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Stories from February 9, 2016
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1. Parker Conrad Steps Down as Zenefits CEO (buzzfeed.com)
581 points by philip1209 on Feb 9, 2016 | 232 comments
2. Show HN: I've been writing daily TILs for a year (github.com/jbranchaud)
819 points by jbranchaud on Feb 9, 2016 | 150 comments
3. Yelp Posts Q4 Loss, CFO Resigns (nasdaq.com)
438 points by praneshp on Feb 9, 2016 | 145 comments
4. Gmail Will Warn If Message Is Not Authenticated/Encrypted (gmailblog.blogspot.com)
450 points by AdmiralAsshat on Feb 9, 2016 | 209 comments
5. Olbers’ Paradox: Why Is the Sky Dark at Night? (2000) (amnh.org)
264 points by fauria on Feb 9, 2016 | 143 comments
6. Why Stack Overflow Doesn’t Care About Ad Blockers (stackoverflow.com)
395 points by smacktoward on Feb 9, 2016 | 165 comments
7. Hacker Publishes Personal Info of 20,000 FBI Agents (vice.com)
356 points by molecule on Feb 9, 2016 | 171 comments
8. Diff So Fancy: make Git diffs look good (github.com/stevemao)
270 points by aram on Feb 8, 2016 | 107 comments
9. We're ditching the office completely (buffer.com)
337 points by open-source-ux on Feb 9, 2016 | 255 comments
10. GNU Social, a FLOSS alternative to Twitter (gnu.io)
373 points by striking on Feb 9, 2016 | 252 comments
11. Amazon Lumberyard: free AAA game engine with Oculus and AWS integration (amazon.com)
441 points by dshankar on Feb 9, 2016 | 177 comments
12. Nginx 1.9.11 with Dynamic Modules (nginx.org)
201 points by Nekit1234007 on Feb 9, 2016 | 59 comments
13. Parse 2.0 (medium.com/newfosco)
217 points by gfosco on Feb 8, 2016 | 48 comments
14. Is Redlock Safe? Reply to Redlock Analysis (antirez.com)
181 points by antirez on Feb 9, 2016 | 135 comments
15. Will Bond (Package Control) Joins Sublime HQ (sublimetext.com)
304 points by dmart on Feb 9, 2016 | 88 comments
16. How Wired Is Going to Handle Ad Blocking (wired.com)
249 points by rschroed on Feb 8, 2016 | 376 comments
17. Feynman’s proof of the Maxwell equations (fermatslibrary.com)
115 points by luisb on Feb 9, 2016 | 29 comments
18. GPS error caused '12 hours of problems' for companies (bbc.com)
96 points by majke on Feb 9, 2016 | 38 comments
19. Jepsen: RethinkDB 2.2.3 reconfiguration (aphyr.com)
167 points by emidln on Feb 9, 2016 | 13 comments
20. Show HN: The Deadlock Empire – Slay dragons, master concurrency (deadlockempire.github.io)
269 points by prvak on Feb 9, 2016 | 30 comments
21. Ben “bushing” Byer has passed away (fail0verflow.com)
118 points by axoltl on Feb 9, 2016 | 22 comments
22. Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer (ucla.edu)
130 points by dstein64 on Feb 9, 2016 | 27 comments
23. A lambda is not necessarily a closure (wingolog.org)
94 points by davexunit on Feb 8, 2016 | 60 comments
24. Erlang Scheduler Details and Why They Matter (hamidreza-s.github.io)
188 points by hamidreza-s on Feb 9, 2016 | 30 comments
25. LinkedIn dark patterns, or why your friends keep spamming you to sign up for it (medium.com/danrschlosser)
211 points by wfunction on Feb 9, 2016 | 69 comments
26. The Key to Higher Quality is Higher Quantity (medium.com/the-business-of-living)
99 points by 0x54MUR41 on Feb 8, 2016 | 56 comments
27. Why don’t identical twins have identical fingerprints? (epfl.ch)
77 points by fgeorgy on Feb 9, 2016 | 33 comments
28. How Do Genetic Algorithms Work? [video] (youtube.com)
75 points by henning on Feb 9, 2016 | 13 comments
29. The Reality of Missing Out (stratechery.com)
147 points by rememberlenny on Feb 9, 2016 | 46 comments
30. Funding Django is not an act of charity, it's an investment (djangoproject.com)
352 points by intellectronica on Feb 9, 2016 | 119 comments

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