs 7 months ago | 150 comments
7. Architecture.md (2021) (matklad.github.io)
313 points by mooreds 7 months ago | 53 comments
8. Mamba Explained: The State Space Model Taking On Transformers (kolaayonrinde.com)
270 points by koayon 6 months ago | 93 comments
9. Console.delight (frontendmasters.com)
224 points by ZachSaucier 6 months ago | 31 comments
10. Pleasures by Aldous Huxley (1920) (hackneybooks.co.uk)
209 points by waihtis 6 months ago | 116 comments
11. Ship faster by building design systems slower (2023) (bigmedium.com)
134 points by ohjeez 6 months ago | 65 comments
12. A Distributed File System in Go Cut Average Metadata Memory Usage to 100 Bytes (juicefs.com)
140 points by LittleCat38 7 months ago | 66 comments
13. Write Dumb Code (2018) (matthewrocklin.com)
113 points by dvcoolarun 6 months ago | 76 comments
14. Amazon blocks long-running FireTV capability, Breaking apps with no warning (aftvnews.com)
196 points by thunderbong 7 months ago | 162 comments
15. Hallucination is inevitable: An innate limitation of large language models (arxiv.org)
308 points by louthy 6 months ago | 474 comments
16. Marginalia: 3 Years (marginalia.nu)
274 points by latexr 6 months ago | 44 comments
17. The Top of the DNS Hierarchy (computer.rip)
178 points by mrzool 6 months ago | 61 comments
18. Vega-Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python (altair-viz.github.io)
142 points by tosh 6 months ago | 42 comments
19. Every model learned by gradient descent is approximately a kernel machine (2020) (arxiv.org)
176 points by Anon84 7 months ago | 136 comments
20. How Does Bluesky Work? (steveklabnik.com)
248 points by steveklabnik 7 months ago | 91 comments
21. David Hahn, the 'radioactive boy scout' who tried to build a nuclear reactor (2022) (allthatsinteresting.com)
116 points by geox 7 months ago | 61 comments
22. Tacit programming (wikipedia.org)
134 points by tosh 7 months ago | 92 comments
23. Drawing and illustrating in the pre-digital time (2019) (daube.ch)
68 points by cardamomo 6 months ago | 19 comments
24. The complete history of Gondar: Africa's city of castles (1636-1900) (africanhistoryextra.com)
83 points by prmph 7 months ago | 5 comments
25. Abusing Conda's Turing-Complete YAML Comments (astrid.tech)
79 points by bo0tzz 7 months ago | 26 comments
26. You almost never see a clock at the mall (thehustle.co)
193 points by brycehalley 6 months ago | 178 comments
27. Building a Fly.io-like scheduler with resource requirements (aspiring.dev)
132 points by dangoodmanUT 6 months ago | 18 comments
28. Miracle of Wörgl (alexstonethinkingstrings.com)
114 points by yamrzou 7 months ago | 59 comments
29. Selfish reasons to want more humans (rootsofprogress.org)
205 points by pr337h4m 6 months ago | 459 comments
30. Neat Parallel Output in Python (bernsteinbear.com)
131 points by surprisetalk 7 months ago | 46 comments

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