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Stories from December 17, 2016
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1. How is NSA breaking so much crypto? (2015) (freedom-to-tinker.com)
586 points by ColanR on Dec 17, 2016 | 257 comments
2. Finland will hand out cash to 2000 jobless people to test universal basic income (nytimes.com)
610 points by salmonet on Dec 17, 2016 | 394 comments
3. SQL Server on Linux public preview (microsoft.com)
247 points by olalonde on Dec 17, 2016 | 159 comments
4. Galileo navigation satellite system goes live (dw.com)
411 points by vezycash on Dec 17, 2016 | 160 comments
5. Shopify has paid over $300k in security exploit bounties (hackerone.com)
251 points by mrusschen on Dec 17, 2016 | 78 comments
6. Haiku booting in UEFI mode (haiku-os.org)
226 points by return_0e on Dec 17, 2016 | 94 comments
7. Germany's New Crowdfunded Train (citylab.com)
233 points by misnamed on Dec 17, 2016 | 155 comments
8. No Proton Decay Means Grand Unification Must Wait (quantamagazine.org)
148 points by aburan28 on Dec 17, 2016 | 53 comments
9. Intel X86 Encoder Decoder (intelxed.github.io)
146 points by luu on Dec 17, 2016 | 40 comments
10. Stroustrup's Rule and Layering Over Time in Rust (thefeedbackloop.xyz)
226 points by qznc on Dec 16, 2016 | 73 comments
11. Hans Rosling doesn’t consider himself an optimist or pessimist but ‘possibilist’ (nature.com)
164 points by devnonymous on Dec 17, 2016 | 44 comments
12. Management theory is becoming a compendium of dead ideas (economist.com)
254 points by fraqed on Dec 17, 2016 | 156 comments
13. Qualcomm Demos 48-Core Centriq 2400 Server SoC in Action, Begins Sampling (anandtech.com)
119 points by SoapSeller on Dec 17, 2016 | 36 comments
14. Uber's predatory pricing is undermining public transit and density (humantransit.org)
217 points by erispoe on Dec 16, 2016 | 229 comments
15. Ask YC: Any Updates on the Basic Income Project?
266 points by JohnnySpaghetti on Dec 17, 2016 | 108 comments
16. Amazon drivers pushed to the limit as holiday deliveries reach a frenzy (latimes.com)
132 points by mbgaxyz on Dec 17, 2016 | 89 comments
17. Chinese smiths forge a large flange on the street [video] (youtube.com)
200 points by shawndumas on Dec 17, 2016 | 82 comments
18. Natural Language Corpus Data: Beautiful Data (norvig.com)
110 points by espeed on Dec 16, 2016 | 13 comments
19. American Firms Want to Keep Older Workers a Bit Longer (bloomberg.com)
87 points by petethomas on Dec 16, 2016 | 93 comments
20. Tsunami warning issued after magnitude 7.9 quake hits east of Papua New Guinea (reuters.com)
71 points by tchalla on Dec 17, 2016 | 20 comments
21. Sxc – An s-expression based language source transpiler for C (github.com/burtonsamograd)
101 points by kruhft on Dec 17, 2016 | 34 comments
22. ARM extends HPC offering with acquisition of Allinea Software (arm.com)
70 points by drydot on Dec 17, 2016 | 19 comments
23. Llvmcpy – Python bindings for LLVM auto-generated from the LLVM-C API (rev.ng)
60 points by aleclm on Dec 17, 2016 | 16 comments
24. What Hardware startups can learn from Pebble (bolt.io)
93 points by kNawade on Dec 17, 2016 | 46 comments
25. Why don't more physicists subscribe to pilot wave theory? (quora.com)
119 points by rfreytag on Dec 17, 2016 | 112 comments
26. Notation as a Tool of Thought (1979) (jsoftware.com)
106 points by ehudla on Dec 17, 2016 | 25 comments
27. Bitcoin Is Being Monitored by an Increasingly Wary U.S. Government (newsweek.com)
109 points by em3rgent0rdr on Dec 17, 2016 | 62 comments
28. Traditional JavaScript benchmarks (benediktmeurer.de)
85 points by ojno on Dec 17, 2016 | 35 comments
29. You Had Them at ‘Jerry Maguire’: This Art Exhibit Stocks Just One Movie (nytimes.com)
59 points by prismatic on Dec 16, 2016 | 10 comments
30. Venezuela Follows India’s Example and Voids Half of Its Cash (wsj.com)
133 points by ryan_j_naughton on Dec 17, 2016 | 152 comments

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