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Stories from August 21, 2024
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1. I've built my first successful side project, and I hate it (switowski.com)
1492 points by switowski 33 days ago | 419 comments
2. How to build a 50k ton forging press (construction-physics.com)
451 points by chmaynard 32 days ago | 188 comments
3. Zen, a Arc-like open-source browser based on the Firefox engine (zen-browser.app)
828 points by femou 33 days ago | 409 comments
4. Nasir Ahmed's digital-compression breakthrough helped make JPEGs/MPEGs possible (ieee.org)
238 points by Brajeshwar 33 days ago | 60 comments
5. Calling All Hackers (phrack.org)
674 points by picture 33 days ago | 253 comments
6. Show HN: Handwriter.ttf – Handwriting Synthesis with Harfbuzz WASM (github.com/hsfzxjy)
191 points by hsfzxjy 33 days ago | 53 comments
7. The semantic web is now widely adopted (csvbase.com)
455 points by todsacerdoti 33 days ago | 259 comments
8. Midjourney web experience is now open to everyone (midjourney.com)
342 points by meetpateltech 32 days ago | 174 comments
9. On finishing projects (alexreichert.com)
228 points by reichertjalex 34 days ago | 100 comments
10. Do low-level optimizations matter? Faster quicksort with cmov (2020) (cantrip.org)
174 points by fanf2 32 days ago | 75 comments
11. Euclid's Proof that √2 is Irrational (mathsisfun.com)
172 points by thunderbong 32 days ago | 93 comments
12. Plasmo – A framework for building modern Chrome extensions (github.com/plasmohq)
202 points by akiselev 33 days ago | 33 comments
13. US hospital told family their daughter had checked out when in fact she'd died (theguardian.com)
405 points by howard941 32 days ago | 220 comments
14. Rye and Uv: August Is Harvest Season for Python Packaging (pocoo.org)
254 points by keybits 32 days ago | 142 comments
15. Australian government approves AAPowerLink project to export solar to Singapore (pv-tech.org)
168 points by wmstack 33 days ago | 286 comments
16. Revisiting the Classics: Jensen's Inequality (2023) (francisbach.com)
89 points by cpp_frog 32 days ago | 8 comments
17. Self-Supervised Learning for Videos (lightly.ai)
91 points by sauravmaheshkar 32 days ago | 8 comments
18. Launch HN: Outerport (YC S24) – Instant hot-swapping for AI model weights
93 points by tovacinni 32 days ago | 24 comments
19. ShadPS4 – PlayStation 4 emulator (github.com/shadps4-emu)
364 points by RafelMri 33 days ago | 163 comments
20. On Being a Senior Engineer (2012) (kitchensoap.com)
155 points by rspivak 35 days ago | 111 comments
21. Show HN: Wd-40, a static webserver with automatic hot-reloads (github.com/baalimago)
108 points by baalimago 35 days ago | 84 comments
22. Electrostatic motors reach the macro scale (ieee.org)
128 points by namanyayg 32 days ago | 64 comments
23. The Discovery of the Celendrical Date Line (uu.nl)
62 points by thunderbong 33 days ago | 33 comments
24. The weird of function-local types in Rust (elastio.github.io)
116 points by lukastyrychtr 37 days ago | 28 comments
25. Show HN: A simple and powerful RSS reader for the web (feedbomb.app)
68 points by georg-stone 33 days ago | 21 comments
26. Juice rerouted to Venus in first lunar-Earth flyby (esa.int)
101 points by janpot 33 days ago | 44 comments
27. David Mackenzie – A Personal History with Linux and BSD Unix [video] (youtube.com)
79 points by bhasi 37 days ago | 7 comments
28. Better Living Through Algorithms (2023) (clarkesworldmagazine.com)
176 points by RafelMri 38 days ago | 34 comments
29. The 1 Hour per Year Bug, but only in Pacific time (tomeraberba.ch)
76 points by tomeraberbach 37 days ago | 61 comments
30. US judge throws out FTC's ban on non-compete agreements (ft.com)
320 points by throwaway2037 33 days ago | 384 comments

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