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Stories from July 30, 2007
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1. What ideas have you implemented that have failed, and why?
20 points by nostrademons on July 30, 2007 | 18 comments
2. Deploying on EC2 + S3
17 points by palish on July 30, 2007 | 27 comments
3. Courage to Change Direction, Letters to Graduating YC Companies, Letter 1 (xobni.com)
13 points by drm237 on July 30, 2007
4. What will come after web apps and social sites?
13 points by daniel-cussen on July 30, 2007 | 39 comments
5. How Top Bloggers Earn Money (businessweek.com)
11 points by garbowza on July 30, 2007 | 1 comment
6. Coding Horror: The Coming Software Patent Apocalypse (codinghorror.com)
10 points by nickb on July 30, 2007
7. Three years with Ruby on Rails (loudthinking.com)
9 points by dawie on July 30, 2007
8. Arrington: "As best we can tell" twitter raised 5 on 20 valuation (techcrunch.com)
8 points by brlewis on July 30, 2007
9. I Can Has Cheezburger - Bloggers Bring in the Big Bucks (businessweek.com)
9 points by jamiequint on July 30, 2007
10. Google's "doubly lucky" predictive mobile search plans (moconews.net)
5 points by jsjenkins168 on July 30, 2007
11. GIMP's major UI revamp (unified window UI) (venturecake.com)
5 points by nickb on July 30, 2007 | 3 comments
12. Idea for a new web app (lkozma.net)
6 points by lkozma on July 30, 2007 | 3 comments
13. 7 Tips for viral marketing (baekdal.com)
6 points by rchambers on July 30, 2007 | 2 comments
14. Making the Most of Online Matchmaking for Small Firms (wsj.com)
6 points by joshua8883 on July 30, 2007
15. I hate/luv my job social network
6 points by rokhayakebe on July 30, 2007 | 13 comments
16. Microsoft's Gates Plans Leave Amid Great Change (nytimes.com)
5 points by farmer on July 30, 2007
17. Hackers find serious problems in California voting machines (tgdaily.com)
4 points by andres on July 30, 2007 | 1 comment
18. Do's and Don'ts for Wooing Angel Investors (wsj.com)
5 points by donna on July 30, 2007
19. Startup what? (startupweekend.com)
5 points by drm237 on July 30, 2007
20. PG, if you could haved joined 3 Y Combinator start-ups from any session, which would they have been?
5 points by blored on July 30, 2007 | 8 comments
21. "The whole field (ed: IT) rewards novices and punishes experts." (groups.google.com)
5 points by nickb on July 30, 2007
22. Ten Questions with CmdrTaco: Slashdot, Digg and Conspiracy Theories (businessofsoftware.org)
5 points by fnord123 on July 30, 2007
23. Ask Steve #2 - Invest Your Time to Make Millions, Not Dollars (techquilashots.com)
4 points by nickb on July 30, 2007 | 1 comment
24. Are we at the start of the web 2.0 bubble?
4 points by maheshrs on July 30, 2007 | 8 comments
25. The 10 Commandments of Supporting Your Family (tracksuitceo.wordpress.com)
4 points by eastsidegringo on July 30, 2007 | 2 comments
26. Reid Hoffman invests in Care.com (gigaom.com)
3 points by terpua on July 30, 2007
27. Are Small Custom Website Application Development Businesses Viable Anymore? - David Hayden [MVP C#] (codebetter.com)
3 points by horatio05 on July 30, 2007
28. Schmoozing builds the networks that keep Silicon Valley humming (insidebayarea.com)
3 points by drm237 on July 30, 2007
29. 10 Lessons In Leadership From Don Corleone (smallbusinesshub.com)
2 points by kevinsiefers on July 30, 2007
30. Seven Highly Effective Ways to Kill Innovation (cio.com)
2 points by rchambers on July 30, 2007

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