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> We have repositories for the PHP backend, our database schemas, our iOS (Swift/Obj-C) and Android (Java/Kotlin) mobile apps, infrastructure projects written in Go, C/C++, Lua, Ruby, Perl, and many other projects written in Scala, Node.js, Python, and more

Why do organizations allow this? I realize that some platforms require their own languages (iOS, Android), but outside of that, just pick one or two and hold the line.

It depends on what those "wizards" do. If it's just making some formula in spreadsheet work, it's not too awesome. If it's stopping time[1], that might be more "magical".

[1] https://hackaday.com/2017/11/09/stop-motion-with-the-time-gl...

I still think emphasis on a word or syllable is important here as there is far more information than you realize being conveyed with inflection.


I am going to eat the ham sandwich = Me, no one else

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = Nothing can stop me

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = On my way; got distracted

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = In case you doubt my intent

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = I will not be juggling it

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = The ultimate ham sandwich will be mine

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = Not turkey, not roast beef

I am going to eat the ham sandwich = Between two slices of bread is what I do

All scripts should be run with "-eu". This prevents unbound variables from ever being used and will end the script on a failed command. If you want commands in the script to fail, just drop the "e" and run with "-u". At my last job we put "-eu" in literally all of our scripts to avoid this very problem.

Few things consistently blow my mind as insane graphics demos

https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4dfGzS (or basically anything on that site)

How is that 400 lines of code.

Or this one which even generates the sound on the GPU


With the wide adoption of WebGL, it's a good time to get involved in graphics. Furthermore, GPUs are taking over esp. with the advent of machine learning (nvidia stock grew ~3x, amd ~5x last year). The stuff nvidia has been recently doing is kinda crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if in 15 years, instead of AWS, we are using geforce cloud or smth, just because nvidia will have an easier time building a cloud offering than amazon will have building a gpu.

These are some good resources to get started with graphics/games

# WebGL Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL


Historically, C++ has definitely been THE language for doing graphics but if you are starting these these, you would have to have really compelling reasons to start with C++ and not JavaScript and WebGL. And that's coming from someone who actually likes C++ and used to write it professionally.

# Book of Shaders


# Game Programming Patterns



HN's own @munificent wrote a book discussing the most important design patterns in game design. Good book applicable beyond games.

# Game engine architecture


# Computer graphics: Principles and Practice


This is more of college textbook if you'd prefer that but the WebGL one is more accessible and less dry.

# Physically Based Rendering & Real-Time Rendering

These discuss some state of the art techniques in computer graphics. I'm not going to claim to have really read them but from what I've seen they are very solid.



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