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As graphic designer I'm able to work on 106-120 PPI displays. Anything higher means upscaling which is problematic for UI design, especially on web.

We can't hold back the world because of some lazy UI Devs, I can't believe we still facing scaling issues in 2024!

My solution, under Linux, I get laptop screens with 2X scaling, i.e. 2.8K and 3.2K for larger laptops.

If someone is in panic about AI in art industry, it's because his skills are not good enough. AI is tool that makes job done faster, but you still need idea and know-how, how to use it properly and usefully for specific tasks.

Film industry should focus on quality instead of quantity.

Only way to watch YT by kids is FreeTube.io with blocked ads, skipping sponsored content, disabled autoplay and disabled recommendations.

Or browser with uBlock Origin and plugin Unhook, that lets you block recommendations, shorts, trends, autoplay, etc.

Please, don't be funky with UI. Make it simple, without emboss design.

I literally spent more time looking at the UI than playing with the tool itself, I really love this skeuomorphism!

If you remove the dark-gray border from the buttons it's even better!

For something you depend on and use a lot, I agree. For what this is, the creative UI is arguably the best part.

There are two categories of technology. Those which get job done faster and those which get job done easier. Most of nowadays technology belongs to first category.

Next or next next generation would be used to it. Digital content would be consumed differently, with automatical scepticism or so...

Remember when people believed that camera took our soul when we are caotured on image?

We should adopt and use to it. There will be more and more fake AI created content every day so we should be confrontend with it to learn how to react to it.

Regulating prolong adoption and take resources.

You forgot Star Citizen. "Unlimited" budget but nothing special.

It's lucrative business for China, where 95% of photovoltaic panels are made. Unfortunately funded by our (EU) taxes.

Or jus buy a DRM free games on GoG and let them install/play to any family member as you wish.

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