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Stories from June 24, 2023
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1. The rule says, “No vehicles in the park” (novehiclesinthepark.com)
1572 points by luu on June 23, 2023 | 1186 comments
2. Try: run a command and inspect its effects before changing your live system (github.com/binpash)
1096 points by espressoRunner on June 24, 2023 | 182 comments
3. Many in the AI field think the bigger-is-better approach is running out of road (economist.com)
234 points by pseudolus on June 24, 2023 | 342 comments
4. Building a new ZX Spectrum from all new parts (lostretrotapes.com)
198 points by mariuz on June 24, 2023 | 29 comments
5. Every Mastodon user has an RSS feed (rssboard.org)
253 points by mrzool on June 24, 2023 | 103 comments
6. An open source web-based flashcard studying system (github.com/hwgilbert16)
171 points by hwgilbert16 on June 24, 2023 | 99 comments
7. Common bugs in writing (2021) (columbia.edu)
202 points by pablode on June 24, 2023 | 96 comments
8. Intel Releases x86-SIMD-sort 2.0 With Faster AVX-512 Sorting, New Algorithms (phoronix.com)
120 points by ashvardanian on June 23, 2023 | 56 comments
9. Culture eats policy (niskanencenter.org)
183 points by Symmetry on June 23, 2023 | 61 comments
10. Make your programs run faster by better using the data cache (2020) (johnnysswlab.com)
143 points by eatonphil on June 23, 2023 | 59 comments
11. Maker's schedule, Manager's schedule (2009) (paulgraham.com)
197 points by mad2021 on June 24, 2023 | 74 comments
12. Finally getting two's complement (neugierig.org)
201 points by thepbone on June 23, 2023 | 91 comments
13. Semantic MediaWiki (semantic-mediawiki.org)
85 points by Tomte on June 24, 2023 | 36 comments
14. Mineverse (evanw.github.io)
116 points by memalign on June 24, 2023 | 30 comments
15. Millions of GitHub repos likely vulnerable to RepoJacking, researchers say (bleepingcomputer.com)
134 points by pyeri on June 23, 2023 | 50 comments
16. Simple Statistics: Statistical methods in JavaScript for browsers and servers (simple-statistics.github.io)
91 points by favourable on June 24, 2023 | 7 comments
17. 64-Bit RISC-V with Apache NuttX Real-Time Operating System (codeberg.page)
85 points by lupyuen on June 23, 2023 | 25 comments
18. Show HN: Writedown - Open Source Markdown Diary (writedown.app)
99 points by NayamAmarshe on June 24, 2023 | 39 comments
19. Atari VCS Myst “Demake” (deater.net)
116 points by ecliptik on June 23, 2023 | 37 comments
20. RunInSandbox: Run/extract files in Windows Sandbox with a right-click (systanddeploy.com)
92 points by akyuu on June 24, 2023 | 16 comments
21. Why thousands of board games are buried beneath Mankato (startribune.com)
114 points by PaulHoule on June 24, 2023 | 34 comments
22. A large crash spike affecting Firefox users on Linux (fosstodon.org)
219 points by sohkamyung on June 24, 2023 | 88 comments
23. Australian Government Style Manual (stylemanual.gov.au)
113 points by _kb on June 24, 2023 | 45 comments
24. Why doesn't TypeScript properly type Object.keys? (alexharri.com)
235 points by alexharri on June 24, 2023 | 154 comments
25. US vendor accused of violating GDPR by reputation-scoring EU citizens (theregister.com)
204 points by LinuxBender on June 24, 2023 | 173 comments
26. The free soloist who fell to earth (outsideonline.com)
170 points by gmays on June 24, 2023 | 165 comments
27. Anti-mimetic tactics for living a counter-cultural life (2021) (epsilontheory.com)
87 points by Brajeshwar on June 23, 2023 | 58 comments
28. Tell HN: Interview take home assessments without feedback are frustrating
338 points by shakes_mcjunkie on June 23, 2023 | 479 comments
29. PDF Subpage Navigation (nibblestew.blogspot.com)
68 points by ingve on June 24, 2023 | 22 comments
30. Mailpit – An email and SMTP testing tool with API (github.com/axllent)
119 points by qa-guy on June 23, 2023 | 24 comments

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